| On this forum there is a resurgence of NAD "bug" reports. I have read them all with interest, and thank the many posters. Sensible people are obviously being put off NAD. So, as an NAD advocate, I thought I should restate my view, and expand it a bit. Here goes. Anecdote. I apologise to some here for repeating myself. I have an NAD T760 receiver (5.1; DD & DTS; 5 x 60 W). It is three years old. It has quite exceptional, and wonderful, sound quality. It also has all the features I need. It was a bargain. Also, and the point of this thread, I am fairly confident it will run indefinitely. Yes, "indefinitely". Radical Proposition. We should expect audio components to last as long as we wish to go on using them. Amps and receivers, in particular, are solid-state devices with almost no moving parts. Why should they break down? Useful Lifespan. My average usage life has been about ten years for amps; there is no average for tuners and turntables because I still have, and use, models purchased in 1979. Even my replacement of amps was not prompted by inherent problems or even obsolescence. I would certainly still be using my twenty-four year old stereo integrated amp (Armstrong; 2 x 40W) if it had not blown an internal component whilst driving power-hungry speakers, loud, eleven years ago - and then been entrusted to an incompetent third-party servicer who made the problem worse. I can remember exactly the music I was listening to when that amp died. I tried an exclusive "audiophile" integrated amp (called an Ion Obelisk), it sounded nice and clear but clipped at realistic volumes (the salesman did not understand the word "clipping"; I will come back to dealers). My decision to "upgrade" to Sony at that time was an unwise attempt at loss-limitation. It was based on local availability and the lowest price per Watt, a bad criterion, and I really should have known better. My change to the NAD receiver was primarily intended to obtain 5.1, but, to my surprise, it also gave much better sound quality in stereo, also more power, even though it looked like a retrograde step on paper (100W->60W for each stereo channel). The NAD receiver has also finally displaced the Armstrong FM radio tuner (still works fine; same and age and sister to the amp). I never thought, years ago, I would one day choose an integrated receiver. What if? If I were in the market for an AV receiver now, I would consider an NAD first, and have no qualms about quality. I would even buy blind, confidently, on the basis of previous experience and what I read here. But I am not in the market for a receiver, and do not expect to be. I do not foresee my current model becoming obsolete, and it shows no evidence of obsolescence by design. NAD Pros. Outstandingly high sound quality; reliable; inherently serviceable design; built to last; exceptional value; good after-sales support (but this clearly depends on your location); simplicity in use; will happily drive low impedance speaker (important for some). NAD Cons. At present, the digital signal processing probably confers more sensitivity than most to induced hum from bad domestic supplies and unshielded electrical appliances. This problem is the DSP, not the analogue stages, because these units are rock-solid in analogue stereo. I wonder how many people reporting surround bugs live very near HT power lines. If you have electricity pylons outside your window, live next door to a launderette, or have Stone Age domestic power, then consider auditioning any current NAD receiver before purchase - at home. If someone already owns a receiver and experiences problems with hum in surround modes, consider my kitchen cure, which may also work for other makes. NAD Neuroses. The play-delay on switching digital sources is not a real problem, nor unique to NAD; likewise pops or thumps on switching channels and surround modes. I suspect that some owners fear that these audible characteristics reflect low design or production quality. In fact they are the opposite. I, for one, am pleased I am not paying for trivial, cosmetic issues to be addressed at the expense of sound quality. Just wait for the disc to register ("insert" before "play"), and turn the volume down when you switch. Unless you want an excuse to buy new speakers, you will be wise to do that anyway, and on any model. NAD Prognoses. Thus far, NAD continues to make a virtue of simplicity and steers clear of the "fashion" component that artificially stimulates consumer demand. For me, and I think some others here, this is a desirable part of the brand image. The T7x3 is range is coming hard on the heels of the T7x2 but the changes are superficial, unless there is some specific feature you need. NAD is not the small independent it was when it started in the 1980s (my 1992 stereo pre-amp says "NAD Electronics, London, England"), but their original audio products are still great and in daily use by many people. The current Canadian holding company makes a big deal about