Okay, I realize practically everything is down and we're all awaiting a new bin file to be released, possibly sometime today. My question is, how does one download these things and utilize them? Usually we have a friend of the family do this for us, but he's about as reliable as the weather nowadays. I've seen him download this stuff to our receive from his laptop, but I don't know just what he uses to hook the said laptop up to the receiver to utilize the files.
I have a ViewStat receiver, if I'm not mistaken. Still no bin released, but I want to gear up for the release. Wondering what kind of hookup, program, whatever I need to download the bin and utilize it on my receiver.
I'm not 100% but I want to say I have a Forte Lifetime Ultra, but I could be wrong. The actual receiver itself is a ViewStat 2000. God, this is so frustrating. I don't know what in the world I'm doing and the so-called family friend who usually helps us is MIA. Does anybody know what channels are actually working right now? Maybe I won't need this fix tonight after all.