Possible disassembly of Hitachi 61 inch TV


Unregistered guest
I recently inherited a Hitachi 61 inch rear projection TV--model number 61HDX98B.

I would like to move it to the basement for optimal viewing. The problem is that it won't fit down the stairs.

Is it possible to disassemble this TV?

Can I do it or can I pay a professional to do it?

Has anyone ever done this before?

Any info is greatly appreciated.



normally those rear projectors do split into 2 parts for transport between stand/speakers and the projection screen box

However, the pros who for example do contract work for Best Buy etc use special body straps that help avoid a ruptured hernia and so forth

Some small type moving companies will give you over the phone a ballpark estimate with a final estimate/and sometimes immediate move once they know the precise move. Give them your best measurements on the stairs over the phone and condition of stairway and TV weight etc, and offer all cash, guestimates in the range 125 to $200 for a quick but slightly risky job involving moving down a stairway, a bit more for tranport from house to another house

Fire codes usually requires something more than stairway access to basements in most countries. Your stairway might limit deliverable set size to the basement

If the stairway has any hope of fitting it, piano movers if need be can alway move it, however they are a bit more expensive

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