retaining the core NAD values. If NAD retains its existing strategy and fails, it will be because value for money has become obsolete, or else because there are no longer competent retailers to provide demonstrations and service at reasonable cost. I think Armstrong went that way some time in the 1980s. Nothing wrong with the product; it was marketing economics, not electronics, that finished off that name. These guys have to adapt to consumer demand. Perhaps direct sale is the future. That is another issue. The Bottom Line. Having been actively interested in recorded music and sound since the mid-70s, I perhaps take a longer perspective on all this. My upgrade has revived my pleasure and interest in my CD and LP collections, and even just in music. And the whole family loves Home Theatre; VHS tapes are transformed, and our 5.1 DVD collection is already a sizeable investment. Our NAD T760, no longer sold, is all we will ever need for an AV unit. We all care about quality sound, and I am the family perfectionist. There is no new format on the horizon. If and when one comes, then I expect our 2000 model NAD 5.1 AV receiver will still be fine for playing 5.1 discs. Why not? My 1979 turntable was never bettered, and that has moving parts. If you will only ever be happy with the latest model, then you have different priorities, but sound quality is not your first concern. Also, please understand, I am quite sure comparable testimonials can be written for other models. I am not saying NAD is the only quality manufacturer of AV receivers. I am just saying it is one. These are my views. I have no competing interests. You pays your money. You takes your choice. |
Johnny | John A: Amen brother, that is all I have to say. I sincerely thank you for your unbiased and logical approach to the issue at hand. I, like you, have tried my best over the past week or so to stave off some of this negativity toward NAD. I mean seriously, if the governments of our two fine nations (I think you are from Britain, correct?) were to get as fired up as some these NAD bashers are, they could have put an end to world hunger, ended all world wars, and still had time left at the end of the day to get together and have a cup of tea. Obviously, this is a huge exaggeration, but you get my point. My feelings on this topic are this: NAD products, like any product, of any sort, will have its share of problems. If individual people have a specific problem with an NAD product, so be it. You have every right to be a little miffed about it and you should take every possible avenue to get the problems addressed, whether it be by asking for advice in a forum such as this, or taking it someplace to get repaired. However, just as John A. pointed out, there are many who would take their one, indiviual and isolated problem to mean that every NAD is inherently bad and should thus "be stayed away from". I think that this is a huge oversimplification and shows a certain amount of ignorance. Are we to assume that just because one type of airliner has a crash that all similar airliners are thus unsafe? I think not. I know I have no problem stepping on a 747, even though there have been a few that have crashed in the past. The same should be true of purchasing an NAD. Just because a few people have had problems, it in no way implies that all NAD's are bad. If all of this negativity is going to sway you not to buy an NAD, then so be it, it is your money and your perogative. Just don't deprive others on this forum of the pleasure of listening to one by making oversimplified and unfounded generalizations about the brand as a whole. |
| Johnny, Thanks. Really. I came back expecting flames, and instead find friendly words. I have read your positive posts, too; you summed it all up for Jackson with " I can hear things on it that I never heard before." Dead right. Even if they had bugs, I'd accept a few for that. But they don't. Jackson seemed like a level-headed and sceptical (another UK spelling!) guy and I could imagine myself writing what he did. He seems like just the sort who demands highest long-term value, and would be an NAD natural if he had not read all the anti stuff. I hope he posts back. Compliments warmly received, and returned. I have lots to say about economics and all that, but this is not the place. In the UK, Sony was in the news last week for being in deep trouble, partly for not getting the idea with flat screen TVs. I do not rejoice they will probably be laying off people making CRTs near my old home town. Sony were real innovators at one time. My Sony Walkman Professional (bought in 1989 I think) is the only analogue tape cassette player/recorder I need ever own. I don't think they do things like that any more, especially not in HT. Today I can't forgive Sony for SACD. That is another story, and I have banged on about that elsewhere. On Jackson's thread, you asked about speakers to go with a T762. I have a similar brand loyalty, not easily won, for KEF. It is the same sort of story, but not as clear-cut, since I have never heard bad things about KEF. I bought KEF "Corellis" in 1980, after working a while in the US, where an Illinois record store had a pair. I used to go in just to listen. The Corellis are still unsurpassed, though I keep them for the other room and use five different, newer KEF models for the surround system. If you are in the US (?) there are many fine N American makers little known to me. On this forum I would say Hawk and G-Man are especially well-informed guys on speakers. I am persuaded by Hawk's comments on Magnepan. Send me an e-mail some time if you would like to put the World to rights. There are many good folks on this forum. All the best. |
