Questions for all men


Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 1696
Registered: Dec-06
I have a question for all the men around here .... IS IT REALLY NECESSARY TO KEEP EVERY LITTLE THING?

Eg: 2 foot wires , cable without ends, old patch cords , broken tools, old pools and pumps, old stereo equipment, old receievers with out remotes(DTV) etc... Don't get me started on junky crap furniture/ selves/ storage containers and so on.

If us women saved as much "JUNK" as men do... EG: broken hair accessories , cloths that don't fit, shoes that are out of style, jewelry that doesn't match any thing etc... It still wouldn't equal the amount of space that it takes to store all the JUNK! men have around the property WHAT!.... YOU THINK YOU'LL EVER USE THAT JUNK AGAIN??

Why do men think the garage/sheds are their property anyway? If men get to have their own "ROOMS" then women should too. LIKE... their own bathroom or Kitchen. Better yet our own BEDROOM AND CLOSET SPACE for all our "stuff"!

Talk about PACK RATS

Bronze Member
Username: Rampeij

Post Number: 29
Registered: Jun-06


See I got this 45 ft. pole here...And I'm still not gonna touch it.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 1698
Registered: Dec-06
BTW... If women are expected to CLEAN UP THE HOUSE then men should clean up the Oils and wood shavings from the saws the GARAGE and sheds. You have enough SPACE to store all your tools

Would you like it if we women left cooking oils or food waste all over the floors or dirty dishes all over the place in the house? Or just didn't clean up the dishes or laundry? I am not even going to mention the DUST and GRIME or cobwebs. Enough said.

Bronze Member
Username: Newbie777

Post Number: 68
Registered: Nov-07
Doreen, Men likes to keep old bags. That is why most marriages are safe and we are not going after new girlfriends -:-)

Silver Member
Username: Thechiz2

The south, Ur anis Mine

Post Number: 481
Registered: Apr-05
hehehe...we moved into a mobile home and i got rid of alot of junk then. sometimes we say to ourselves "ill get it fixed" so we set it aside and most just forget about it cause it got buried in all the other junk that we have....lmao

it is a habit that is carried down from generation after generation. it's not really our fault it is just the way we are raised and the way society dictates.

you get a job, you acumalate things through out the years, you pay your bills then you die.

as far as cleaning after ourselves..
men these days are steppin up to the plate but some still havent been weened by there mama yet cause there still suckin on there wives tit*ies....lmao

Now i love my wife very much but she is a pig when it comes to keeping the house clean. she has little cluster piles ALLLL over the house and i mean ALL looks like mapped out continents in our home

you must have a lazy hubby Doreen. lol
i cook, i clean, yady da da da, and all that other good sh*t around here.

im one of the rare few that isnt selfish or self righteous about myself and dont expect the world to revolve around me.
i think about my wifes feelings. some of just have to be reminded.
im sure there are more like this around.

LMAO we should change the name of this thread to him and

Gold Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 1519
Registered: Jul-06
lol is it that time of the month doreen you giving your old man sh-it if he is like me he worked hard for it and might need it again or a piece from it and do you hang out in the wood shead and if i rember right you live in the woods so how is around to see it but his buddys that no he is a packrat and like it if thay need somthing thay call your old man any way have a great day doreen glad to see your still around

Silver Member
Username: Metallica

Post Number: 822
Registered: Jan-08
Look like Doreen went out of Cracks.. or maybe her Crack pipe is broken..LMAO.

Silver Member
Username: Lol

Post Number: 745
Registered: Sep-06
urmama is this your place ?Upload

Silver Member
Username: Lol

Post Number: 746
Registered: Sep-06
Doreen get me a pair of these and you can throw anything i own out cept my Favourite socks of course


Silver Member
Username: Gregraf

Post Number: 924
Registered: Dec-07
This looks like it could get messy too.


Silver Member
Username: Lol

Post Number: 747
Registered: Sep-06
oh that Girl Has soooo much potential


Silver Member
Username: Lol

Post Number: 748
Registered: Sep-06
Look hunny a pretty Girl


Silver Member
Username: Thechiz2

The south, Ur anis Mine

Post Number: 482
Registered: Apr-05
OMG PAUL thats fukin hilarious man
im laughing and fa rting at the same time

not mine but it sure
looks like my redneck neighbors
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