Getting my sub tomorrow and ....................


New member
Username: Unicronwmd

Post Number: 15
Registered: 12-2003
I am getting my "new" Infinity Interlude IL120S sub tomorrow and I want your opinions. It was $387 with $25 for shipping with full warrenty. Do you think this is a good sub? Have you heard it, or of it?

I have been looking for a sub for about a month now and after reading several great reviews on this sub, I am getting it. I have also read a lot of reviews on the Alpha 1200S, which is basicly the same sub but ugly:-) I remember StereoPhile mag said the IL120S was the sub to beat under $1,000 with the RABOS kit.

Anyways, this will be my first sub and I need your opinions on connecting it to my system.

At first I was just going to use 1 RCA cable streight from the receiver to the sub. Then I heard that I can't use it that way in stereo mode. Is this true?

So after I heard that, I figured, "F-it!!! I'll just use the sub's crossover!!!"

Now wouldn't there be some kind of signal loss? If the signal is sent out of the receiver, throught the 15ft of 14ga speaker wire to the sub, through the sub's crossover, out the sub, through the 14ga speaker wire again to the speakers. All that plus 4 sets of binding posts each. Wouldn't there be some kind of audible signal loss?

Another thing I could do is use a stereo RCA wire and hook it up to the "tape out" on my receiver to the sub. Would there be any sound quality issues?

Last, I got a 12' foot "subwoofer cable" today on the way to work. I was kinda in a rush but it looks like it might work for one of my options I have but I still want your opinions. It is a long Y wire basicly and it seemed like it would be ok for hooking up to the (single) sub OUT on my receiver, to the (two) left and right INs on the sub. Does it matter, or should a mono RCA work just as well?

Thanks for taking your time and reading,

New member
Username: Unicronwmd

Post Number: 17
Registered: 12-2003
Why no replies????

New member
Username: Unicronwmd

Post Number: 19
Registered: 12-2003

Unregistered guest
Post holiday blahs?

pr perhaps, Bush wants us to go to MARS, why are you spending crazy money on subs?



OK how does it sound?

New member
Username: Valeem

Post Number: 45
Registered: 12-2003
You can use an RCA connection for stereo use, it's just that many people reckon that for stereo use it's better to use the high level connection. Try both and see which one you like best.

I don't believe their will be much signal loss if you connect them using high level. Some people however will not agree because the speaker wire is not shielded. They may have a point! Try both and see what you think. Anything you do will have to suit your ears and no one else's.

Regarding your cable I personally don't think it will matter either way just so long as your sub receives a signal, mono (single) or Y (double). I do believe that subwoofers use a mono signal in general but making a Y connection like you have should make no difference, it will certainly not sound any worse.

Hope this helps?

New member
Username: Unicronwmd

Post Number: 21
Registered: 12-2003
Crazy money? I thought $387 was cheap:-)

I said, let there be bass, and there was bass, and it was good:-)

This thing is a Fing monster. I have a concrete floor, ceilling and 1 wall and EVERYTHING SHACKS!

I have it hooked up with one sigle RCA cable from my receiver's sub out. I have my main speakers set to large and my sub cut at 50Hz. Once I get a new receiver, I will use the receiver's crossover at 40-60Hz.

It sounds great with both music and movies but movies is where this sub excels.

New member
Username: Unicronwmd

Post Number: 22
Registered: 12-2003
BTW, THX Valeem!!

I might try the sub's crossover tonight. If I bypass the sub's crossover but still have the speakers wired to the sub. Can the speakers still use their fullrange of sound?

My stereo speakers have powered 8" woofers and they go down to 35Hz easy and I would love to use them alone or with the sub with a flip of a switch. Is this possible?

New member
Username: Valeem

Post Number: 46
Registered: 12-2003
Unicron, I am not familiar with connecting a subwoofer to speakers. I presume this has the same effect as connecting a subwoofer to a receiver using high level?

Regarding your speakers going down to 35hz (impressive!), I believe their isn't much bass frequency below around 30hz in music tracks so adding a subwoofer that is setup properly to your speakers will have a minimal effect. Just my opinion, but let us know what you find out.
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