Use a Null cable (or a Serial cable RS232C, the one that came with your receiver with a Null Modem adaptor from Radio Shack number 26-264B). HAve both receivers off to begin. Master receiver (the good working one). Unplug the LNB cable from the master receiver and hook the master receiver to the TV. Plug in the Null cable into both receivers. Turn master receiver on. Do not power up slave receiver yet. With master on and cable connected, click MENU on the Master receiver with the slave receiver turned off. In System Setup scroll down to S/W Transfer, then click OK Select SW.Code for Boot & Bin transfer or CHData for channels. Use SW.Code first if going to do both. Turn slave receiver on, then click UP button on Master receiver not the remote. When transfer is done, turn off power to both receivers and disconnect. Be sure to turn off and ON the slave receiver before you use it.