| John A: I am surprised that more have not replied to your post. It seems that any recent mention of NAD products, good or bad, has elicited a swarm of response. Thanks for your offer for the email. I will have to take you up on it sometime. I usually don't leave my email on the forum, but I will leave it on this one, so you can write too. I am a high school American History teacher, and would welcome some conversation and opinions on historical/current events from your side of the "pond". Living in the midwest (Missouri), I don't get much exposure to alternative viewpoints, and do sincerely welcome them as I feel students of a certain age do need to be aware of them. But...as you have said before, that is for another time and another place. Thanks again for all of your help on various issues. It was largely the input from Hawk and yourself that drove me to make my 762 purchase. Have a nice day (or night, which I guess it is now over in your neck of the woods)! |
Paul | Good conversation guys...nice to hear some good talk about the receiver that i feel is the best that i have ever heard reproducing both sound quality in stereo and home theatre. I love my NAD 762 and would encourage others to listen to one and decide if it is right for them. I love this forum |
John A. | Thanks, Paul. The new NAD's XX3 receivers will be delayed... is relevant and links back to this thread. Thanks, too, Johnny. What a great place to live. It is a shame Mark Twain never wrote on home audio. Re American history, you must find so much in the movie industry to work on and get students going. There is a TV series (I have not seen yet) which the author, an historian, wrote, in fury, after seeing The Patriot as an in-flight movie. This relates to your comment about our fine nations, all thanks. Another topic, another time, another forum! |
Jim C | Hi guys. Just reading some of your thoughts regarding NAD receivers, in particular the T762, and after following quite a few posts from HAWK who really seems to have developed a sound knowledge (excuse the pun) of NAD receivers, I'm now compelled to provide some input from my own personal experience. I purchased my first NAD T762 about 3 weeks ago from a dealer after reading numerous reviews, specs, and posts relating to AV receivers, narrowing my choices down to Denon 2803, NAD T762 and Rotel RSX 1055. Let me begin by saying how delighted I was to hear a warm, clean and precise sound eminating from the NAD. Based upon my listening alone, and ignoring some of the negative feedback which was being generated throughtout posts regarding the NAD T762, I decided to allow EARS to be the judge, and plunged in with the NAD. After having the unit home for about 3 days, I notice the unit develeloped a "hum/vibration" from the casing after heating up (approx. 1/2 hour or so after switching on). This was like a drone noise which would fluctuate up and down in level and would resonate through my cabinet and was most annoying through quiet movie passage. I returned the unit and the dealer ordered a new one for me. I got the new one home, hooked it up and at this point was still not swayed by the fact that I'd had the one problem with the first one. Within 5 minutes of hooking the unit up, the display just went dead, the green light remained on, and the unit could no longer be operated by the remote, or the panel buttons. Boy, was I surprised! Switched the unit off and then back on, started up fine again. I thought, well, maybe just a glitch...hooked up rca outputs from video to receiver. Sounds great in stereo, move to Dolby prologic, constant static appears in all 5 speakers, this was present in every surround mode and would only disappear when switched to stereo. This problem also presented itself after hooking up the rca outputs from my cable TV Foxtel box! At this point, I was curious to see what else this unit would surprise me with (oh, firmware versions were V1.22 on both units). So I sat back and popped a DVD on, the sound was exactly what I had begun to become accustomed to from this receiver, pure and crystal clear sound. But, about 1 hour in, off turns the display on the receiver, green light remains on, and receiver is locked and can only be reset by a full power down (no