New member Username: No_bserPost Number: 6 Registered: Aug-04 | i have 25 open rom3's unmarked that i'm going to sale. $49 each. shipping is $5 for each mailing. so if you want say 5 cards, then $49x5+5 = 250 i will accept a money order paypal. let me know by email address or reply here. |
Dishman Unregistered guest | rom3's are being faded out by dishnetwork just like the hu's were by DTV!! Good Price do you have references???? |
New member Username: No_bserPost Number: 7 Registered: Aug-04 | actually i can tell you on good authority that the rom3's aren't being "fazed" or "faded" out by dish network. when it comes to dish network and their operation, i know about rom replacements and subscription notices. (as well as installation) rom3's have minimum 2 1/2 years left... guaranteed! well i'm several forums but not with this name. if you want my ebay username, it's the same as my email in replay except leave off |