I bought DA 5.1 PRO Series III home theatre system


New member
Username: Prince_v

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-04
i bought DA 5.1 PRO Series III home theatre system, please tell me what kind of receiver i need for my speakers to work properly.
thanks for your help.

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 721
Registered: Dec-03
any home theater in a box should be able to make it work. Didn't you ask the guys in the vehicle who sold it to you? Or is that from ebay?

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Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 1302
Registered: Dec-03
I'll ask you the same question? What did the guys in the vehicle tell you they are worth? $1200???

Try $50.00

Unregistered guest
I bought the DA 5.1 pro series (from some guy in a vehicle) and I'm not sure how to hook up my sub. I've lost the instructions? Any clue???

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Username: Romanguru

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-04
I have a DVD and a DLP TV. I am unable to connect ...pls help. I do have the Red, blue and green high definition cables.

Bronze Member
Username: Hokievt

Post Number: 65
Registered: Aug-04
Don't they come with instructions?

Unregistered guest
i bought 2 of them and they sound GREAT!!!! if you hook them up right! if hooked them up wrong the first time and thought i was scammed but, NOPE! it was my fault..

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 2525
Registered: Dec-03
How do you hook them up wrong????

Justin 12357
Unregistered guest
I bought a DA 5.1 Pro Series from a guy in a car.He showed me an invoice in a magazine of it and i paid $675 dollars. I cant find a reciver for it no were. so i think i've been scammed.I cant even find a pic of it on the net. Im very pissed about it.

Bronze Member
Username: Gavincumm

Post Number: 93
Registered: Feb-05
Im with you Benry...

I am getting sick of these posts!!!!!!


This is a worthless box of bullsh*t, it was a straight gimmic. I'll see them people in a dat van again tho, it won't be nice!

I'm a speakerman
Unregistered guest
Hi, i'm a speakerman doing things the right way. Check out www.burckhards.com

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Username: Bigdude

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-05
I have had the 5.1 Pro Series hooked up in my home for over a year. I had a professional installer do it. They sound great and are worth every penny. I am not sure why people keep complaining. Have it professionally hooked up and enjoy your investment. Don't believe the hype that they aren't any good.

Unregistered guest
i can figure how to hook up the speakers all five of them. but i cant figure how to make the sub work. Please tell me and if you have instructions please send them to me. My email is ren92005@hotmaail.com thanks

You should consider Free Dishnetwork.
or Free Directtv.

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 3776
Registered: Dec-03
Why don't you get your spam out of here!

why nobody commenting on how to connect it. do we need to buy any thing else for it.

(feel like a) Victim

New member
Username: Benipal

Toronto, On Canada

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-06
I also have DA 5.1 pro-series III speaker system. Thats 800 watts , so what kind of receiver i need for connecting .

Unregistered guest
Ok boys and girls INSTALL DIRECTIONS on ALL surround sound in a box
THE two fronts hook up to the reciver and the center chanel hooks up to the recever and the rear's hook up to the back of the sub......u have 4 hook ups on the back of the sub...again the the rears hook up to the top two plug ins and the fronts hooh up to the stero ....... enjoy

I have the system, It was given to me and the conenction works like this.
Your center front speaker is connected just as you would any other 5.1 system
Your front Left and right outputs are connected to the Left and Right inputs on the back of your Sub unit.
I cant find the manufacturer of this system but I can tell you that after testing the system FREQ Response,SNR (Siginal to Noise Ratio)and over all sound quality performance, I can tell you that you should not be dissappointed after you connect and Place them properly, This would include using the hangers that were provided with the system.
The person that gave them to me thought that thsy too were scammed, Now they want them back.
PS:If you already have a system connected, Or if you are replacing your old system,Leave your old Sub woofer connected in another location for an added boost,It works Great.
Your left and right Front Speakers are connected to the Left and Right outputs on the back of your Sub Speaker.
Your Left and Right rear Speakers are connected to the Left and Right rear outputs on the back of your digital reciever.
Enjoy the sound, I know that I do,and mine were free.Also if you are replacing an exsisting system,you can leave the old Sub woofer connected to you reciever hence your new speaker will not requier the Sub Woofer out put.
This will add to your 50Hz to 1300 Hz performance.

New member
Username: Permenter2004

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-06
What reciever is it that we need for the DA 5.1 Pro series III.

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 6714
Registered: Dec-03
Any receiver will work. It is not very picky.
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