Viewsat Extreme Problem


Bronze Member
Username: Baig_a

Toronto, ON Canada

Post Number: 17
Registered: Dec-07
Hi, Can anyone help me with a problem i'm having with my extreme? I downloaded and installed the latest file and it was working fine for the whole day but an hour ago it says searching channel. I'm getting th S but there is no Q. When i go into the antenna setup and change the tp frequency the Q does not stay steady. It keeps on jumping from 0 to 85 and back.

Anyone know what to do? You think its a problem with my switch? Or maybe show on the dish?
Thanks for the help.

Silver Member
Username: Madflea168

Post Number: 149
Registered: Jan-08
if there is the problem with the switch, try to run the cable direct from the lnb to your box.

is there any block to the antenna?

I had the problem with the tree branches brushing the dish once.
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