Samsung 5085 vs Sony 55xs


Unregistered guest
I am going to pull the trigger this week after months of research.
Samsung picture is better but I am worried about supposed video sync problems.
Can anyone shed some light... owners or otherwise?

Unregistered guest
I don't own either but am currently researching

On samsungs web site (faq) they mention the delay and say it can be improved (not solved) by using high def inputs

Unregistered guest
I'm an HLP5063W owner since August. I have seen video/audio sync lag only twice on a single HD channel in all this time. I have read all the posts on this forum. I have discussed the issue in depth with a reputable technician. I say he's reputable because while everybody was freaking out over the three lights of death issue, he new exactly what was going on. The sync issue is directly related to the conversion of a video format, like 480I, to 720P or 1080I. There is a naturally occuring delay in this conversion. It's not happening on all channels. It can be channel specific or even programming specific. Direct TV or any other signal provider will not always transmit one standard of video format. That's why these TV's have so many ways to be set up when it comes to video formats. A lot of people, me included, would like to just set our TV to upconvert everything to 720P or 1080I and forget it. Most of the time you can. If you run the audio from a signal combining receiver, like an SIR TS360, through your TV, then use the TV's audio out to your audio amp you may never experience a sync issue. If you do it's probably source related. Another fix is to select a matching video format to the source or "Native" format. Another fix is to enter the technical set-up mode of sets with that capability, mine is one of them, and select from three audio delay settings.

Let's face it. These broadcasts and these TV's have become more sophisticated. Therefore we must become more educated on how it all works. Unfortunately, Mr. Gates has turned us into a plug and play society, so, we want all this stuff to just work right automatically.

I've had a few issues with my HLP5063W. Had a bulb replaced (damaged in shipping), a color wheel noise (resolved), a minor sound sync issue on a single channel ( video processing delay ) no big deal. Samsung Factory Warranty Service has taken excellent care of me, even offered to replace my set with a new one. This superior technology is cutting edge. The picture is unbeatable. The Rose Bowl Parade on Discovery HD was absolutely incredible. (great channel) A program called "The Ten best Beaches in the World" was simply amazing. We, the consumers, are the testing ground. I have a 5 year CPS extended warranty, so I'm in DLP for the long haul.

Unregistered guest
Thanks Discovering. You have confirmed I made the right decision on picking the Samsung 5085 which will be deliverd thursday. The picture is by far the deepest and richest of all the sets I looked at, and I did a ton of research.

New member
Username: Ross_timothy

Post Number: 5
Registered: Dec-04
I have had a 5085 for about 3 weeks and am very happy with the picture (ESPN HD is unbelievable).

I have noticed the voice sync problem every once and a while - the times I have noticed it, I change the channel and go back - luckily this has solved the problems so far. Again, I state that I have been lucky - I understand that it is a major problem for some users, luckily, it has not been a major issue for me.

One thing I do not like about the 5085 is the fact that when you plug in your PC, you can not do a split screen (you can use PIP and have a small screen in the corner, but not split screen). This bothers me because one of the reasons why I purchased a new TV was because I could use it with my PC (I wanted to play partypoker and check emails while I watch SportsCenter - I really can't do that right now with PIP only).

Good luck with your purchase - I think you will be VERY happy with your decision.
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