K box seems to be acting up. Some times it is on and most of the times it is not. The Khub light is red. I had the Kbox going on 17th sept.(Thursday) with the new activation and of course intermittent freezing was a problem. But this morning I am not getting any channels. May be the server? Can some body advise me of the situation and thanks in advance.}
I am having the same problem. I was watching TV without any prolbems on the 17th as well. but all of a sudden my internet modem goes bad. I have changed two modems but my KHub won't work. It is on red light. I have reset kbox..reloaded factory bin and then new bin. It goes smooth upto here but when I try to upload khub activation file, it won't work. I get the error message "can't communicate with khub.check connection." IF I take the ethernet cable out of khub and then do upgrade, it works. but as soon as I connect the interenet, light goes red again. I have tried everyhiing. can anyone suggest something. I am frustated now..thanks for the help..
I have first loaded the 1.76beta file. and then loaded the 203 file. both were done without a hitch. but then I tried loading khub activatin file and got can't communicate error. after that I unhooked the ethernet cable from the khub and tried loading, it worked but as soon as I connect the cable, it stays red..
I tried using 1.25_up(p) file. But I am still getting the can't communicate with the hub error. I reset the kbox and first file I tried was 1.25p..same result..