hum/vibration eminating at all from this unit though). Next day off I go again to the dealer who is just as surpised as I am. NAD number 3? he asks. Why not, I say, for the sound alone it's worth my time and effort. He advises me that they still have the first unit in the shop and they tested it for the vibration/hum problem and could not seem to detect it after 1/2 a day of testing (mind you the background noise in the shop and seating the receiver on a carpeted shelf wouldn't have helped, but I agreed to give it another go whilst waiting for NAD number 3. Got the receiver home hooked up, and hum noise was still there and noticable. So thought I'd enjoy the sound for a few days anyhow until my newbie came in. All fine for about 2 days. That evening turned the receiver on, the OSD starts flashing across the screen, flickering and all scrambled (What the????). Turned the unit off, then on again, the OSD improved and completely stabalised after 5 minutes. Seems to be fine whilst unit is warm. Enjoyed it that night, switched it on in the morning, same OSD problem until unit warmed up. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling very uncomfortable with these units by now and am experiencing these problems first hand. So I took the unit back to the dealer that day (2 days ago) and am now awaiting my newly ordered Rotel RSX 1055! I think it's unfair to have a consumer test and try a product for a longstanding reputable company. Each NAD receiver comes boxed with a sealed yellow sticker stating that the unit has been fully tested by Quality Control prior to sealing, I wonder how long it was tested for, and whether these tests were as "involved" as the ones I'd tried which involved a "simple" setup and test. If I seem somewhat disgruntled, it's because I am...for those who have purchased a new NAD receiver and have been running with it problem free, I salute you, and wish you many years of trouble free listening, but for those of us who tried (more than once) to embrace this product without success, please offer a degree of respect to our efforts. I could have easily lived with the sound of the NAD indefinitely, which I still believe is a cut above the rest, but to be concerned each time I switched it on? No. One more little side note, why does NAD only offer a 2 year warranty, where the standard in such a product is generally at least 3 years? Although NAD is only too happy to swap over a faulty unit each time which is a commendable, I as a consumer expect a higher degree of build quality from such a company, when I'm spending a respectable amount of money as an average consumer... |
Johnny | Jim C: I applaud your attitude in the above posting. It is truly unfortunate that you have been forced to go away from such a wonderful sounding NAD product. Obviously you are having problems many steps beyond the typical "popping" or "skipping" reported by many on this forum. You have every right to be upset with the situation, and I thank you for your post. Even though I am a firm believer in the quality of NAD, I welcome any posters who have a legitimate reason for their negative views and take a rational and non-accusatory approach to their post. It would have been easy for you to begin name calling and making generalizations about all NAD products, as many others have, and you didn't. I applaud you for that. I only hope that others will see your civilized approach to making your negative experiences known to all of us and follow. Thanks again for sharing your experiences and let us all know how you like your new Rotel. |
| John A. as a frequnt poster who went on an extended break due to sometimes contentious threads here, it is a sincere pleasure to read such a well-thought out, well-written post. Cheers, -h1pst3r |
AK | Hi Jim, By any chance did you notice when the first unit was manufactured? The reason I am so hung up on this date of manufacture is that somehow you can correlate some of common problems we hear on this forum based on their assembled date...in other words, you can intuitively draw conclusionn about the defects. As myself as an industrial engineer, I am a firm believer of the quality control and it is often swayed by the qaulity of parts, conditions of assembly line workers, and assembly process at a given time. Most times they cannot do 100% QC on every single units they build, which is impossible anyway even for reputable companies such as Honda and Toyota. But, repeated problems over the second and third units almost made me believe that they might have a problem with their final or in-process inspection process itself. For instance most sonic device manufacturers often rely on calibrated oscilloscope and other electronic testing devices to visually or numerically inspect the final signal coming out of the circuit board rather than they listen to it with their ears...also you need to remember the testing environment is often controlled and it is not like our houses exposed to all kinds of uncontrolable factors such as electro magnetic interferences from neighboring electrical devices and noises present on the household powerline. AK |
