JVC TH-C50 dvd home theater to RCA T.V.


New member
Username: Ronnie1234

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-09
I just bought a JVC TH-C50 digital DVD Theater System from my sister-in-law and I can't get it hooked up right for the surround sound to work thru my RCA TV. The sound is only playing with the DVD player that came with the system. Does anyone know how to hook the cables up for this to play thru the sattelite box so I can use it for my tv as well, and not just for the dvd? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!

Silver Member
Username: Jrbay

Livonia [Detroit area], Michigan USA

Post Number: 718
Registered: Feb-08
Greetings Ronald,

Your satellite box hopefully has an optical output that should be used to connect to the JVC.

New member
Username: Ronnie1234

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-09
hi Jim,
thanks for your fast response..my satellite receiver has the following plug ins on the back...
RF OUT ...ANT IN...Audio and Video Left and Right...2S/PDIF S-VIDEO ....Y,Pb...Pr....LOOP OUT...is either one of these gonna be able to be used for the optical output?? If not, is there a way I can plug it to my T.V. to get it to work that way?? thanks so much for your help!!

Silver Member
Username: Jrbay

Livonia [Detroit area], Michigan USA

Post Number: 719
Registered: Feb-08
Is there anything on the back of the satellite box that looks like this:

optical.bmp (57.0 k)

Silver Member
Username: Jrbay

Livonia [Detroit area], Michigan USA

Post Number: 720
Registered: Feb-08
Well that certainly didn't work as I expected. Let me try that again

Silver Member
Username: Jrbay

Livonia [Detroit area], Michigan USA

Post Number: 721
Registered: Feb-08
There is a picture on this old thread:

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.ecoustics.com/electronics/forum/5 /475781.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.ecoustics.com/electronics/forum/accessories/474569.html&usg= __iKH9uNOVIKAPpgd61bgggJ8jl7s=&h=315&w=600&sz=72&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=D8yjxV hUlKlh9M:&tbnh=71&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Doptical%2Baudio%2Boutput%26ndsp%3D 21%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en- US:official%26sa%3DN
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