Its been reported that Viewsat coders are having problems coding in for clonekill.. before they will release a working VS Bin they must fix the bug that is killing the real VS boxes
Dont run and and buy a new receiver based on who released the bin first this one time..that is silly. Sonicviews use the same code as viewsat they released their bin before testing and fine tuning it like the viewsat people do.
If the bin is crap, then it doesn't matter how good the receiver is or what bells and whistles it has. Software is everything. I've got a Pansat 250SM, but because the bins are so buggy, I get much better performance out of my Pansat 2500 converted to 2700.
Well Sonicview must have really messed up their Bin when its taking Viewsat so long to release a working one or we're back to viewsat profecting CloneKill
ViewSat Doesn't care any more. They have started a New Product SonicView and they want all ViewSat owners to Buy SonicView because of its GREAt Support ...Do your Math ...