AK | I won't be surprised at all if these particular problems are present in a considerable number of units build around the same time and probably from the same assembly line. AK |
AK | One more thing, it is obvious that the final inspection took place at the factory did not catch these problems, which also indicates that whatever they checked during the final inspection process missed these problems. Perhaps the current check list is not designed to detect the problems you encountered. I seriously doubt that it was due to their poor craftmanship. After all, when factory QC inspectors test this type of electronic devices, they are only allowed to go by the check list they are supposed to follow. AK |
John A. | h1pst3r, Thank you. I recognise your name from many interesting posts. There are indeed a few contentious threads here. Sometimes the contention is instructive, e.g. I had a few mild flames on the subject of DVD-Audio but the strength of feeling made me look harder into the subject. Sometimes, unfortunately, contention degenerates into abuse, as in one current thread under "Speakers". I know just how you feel. But mostly this forum is full of posts from reasonable and generous people, as in this thread, so far. Jim C, Thank you, too. I completely agree with Johnny. I think the hum symptoms you describe may be interference from an badly shielded electrical appliance in the vicinity of the receiver, and the shop, as the NAD quality test bench, did not have such a source. See NAD receiver hum: cause and cure. Sorry to learn of all those problems. Good luck with the Rotel, clearly a comparable, quality receiver to judge from other posts, including some from Hawk. AK, Thank you, too. I think you are right about the electromagnetic interference, and this is my one "NAD Con", see above comment to Jim C, and the last link. Best wishes to all. |
Ran | Hello all, Just thought i drop by with an informational note on warranty after reading the above. My Marantz SR4300 has only one year warranty. So sad. A toast to refined music; Move aside high fidelity. |
Black Math | I think that some NAD products are manufactured by a Japanese OEM's China factory...I think it was Onkyo at one point in time. I also think they are still designed in England...I may be wrong on this. This may be why they have had some electronic issues in the past. I know in the late 80's or early 90's they had an issue with the bulbs in the displays of their components. Their products are designed to sound good, and they do. They may have lost some quality and gained ecomomy my noving MFG overseas (a lot of companies do that). I have always prefered Rotel over NAD. They have excellent quality. This may be due to their owning a factory in China. They gain ecomomies and are able to retain better quaslity control. They are both great companies who should be commended by being comitted to retaining excellent sound quility in their products in a tough markets. I am sure NAD will resolve any issues that they are currently having. |
Jim C | Hi Guys Thanks for the positive reception...it felt almost relieving to share some of my receiver problems with you. Just let me reiterate in no uncertain terms, I was blown away by the clarity of the NAD T762, a richness in sound which is difficult to place into words, I now have the Rotel RSX 1055 at home (last night), but more on that in a moment. Hi Johnny! Thanks for the kind words and support. I'm just expressing MY experience with the product. Hi AK! Thanks for your input here and you do make a very fine point in regard to quality control, where testing is limited to factory conditions and equipment used to test. Clearly they cannot test the units to the extent we test them in our homes and are in a much more controlled environment. With regard to problems being from the same production batch, I can no longer verify build dates with the 2 receivers I had, however the problems with each receiver were different problems and there didn't seem to be a pattern. I did not have any interference type hum on the unit, the term "hum" I think I used loosely in my analysis (see below). Hi John A.! I used the word "hum" to describe the problem, you may note that I later changed the descriptor to "hum/vibration". The noise was eminating from the casing of the receiver from a vibration which oddly enough was on the opposite side to the power supply. This vibration would drone up and down in a constant rythym and really detracted from listening pleasure, particularly through quiet passages of a movie, as mentioned. Rotel RSX 1055 Wow! Packs one hell of a punch considering 75W X 5 at 8ohm. I've made 2 comparisons so far to the NAD T762 - 1. I threw U2:Live in Boston DVD (for those who have not yet seen/heard this DVD, get into it, if you like U2, this is easily one of the better live shows released to DVD in recent years) into the player. The Rotel presented a more "in your face" performance with guitar riffs eminating with great clarity, bass was a little deeper, this receiver almost felt INTIMIDATING when playing at higher volume levels, but believe me, the sound remains clear. 