Thorens TD-125 Mk II


Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 126
Registered: Dec-12
I used to own this turntable. I see them fetching ridiculous prices today on e-bay, far more than I got for mine in 1988 when I sold it.

How well does it stack up against the better direct drive turntables of the last 40 or so years?

With my extraordinarily acute hearing, I could hear wow and flutter when I played my LPs, whether it was from the turntable or the LPs themselves I was never sure. The strobe was pretty stable, but I could see very slow speed changes.

Jan do not post on this thread.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 17693
Registered: May-04

Don't worry, I wouldn't toss you a rope if you were drowning. Anyone got an anchor?

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 128
Registered: Dec-12
Jan, you posted to this thread, in direct violation of my request. I don't want you to do that again.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 17697
Registered: May-04

Peter told you to butt out of his thread. In direct violation of his request, you did what?

But you knew in advance that would be my answer, didn't you?

Is this giving you the sort of trollish attention you want, orne? Does it keep your mind off the pudding they're serving in the home?


Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 134
Registered: Dec-12
Do you have any opinions on the Thorens TD-125 Mk II? If so, let's hear them.

Some people are paying big bucks for them. I can't understand why.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 17699
Registered: May-04

There's a lot about audio you don't understand. You've made that abundantly clear since your debut here. That doesn't seem to stop you from being the forum troll however.

You're, what? Asking for my help now? Since no one else is interested in talking to you on this forum?

Oh, well this should answer your question;


Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 137
Registered: Dec-12
No, not asking for your 'help'. I was being polite, something with which you are totally unacquainted.

I was curious whether these turntables were all that good, that's all.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 17701
Registered: May-04

Ornello posted on Thursday, January 31, 2013 - 20:07 GMT

"No, not asking for your 'help'. I was being polite ... "

Ornello posted on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 23:07 GMT

"Jan do not post on this thread."

Want me to post a few more of your "polite" remarks on this forum?

You are stupid, you are a liar and you are a troll. You want to be "polite"? That's going to require more than a mere question when no one else will talk to you.


Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 148
Registered: Dec-12
Excuse me, is there someone else up there we could talk to?

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 2164
Registered: Oct-10
"Thorens TD-125 Mk II

Ornello posted on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 23:07 GMT

I used to own this turntable. I see them fetching ridiculous prices today on e-bay, far more than I got for mine in 1988 when I sold it."

"Do you have any opinions on the Thorens TD-125 Mk II? If so, let's hear them.

Some people are paying big bucks for them. I can't understand why."

"Ornello posted on Sunday, February 17, 2013 - 21:03 GMT


Again, I say try to find a used Thorens TD-125 or 126 to start with, and look into Ortofon moving-coil cartridges.

These are products of known quality and extreme durability.

They don't make 'em like this anymore."



Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 235
Registered: Dec-12

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 2185
Registered: Oct-10
You're an idiot Orny

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 16744
Registered: Jan-08
Are we in 70's?


Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 246
Registered: Dec-12
No, we have CDs now. If you are using records, and want a are living in the 1970s....

I don't and I'm not.

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 2193
Registered: Oct-10
Orney, your speakers were made by Moses for crying out loud! Now, THAT'S living in the past!

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 247
Registered: Dec-12
The speakers (Yamaha NS-1000) were and remain technologically extraordinary, far ahead of their time (1974). They'll still beat almost everything else out there.

Why are you even criticizing them based on age? There are people who still listen to phonograph records, which is a 19th-century technology!

Although generally things improve over time, they don't always. In the case of audio equipment, many consider the late 70s to early 90s a 'golden age' of audio, before Home Theatre took over.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 16746
Registered: Jan-08
Can you compare an Oracle delphi with this Thorens?

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 249
Registered: Dec-12
Don't know. I do know that Thorens turntables fetch a much higher price than they did a few years ago.

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 250
Registered: Dec-12
At the time these Thorens tables were made, the Japanese were cranking out thousands of cheap turntables that didn't last very long.

Pioneer, Technics, Sony, they all were guilty of making some very cheap stuff.

It's just like Leica versus Minolta. You get what you pay for.

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 2196
Registered: Oct-10
"Pioneer, Technics, Sony, they all were guilty of making some very cheap stuff."

Sony made cheap stuff? NO! Please tell me that people who made your "state of the art" exploding amplifier didn't make cheap stuff! Say "It isn't so!"

You're killing me Ornery!

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 252
Registered: Dec-12
Yes, they did. So did Pioneer, who also made some great stuff.

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 2198
Registered: Oct-10
Sony NEVER made any "great stuff". Their older products lasted a long time, but sound quality was never a strong point for them. Your Sony CD player sucks as do your 4000 year old out of date Yamaha speakers.

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 254
Registered: Dec-12
Actually, you are mistaken. Sony has made a variety of products over the decades, from cheap junk to state-of-the-art stuff.

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 2200
Registered: Oct-10
No, I'm not mistaken. Sony never made state of the art anything. They recently introduced a speaker with sota price tag of $25,000, but that does NOT make it sota and so far, it's not getting good reviews and just because Sony calls some of its products sota, that does not make it true. Sony and state of the art simply do not mix. EVER!

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 257
Registered: Dec-12
Yes, they have. I can't help if you don't know your audio history.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 16747
Registered: Jan-08

Yes Sony has made luxury product but was never sold here like the TA-NR10 with very good spec, we can't found any review for this amp because it was sold only in Japan.

For the price you can get much better!

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 2204
Registered: Oct-10
I wouldn't bother with him Plym. He's mentally ill.

Silver Member
Username: Ornello

Post Number: 262
Registered: Dec-12
Sony has over the decades made many fine pieces of audio equipment.
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