Bronze Member
Username: Klemper

Post Number: 49
Registered: Sep-05
Where can i subscribe to dtv in canada?

Unregistered guest
I don't think it is legal, DTV and American TV has to much free speech, to much banned material (religious programs that bash sinners, hate speech, X rated, etc). Not appropriate for Candians to view - sorry. You cannot subscribe legally in Canada.

Bronze Member
Username: Klemper

Post Number: 50
Registered: Sep-05
I realize that, i still need to subscribe

Bronze Member
Username: Thechiz2

Mars, Ur anis Mine

Post Number: 70
Registered: Apr-05
if you know someone who lives state side you can share a subscription. just don't ever plug ur phone line into the box you use

check your local Buy & Sell or Bargain Finder magazine's, usually a few ad's in there, or... if you ever had a hacked DTV system in the past check your old contacts you used to use, chances are they do sub sharing now along with FTA's. It's actually easier to find someone who'll set you up than you think... just be careful they're not scamming you into a 3 or 5 month activation and claiming it's a year.

Good Luck... it's well worth it, I wouldn't pay 5 cents for a Bell system! (commie pieces of sh!t)

Bronze Member
Username: Klemper

Post Number: 54
Registered: Sep-05
I here ya, what part of canada are you in? I have already been scammed on a three month activation, i need to find somthing soon, winter is coming

Unregistered guest
How bad do you want it? You can rent a private US mail box and give out the address as "APT #" instead of "BOX #", and use an IP phone to call up DTV to subscribe, and sign up for on-line access then pre-pay your bills by money order (your private box can re-mail it for you for a small fee, but my guess is that would not be necessary) -- but's all that is a little extreme. But at least you would be in control rather than trusting some scammer.

New member
Username: The_kneegrow

Post Number: 3
Registered: Oct-05
@Ryan...listen here you fcuking fruitcake...why the hell do you want to subscribe to your fcuking country you idiot stick and subscribe to Bell...keep your money in Canada azzhole..ROTF

New member
Username: The_kneegrow

Post Number: 4
Registered: Oct-05
Don't give those fcuking Redneck American's your money...keep it in the great white North, where it belongs..fcuking azzhole americans....ROTF

Bronze Member
Username: D_singh

Post Number: 22
Registered: Sep-05
negro, it's not Bell's fault they suck compared to DTV. You can't replace excellence.

BTW, what car do you drive? Chances are you don't drive a Canadian car. Why? Because the cannucks don't have their own major make. You probably also eat Kraft cheese.

The loser of the year... the knee grow.

drink your garbage molson with your "I am" t-shirt on, pay your high taxes, vote for communist Liberals, and watch your garbage Bell with 50 commie cbc channels. I'll enjoy HBO and all NHL games on Directv... and have no hesitation of sending my cash south for better un-regulated T.V... you LOSER!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Klemper

Post Number: 56
Registered: Sep-05
So where do you send you cash, i hate bell , and miss dtv, please hook me up

Bronze Member
Username: Klemper

Post Number: 63
Registered: Sep-05
Yo anyone know where to subscribe?

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 169
Registered: Oct-05
Ryan just move to US and you'll be amazed at the convenience of DTV sub.

Unregistered guest

Back when Powers Corporation negotiated with CRTC to carry Dave in Canada, CRTC insisted on Candian content where Dave got up and walked out of negotitations never to return (ex-PM Jean Cretien's son in law was a big shot at Powers during that time btw)

Canadian subscribers had to be cut off by Dave because the federal Goverment was not getting GST for service rendered in Canada.

I can not underemphasize the gravity with which the government went after this violation while ironically it was being hacked for free!!!!! It was OK to hack it (as no lower court ruled in their favour) than it was to pay for it. Hence the need for a formal U.S. address as Dave no longer accepted U.S. box office addresses. It was a fuming serious crime to the government then and I suspect remains so today.

I do not know however if snowbirds could bring their cards here since they have a legitimate U.S. address and what the implications might be in successfully litigating against a higher courts ruling to decrypt foreign signals (something we hypocritically scolded the Russian for during the cold war =) Furthermore, the ambiguity of this ruling was post 911 where an army of Canadian monopolstic bullys won. Lower courts for the mosy part have never ruled in the bullys favour but since this law passed there have been more bully instigated RCMP raids that traditionally failed before this ruling. End users were largley uneffected understandibly as you can see from the number of Dave dishes on so many Ontario roof tops so they went after dealers. Too bad, the extra advertising here might have helped Dave as well as the awareness for hsi product in the U.S. and was a much needed post recession break for Candians.

However like bank and big busines who reap record profits after the glass, brass, marble, and bonuses the masses are runnign record debt, as if this business prvention department ripping off Candians through a new tax on services GST wasn't enough. They went and killed a small booming sector of satellite hobbyists when small business accounts for the majority of economic stimulation. In the meantime they waste exponentially more than forecast costs tracking honest gun owners, most who didn't register, while gun crimes run rampant esculating in the streets to monitor the good guys as the bad guys increase their activity.

Canada is a joke, like the CRTC, monolpolys, rip offs like Bre-X or Nortel... we need a revolution in this country... heck when cutting social assistance, the Tories even eyed the disabled benefits... for money ... I wonder if these callous crooks need Theivery 101 courses before being able to work for government or big business and waste everyones money.


Bronze Member
Username: Klemper

Post Number: 64
Registered: Sep-05
h3lt3r_sk3lt3r ,How bout you just let me on you DTV account , and i will pay for half or more of it.

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 179
Registered: Oct-05
@Ryan Klemp

Dude you are so naive, do you honestly think I'd give someone that info even if I was on a DTV sub and they were paying my entire bill?

hey helter...c'mon be a sport! the kid out...he's Dave's son!....LOL

Unregistered guest
Is it true you can activate your own receiver up in Canada simply by calling DAVE up, and giving him the name and phone number of a US subscriber (ie, identity theft with the request to add a receiver to someone elses existing account)?
Surely DTV must do more to check the ID of a person calling up than asking him for his phone number?

No not true...they are a big business and not complete idiots, they usually ask U a 'security" question like mothers's maiden name and soc sec #..

Ryan, here's an outfit I saw advertised in the paper... haven't heard any complaints yet, these guys will activate anywhere in Canada... ( Good Luck!

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 405
Registered: Oct-05
Every site/business who activated a DTV sub in Canada has been busted...they have a terrible track record!....and DTV will try and prosecute U as well or at least try to get a civil judgement award as a minimum.....playing with fire there..
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