DTV online PPV


Unregistered guest
When you order online, does it automatically mirror the ppv to all IRD's under the account, or do you or can you manually enter specific IRD's? Because I want to be able to do it manually. I don't want the people not willing to chip in on the ppv to get it for free.

Unregistered guest
it mirrors to all...cannot be selective.

Silver Member
Username: Maple_leaf

Post Number: 196
Registered: Apr-05
LK is exactly right. You pay for everybody dude.

Unregistered guest
Your kinda selfish, aren't you ilovewhitegirls? What do you care if they can watch, too, it costs you the same. You must be a real Jerkoff.

footlong weiner
Unregistered guest
yea I hate greedy basterds

Unregistered guest
Most who share split the monthly bill equally based upon each person's # of receivers and if Tivo (each receiver is an additional $5, as is Tivo also)...and for the PPV's it's on the honor system...whoever orders pays,unless its something like a BIG fight event costing $50 and everyone wants to watch it anyway..then all share that event least thats the way I know of,handle the sharing of the monthly bill and PPV's..and all will order online 1 day prior and notify all the others that the PPV is on order,so all can view,if they want ...

If the people sharing can't be trusted with the honor system regarding their purchases...or if U get someone who will never order cause they want to freeload off others ordering..then I would dump them very quick!...many others would love to share,given the opportunity.....and the main account owner usually pays nothing or the least of everyone due to his account and risks (getting stuck wth the bill etc)..

Unregistered guest
No, I am not selfish. It's the people who do not want to chip in on a PPV fight that are selfish. Why should they get to watch it for free, while all of us are chipping in? They don't want to pay, and expect me and everyone else to, while they tune in on the day of the event and watch for free. That is not fair, and that is selfish.

Unregistered guest
If U get someone who will never order cause they want to freeload off others ordering..then I would dump them very quick!...many others would love to share,given the opportunity

If you feel they are cheap, then just order the ppv with your remote, and keep it to yourself but don't rag on them for watching something thats there are selfish...maybe you'll need a favor one day.

Unregistered guest
are you stupid? you can only order a certain amount of ppv on remote before its either full or not functional after a month. what does a favor have anything to do with anything? You are obviously one of these leeches who want to use other people to get things free.

Unregistered guest
NOT allowing anyone to order online would be SELFISH (by use of his remote only)...and NOT wanting the cheap ones to view it free ALWAYS is very understandable BUT uncontrollable..

New member
Username: Zuman37

Post Number: 4
Registered: Mar-05
Are there any good threads on sharing a subscription?

Silver Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 716
Registered: Jan-05
Heh......funny thread.

It reminded my of my college days(before cellphones)when we'd spend 30minutes picking through the monthly phonebill to calculate each persons 'fair share'. Those LD phone bills were tricky to read to split costs between 4 people. Theres the interlatta, intralatta....etc....etc..


To the guy with PPV problems,
If you have roommates abusing the system by ordering PPV events "on your system" without paying, all you need to do is go into your setup and lock the system. That way, nobody can order gobs of movies unless you are present to enter the password to allow PPV orders.

If you're saying that it 'fills up', they must be ordering a ton of movies, and if the account is in your name, and it's your DTV box.........LOCK THE DARN THING WITH A PASSWORD!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 717
Registered: Jan-05
To the people giving the guy with DTV bill problems a rough time........

Based on his comments, the DTV account is obviously in his name, and he's responsible for the bill. If he has roommates running up his bill without paying for what they order, the system obviously needs to be locked.

If I were a college kid, I'd be pretty mad if I found $100 worth of PPV events that I didnt personally order on "my bill" if those responsible for the charges refused to pay.

Once again...........LOCK THE SYSTEM!!!


read what the guy says...some chip in...others don't..maybe they can't afford it, or couldn't care less...anyways he's a cheap bassterd.....if someone wants to order..fine but don't cry cause someone's watchin whats already on...why should he chip in...ilovewhitegirls try pluggin in the phone line if you wanna keep it to yourself u stingy sob

Unregistered guest
to ilovewhitegirls

heres what i did. instead of dealing with calling people up to find out if people wanna chip in on a fight, i just charge everyone $50 a month for total premium choice and i order every ppv fight online so everyone gets to see it whether they wanna or not. im not worried about the money because their monthly payments covers it.

Unregistered guest
If U can't trust the people U share with,then don't share!...or find ones U can trust..this is NOT a rocket science..

Unregistered guest

i only share with people i know and trust. i just charge a flat rate and order all the fights, so this way i don't have to call every single person up and ask "do you want to see this fight? yeah? ok then chip in 5 bucks, and i'll call the other guys and tell them the same". I just order it, and if they want to tune in, boom they can, if not, that's fine too. it's all covered in the payments anyway :-)

Unregistered guest
that was a smart move
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