DLP Toshiba 46WM48P picture correction


New member
Username: Timisongaines

Wiveliscombe, Somerset UK

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-05
My family have recently gone out and purchased a new DLP Toshiba 46WM48P for use of watching general tv and DVD's. We have not had it long and I have made some attempt to get the image perfect however and i am impressed with the picture quality in most areas.

However flesh tones, especially close up, never appear 'true'. They always seem slighty artificial (not sure thats the best term) but the skin shades seeem limited to bands of colour rather than a smooth image. The same applies to certain areas of a single colour but with lighting effects. It appears the colours are limited to specific bands. I have tried adjusting the picture settings and I have slightly improved the image but it is still not very good. I am in the UK so my system is PAL version wherever or not that makes a difference.

If anyone could advise me on what to od to try and make the image better that would be very much appriciated.

Thank you
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