2. I threw on Donnie Darko to check on the movie sound reproduction arena. It was very good, but the NAD had an edge on separation and general clarity, albeit a slight edge, but enough to notice. Overall I'm very comfortable with the Rotel thus far, only just found out though that the black model is AUD$200.00 (yes, I'm from the land of OZ) cheaper than the silver model (which is the one I have). I've never seen such a difference in price for a colour choice in any other brand, is this the same overseas? Cheers! |
Hawk | Jim C: Not in my experience. The black and the silver Rotels are the same price from the single Rotel dealer in my metropolitan area. And the prices are high, High, HIGH! Nice sounding gear, though. |
John A. | Jim C, Thanks again. The hum-vibration you describe sounds like the cooling fan. I cannot think what else it could be. There have been other reports of the fan being on all the time, but I have never heard mine come on at all. |
John A. | I have spent part of my Sunday afternoon sorting out a return of the hum. Not as bad, but there is no such thing as a little hum. The culprit was a low-grade, thin, single co-ax cable with RCA plugs I was using for composite video connection between the receiver and the DVD-player. Always use well-screened 75 Ohm interconnects for digital audio, composite video, and the sub cable. All of these will act as antennae for mains hum if they are not properly screened, and I do think NAD receivers are particularly sensitive to interference. As in my original post, the hum "sticks": it is not enough simply to disconnect the rogue cable; you have to reboot before the hum is cancelled. You know you have nailed it when the hum does not then come back. |
rbarry | Hummmm ancedotes. I'm not going to address the ever present NAD discussions here, but I thought I would contribute a Hum battle I had. It started after I had a mature HDTV system up and running for a few months. The hum was quite noticable when watching any TV station. Not present with DVD. First step, isolate a speaker. Well it was the front three. Second step, isolate the connection. It was the connect from the HDTV receiver. So what was wrong with that? Could be the connects themselves as they were cheapie RCA's. Paid my $30 for a 1 meter connect. No change. Ok is it the receiver itself that is bad or the Denon inputs? I had a very old Marantz 1060 amp so I routed the HDTV outputs into my ol Marantz. Hum still there!!!!! Getting close now. Its either some electrical inference or its the HDTV receiver. Oh by the way my hometheater receiver is an old Denon WITHOUT DIGITAL inputs. So I go to Radio Shack and spend $14 for a ground loop isolater that should filter out some frequencies. Try it, no luck. So far out $44 in my Hum hunt. I'm 99% sure the $500 HDTV receiver is a bummer with the analog output. But it does have TOSlink output. My receiver doesn't. My receiver is old, over 11 years old. So replacing it was an easy decision and long planned. Yesterday I plugged in a Marantz SR5300, used analog inputs and hum still there! So whipping out my TOSLink cable, plug it in and EUREKA! Hum gone. Incidentally, the music, dialog, stereo format, Dolby Digital is so much better it almost made me cry. Certainly so good I gave my wife mall money to leave me alone for a few hours!!! Lastly, as was said eariler, there is no such thing as tolerable hum. As you can see it drove me to spend lots of time and money to stomp it out. |
Jackson | John A., Your words of enjoyment with you NAD T760 is exactly what I would expect from a high quality receiver, unfotunitly the T7*2 series seems to be another story. Jim C is a fine example of this, he tried numerous returned NAD receivers only to find new and diffent problems which should never be. One bad unit-bad luck, two bad units-terrible luck but three bad units? There most certainly is a quality problem here, seems to me if you bought a NAD receiver and it works fine consider yourself lucky, but of those who do have them I would bet they have little glitches such as the popping or delays which have been posted here. To me this is just unacceptable from a "high' quality product. You should not only expect but receive a totally glitchless receiver from a higher end product. Just another supporting element to my earlier negative post on the current NAD line. I'll bet Jim has years and years of flawless enjoyment out of his new Rotel and as it should be. Good luck Jim and hope you are happy, as for NAD I just cannot in my right mind go they're direction at this point, but hopefully the newer T7*3 line will be free of glitches but something tells me it won't be, not prejudging them it's just the track record hasn't been good the last couple years. For |
