New member Username: Yungmike513Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-04 | Anyone know of any? |
Bronze Member Username: Arnold_layneMadridSpain Post Number: 38 Registered: Jun-04 | I have Queen - The Game. My receiver does not handle DTS 96/24. But since LPCM and DVD Audio tracks on this disc are great sounding, I suppose DTS track is OK too. Catalogue on I'd appreciate reviews on your future DTS 96/24 purchases. Cheers AL |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 1924 Registered: Dec-03 | From reading the DTS specs and profile, I understood that all DTS was 96/24 for each channel in 5.1, and that is why it sounds so much better than Dolby Digital. So I don't see the need for the badge "96/24". And yet it is there. Can anyone explain? |
Bronze Member Username: Arnold_layneMadridSpain Post Number: 52 Registered: Jun-04 | Naw, I think standard DTS is 48K technology which also compress at about 1:4. DTS 96/24 too is made for passing through S/PDIF coaxial, so I think they just doubled the original sample rate and still compress it 1:4. The DTS Entertainment has a good article, albeit lots of engineers talk. I have a few discs combining DTS and DVD-A. Believe me, its beyond comparision. Anyway, I agree with you on DD's poorer performance. And they could do much better! Their specs allow bitrate close to standard DTS, but normally only half it is used. Cheers, my friend Arnie |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 1936 Registered: Dec-03 | Thanks, Arnold. They make statements that the resolution is "up to" 96/24 on all channels. But the DVD-A spec has lots of "up to"s, too, and these are rarely met, in my experience. This also suggests that absence of the "DTS 96/24" label does not mean it isn't, if that makes sense. |
Bronze Member Username: GoldenarrowPost Number: 93 Registered: Jun-04 | John A., From what I understand, the label must say "96/24" for the DTS to be rendered as such. DVD-Video is only 48k in multichannel, not 96k. I could be wrong, so if you find something to the contrary, please let us know. Last month, I had emailed NAD support specifically about DTS "96/24" discs and they came back saying that my NAD T752 receiver does not have the required DTS 96/24 decoder but that the installed DTS decoder would automatically playback at a lower resolution (I think they said 48k/24bit). So, I am guessing that DTS 96/24 discs are "backwards compatible" with the older decoders already in most receivers. goldenarrow |
Anonymous | Hi: goldenarrow NAD T-763 receiver dose have the required DTS 96/24 deccder and that the unit can play SACD disc. I live in Paraguay so my english is not good. barry |
New member Username: DanmanPost Number: 7 Registered: Apr-04 | This may sound a little silly but I am new to the DVD-Audio thing and am wondering how this works. Do you buy a DVD that is marked for this type of player or what....... I just want some info as to how it all works. I have a NAD 372 so it is only a 2 channel system however if the benefits are a marginal increase in quality sound, I am interested. I know of knowbody that has gone this route yet so I guess you could call me DVD Audio stupid! |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 1963 Registered: Dec-03 | Danman, A DVD-Audio disc looks like an ordinary DVD-Video disc. It has the high-resolution audio files in a different format. Always, however, a DVD-Audio disc also has DVD-video files, DTS, Dolby Digital, or both, to make the disc more verstaile: it will play on any player. Those DVD-Video tracks carry music and not much video. The DVD-Audio part of the disc does not play on any DVD player; the player need to be capable, and will have a badge "DVD-A" on it, like the disc. I was just where you are last year, and learned things here, mostly on What does "DVD-audio" mean here?. When I finally got a true DVD-A player, I was really, really pleased. It is the best thing in sound quality for decades. Twilight of the Compact Disc and NAD T533 DVD/CD player user's review,... might help explain my enthusiasm some more. |
Bronze Member Username: Arnold_layneMadridSpain Post Number: 68 Registered: Jun-04 | I had a look at C372 specs, frequency response seems OK for enjoying DVD-A. Just a warning though: There are rumours about Hi-rez frequency range could overheat amp during prolonged use. Some if not many DVD-A discs has a stereo track as well. It can be true DVD-A, or DVD-Video compliant LPCM. SACD discs also often contains a stereo track, but then again you'd need a player that handles it. Cheers AL |
New member Username: DanmanPost Number: 9 Registered: Apr-04 | Thanks for the info. My dealer told me that the hype around DVD-Audio has never really taken off yet and where I live there are no discs of this type easily available. I am getting a new DVD player that will have this feature but have not settled on a specific unit as of yet. Not aware of an amp being sensitive to feequencies and over heating........I will looki into that. |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 1968 Registered: Dec-03 | Danman, "the hype around DVD-Audio has never really taken off yet" I think that is correct. It is a mystery to me why the manufacturers and recording companies keep quiet when they really do have something new, and better, to offer. It does not happen so often. It is almost as if they are afraid that DVD-A might be successful. What vested interests might they be protecting.....? When audio dealers say "there are no discs easily available" there is something very strange going on. I have also heard, from record dealers "nobody has a player". They are both wrong. All DVD-A discs play on standard DVD players. Try one and see. It is quite weird. |
