Silver Member
Username: Waqarkhan1971

Post Number: 125
Registered: Mar-09
guys I got the CODE from them and now trying to setup acording to the guide thay have and still not able to connect ..

please help if anyone can

Bronze Member
Username: Xhounddog66

Post Number: 40
Registered: Aug-08

I just set my nfusion up. I had a few problems but eventually figured it out. What does it say on your screen?
When you press guide do you see a list of channels?
If so, can you find a free channel?
A little more info and i can try and help you

Silver Member
Username: Waqarkhan1971

Post Number: 126
Registered: Mar-09
thanks ted, Here what I have done as CAPTIVE WORKS 700 INSTRUCTIONs: as per website in Capworks guide
Load any Bin,
Scan channesls
F1 555
F1 000
connect to PC trugh Serial Cable
did change acces code in place of passwords and username
and port 10010
hard reboot

but still nothing coming up, no free channes I can see on 118 or 119

I appreciate your help

Silver Member
Username: Waqarkhan1971

Post Number: 127
Registered: Mar-09
guys anyone can help
really appreciate it

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 19555
Registered: Jun-06
You can PM me with your passwords and username. I will have it tested and then after you get going, you can ask to change the password.

Bronze Member
Username: Netodss


Post Number: 28
Registered: Jul-07
There is somthing new about private iks on more info about it . its there at

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 4480
Registered: Dec-06
if anyone has school this weekend they are not living in Canada... Ever hear of Labour day Pltmouth? Its a HOLIDAY (long weekend) school starts the next day. I think you know what day comes after Monday right?

Bronze Member
Username: Tamus

Post Number: 46
Registered: Jun-06
Ted Smith: I too have a nfusion but sofar I havent been able to get it up and running. I get channel 3 and stop it from rollinr than when I go to another channel all I get is Scrambled channel internet on. So far iksprivate server hasn't been able to help. They just say to keek redoing it from scratch. How did you get yours working? What channel download did you use. I have one switch two sats. 119 on 2 and 110 on 3.
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