John A. | I intended my November 09 post for NAD receiver hum: cause and cure. Sorry, it was late, and Jim C had me thinking about hum. Jackson, thanks for posting again. NAD T752 full of bugs and NAD 752 V1.22 what are the improvements? are good threads which you have surely seen. If I were in control at NAD I would consider putting a recall on certain T752 models, as cars makers sometimes do, just to stamp hard on customer dissatisfaction. They would also then be able to find out which production runs were affected, and take action internally; someone really ought to expect the boot for that, it must have done them real damage. There is certainly truth in the T752 stories and you are right, it is unacceptable. |
Jim C | Hi Hawk I think the pricing difference between colours was simply a sales pitch by the store in question to move the black unit. My understanding is that these are the earlier production batch i.e. V1.X.X (not that there's anything wrong with them, the firmware is updated to the latest V1.X.X but the newer production units are V2.X.X and also come with the newer RC 1050 Remote control, rather than the older RC 969? Remote - not that there's much difference between the 2 remotes apart from positioning and labelling of some of the buttons ***great remote by the way***). My Rotel receiver is going along very very well though thanks very much. Am trying to budget in some speakers at a later stage too, looking at the Mordaunt-Short series, but budget is extremely tight just now...but guys, budgets do have their advantages, meaning we can spend more time reviewing and deciding, rather than jumping in with the cash without too much forethought. Hi Jackson You have clearly had some problems with the NAD receiver as I have. I found the sound quality from these units to be of the highest order given my modest budget, but the sound unfortunately in my case did not reflect the quality of the product. I would still consider a NAD receiver sometime in the future however, and I believe NAD will rise above this as good reputable companies do, it's unfortunate for those who have suffered the recent problems, but I do maintain a sense of empathy for the company, and a level of respect for the loyal customers. In all fairness to NAD (and my dealer) they were only too happy to continue trying to provide a good unit, or say thanks anyway, so customer service is most certainly not an area they were lacking in my experience anyway. All great manufacturers have a rough period, perhaps this is NAD's turn...look out for a bigger better NAD in the future, as they will no doubt be working forward through this. I will be watching the T7X3 series with some interest as well. |
Jim C | Just a further note which I have failed to mention here, my brother actually purchased a NAD T752 about 3 weeks ago from the same dealer I've been dealing through, even after I'd discussed the problems with him, he was initially considering the HK 4550, but just loved the sound of the NAD...and the unit so far has performed beautifully. The "pops" often mentioned in these forums when switching between digital sources I don't believe is much of a problem (providing it's not loud enough to blow your ear drums or speakers - which was certainly not the case on my T762 or my brothers T752). The other problem with regard to playing an Audio CD through a DVD player and digital source to the receiver, and missing the first second or two of the CD sound, is something that is common (even on my Rotel), because the sound source is digital. I bet if you hook up the analogue connectors (as I have done with mine), the problem won't be there. I just switch to my CD input on the receiver (which is where my rca's are connected from my DVD player) if I want to listen to a CD, and switch to my DVD input for DVDs (where my dig coax is connected). Nuance solved. Take care. |
| Hi guys, I just recieved my NAD 752 which I believe is the best investment for my HT so far...except one small problem: it wont turn on. I plug it in, and hit the power switch, and the light glows green, but the OSD doesnt turn on, nor does the display on the reciever. You dont even hear a "click" from the amps. Any one experience this before? DOA maybe? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys... --Upset |
Anonymous | Prediction... NAD's new lineup will be just as bad. NAD will be abadoned by the smart consumers. |
anonymous | Sam, It happended on my first NAD T752 too. I can turn it onto the standy mode but it would go into protect mode once I turned it on. I took it back to the dealer and it also happened at their setup too. So, the receiver is dead. They gave me another one and it works fine. I am guess yours is also a bad receiver too, you can get an exchange from your dealer. |
John A. | Sam, You have to choose an input, too. The big green button just powers it up into standby. Is your problem that simple? |