Bronze Member Username: DanmanPost Number: 11 Registered: Apr-04 | Everything is based on money and probably it is more expensive to convert and CD's are selling at record profits the consumer never sees! Who really knows. I plan on purchasing (it would seem) A Panasonic S47 as it plays DVD-Audio in 2 channel only which suits me fine for my system. I want this feature and hope that companies will start moving on this as us audiofiles demand better sound that will compare to vinyl records of the past. |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 1148 Registered: Dec-03 | danman I would not shortsuit myself and get a player that only does dvd-a. I would make sure the unit plays sacd also. that way you get both hi rez formats and have more choice of music for yourself. theres a pioneer 563a in the states hear $100 and theres a euro version 565 so you might want to look at that. |
Bronze Member Username: DanmanPost Number: 12 Registered: Apr-04 | I live in Canada and am not sure about SACD as like I previously said, I am not very knowledgable about this stuff! Which one is more readily available.............. |
Silver Member Username: GoldenarrowPost Number: 120 Registered: Jun-04 | Danman said: "where I live there are no discs of this type easily available" I have routinely used the internet to find good quality discs, reviews by customers, and price comparisons (and I am VERY picky about what I buy). Some of these web sites let you listen to 30 seconds or more of some of the tracks. It does you no good, IMO, to let local dealers tell you what to do without first verifying the veracity of their statements. A simple search at (a local music store with an internet presence) yields 483 DVD-A and 408 SACD discs readily gotten (there are actually more than these available but this is just an example of a good music store that will weed out the ones they don't think sell as much volume). It is a fallacy to believe that one cannot get good high-rez music in stereo or in multichannel. But of course, first you have to have a Player that can play the formats. An off-beat music label is They have some unique high-rez stuff. I have stopped buying regular CD's and been slow (picky) in choosing new high-rez discs, almost out of principle. My ears have appreciated it and I think you will too! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 1151 Registered: Dec-03 | they both have about the same availability. but if you get a player like the one i mention. it will play both so don't have to worry which disks you find. they will play sacd/dvd-a/dvd/cd just about anything. hence they are called universal players. |
Silver Member Username: SemNew York USA Post Number: 208 Registered: Mar-04 | Danman, I would agree with my amber-coated friend, do not limit yourself to just DVD-A, or to just 2-channel. If you're just getting started, like me, an inexpensive combo player is what I'd recommend. My reasons were two-fold: first I didn't have a lot of money to spend at this time. Second, with technology changing as fast as it does, I'm not sure what we'll be listening to in a few years. For these reasons, I went conservative and picked up a 563-A for US$99. As a jumping off point, it does a very good job. DVD-Vs played through the S Video port are much clearer, even on my older Mitsubishi CRT tv then they were when played through my Sony dvd player. It also plays DVD-As, SACDs, and DTS discs with amazing clarity - at least for the $$ spent. I think it even handles burned cdrs/dvds, vcd's and mp3s as well - though I haven't tried these as of yet. Check this link to see a few online dealers and what they have to offer in SACD and DVD-As that I posted a couple weeks ago. Good luck!! |
Bronze Member Username: DanmanPost Number: 16 Registered: Apr-04 | You see, the fact is I am not into 6 channel systems......I guess even though I am not old, I am more into music and I don't want to buy a digital amplifier or whatever. I have a big screen Panasonic that I just bought with a rather ordinary Panasonic DVD player and it works very well with good sound. I may buy a NAD player or something else soon and was wondering what all the interest is in DVD-Audio and is it really going to fly or not! SACD players are quite expensive and I think I will try them out first and experiment. I will look into the one you mentioned but it does seem a little cheap to be playing all of these formats! |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 1152 Registered: Dec-03 | danman "You see, the fact is I am not into 6 channel systems......I guess even though I am not old, I am more into music and I don't want to buy a digital amplifier or whatever" both formats work for stereo also no need to get a new amplifier. it's just that this unit happens to do multichannel also. i just think for the price you will not find a better player. even if the other player does not do the sacd/dvd-a. it's just that if you can't get a better for that much money why not get the one that happens to do it all. that's all were saying. yes you can spend more money and get a better unit. but if like you said your looking for a budget player. i don't believe there is another unit as inexpensive as this one that is that good. but it just happens to do all the formats. so it gives you all kinds of options for little money. "but it does seem a little cheap to be playing all of these formats" I think we would all agree with you. I was quite shocked and pleased at the quality that comes out of this unit. thats why so many of us recomend it as THEE budget player to get. |
Bronze Member Username: DanmanPost Number: 19 Registered: Apr-04 | Thank you for your help, I will look into trying one soon and let you know what I think. You have all been helpful for for a DVD Audio no brainer! |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 1159 Registered: Dec-03 | back to the original thread topic. I think the sheryl crowe dvd I have is dts 96/24 sounds really nice and is dts/es/descrete. |
Bronze Member Username: Arnold_layneMadridSpain Post Number: 72 Registered: Jun-04 | Mr. K, is that 6.1 and 96/24 at the same time, or separate tracks? (Just to know what I'm missing with my incompatible receiver.) Cheers AL |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 1179 Registered: Dec-03 | i believe "6.1 and 96/24 at the same time" but i have to check. |