Bronze Member
Username: Hamtec

Post Number: 100
Registered: Jun-04
Guys not much talk on the new nagra2 card going on lets band together and break this bad boy. I have read some posts on some other websites that guys are logging the datastream of the n2 and have found out that the new stream has only 2 control words the same as nagra 1 exept they are encryped with RSA. We shold study the RSA algarytham and se if we can break that ecryptiuon and we will be off to the races.

Silver Member
Username: Hamtec

Post Number: 101
Registered: Jun-04
The RSA cryptosystem is a public-key cryptosystem that offers both encryption and digital signatures (authentication). Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman developed the RSA system in 1977 [RSA78]; RSA stands for the first letter in each of its inventors' last names.

The RSA algorithm works as follows: take two large primes, p and q, and compute their product n = pq; n is called the modulus. Choose a number, e, less than n and relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1), which means e and (p-1)(q-1) have no common factors except 1. Find another number d such that (ed - 1) is divisible by (p-1)(q-1). The values e and d are called the public and private exponents, respectively. The public key is the pair (n, e); the private key is (n, d). The factors p and q may be destroyed or kept with the private key.

It is currently difficult to obtain the private key d from the public key (n, e). However if one could factor n into p and q, then one could obtain the private key d. Thus the security of the RSA system is based on the assumption that factoring is difficult. The discovery of an easy method of factoring would "break" RSA (see Question 3.1.3 and Question 2.3.3).

Here is how the RSA system can be used for encryption and digital signatures (in practice, the actual use is slightly different; see Questions 3.1.7 and 3.1.8):


Suppose Alice wants to send a message m to Bob. Alice creates the ciphertext c by exponentiating: c = me mod n, where e and n are Bob's public key. She sends c to Bob. To decrypt, Bob also exponentiates: m = cd mod n; the relationship between e and d ensures that Bob correctly recovers m. Since only Bob knows d, only Bob can decrypt this message.

Digital Signature

Suppose Alice wants to send a message m to Bob in such a way that Bob is assured the message is both authentic, has not been tampered with, and from Alice. Alice creates a digital signature s by exponentiating: s = md mod n, where d and n are Alice's private key. She sends m and s to Bob. To verify the signature, Bob exponentiates and checks that the message m is recovered: m = se mod n, where e and n are Alice's public key.

Thus encryption and authentication take place without any sharing of private keys: each person uses only another's public key or their own private key. Anyone can send an encrypted message or verify a signed message, but only someone in possession of the correct private key can decrypt or sign a message.

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New member
Username: Zuman37

Post Number: 3
Registered: Mar-05
This would be the lastest math on cracking RSA

Prime sieves using binary quadratic forms

Silver Member
Username: Hamtec

Post Number: 104
Registered: Jun-04
z man the hack is looking great. Read Read Read
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