Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2508 Registered: Nov-05 | And they are cabled up and warming up. Oh no, my camera battery is flat. Off to charge it up. Stay tuned! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2509 Registered: Nov-05 | Warming up alright - these things get darn hot. These are a pair of XA8800MN monoblock amplifiers. I know some of you have a disdain for oriental audio, but this was a chance to buy something I could afford. Anyway, I'm liking very much what I'm hearing already after a 15 min warm up and getting into the 2nd hour. But I'll wait a while longer before my full comments, but suffice to say there is a liquid quality to the music, superb detail, soundstage and imaging and very musical, maybe not quite as dynamic as the A5 but that may change with run in. Here's the specs and pics: Rated Power: 200W/channel (8ohms load) 400W/channel (4ohms load) Class A Power: 50W/channel(8ohms load) Power Consumption: 400W Frequency Response: 5Hz~150KHz (±0.5dB) T.H.D : ≤0.025%(Rated Power) S.N.R : ≥108dB (A-weighting) Input Sensitivity: 1.7V Net Weight: 24Kg/channel Dimension (W*H*D): 305mm*202mm*427mm (For one channel only) ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 2139 Registered: May-06 | Did you check the specs on your rack before loading them on there? Impressive! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13554 Registered: Dec-04 | Very nice, M.R.! I bet those babies will drive the Quads very very nicely. If lacking in final drive or punch as you say, then the inevitable tradeoffs should more than make up for that. Looks great! No room on the floor, huh? hehehe |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10698 Registered: Feb-05 | They may need more breathing room on top if Class A. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13555 Registered: Dec-04 | 50watts of Class 'A', yep. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 13932 Registered: May-04 | . Don't know the amps but I suspect what is being stated in that class A power rating is an extended biasing arrangement. Virtually every high quality class AB amplfier will run in class A for a few watts and then switch to a true class AB operation as power demands increase. In most AB amplifiers the class A operation is for only the first few watts and the amp can be said to run in class AB for its basic operation. For a few decades engineers and designers have managed to run an extended bias that allows the amplifier to run as a class A system into higher and higher power demands and then switch to class AB for peak power. How this is done is a bit of marketing mumbo-jumbo at times but the overall intent is for clean class A operation over the average listening needs and then provide high power on demand. I doubt these amps run as hot as, say, a 200 watt class A Pass Labs amplifier but they are unlikely to run as cool as a 200 watt Bel Canto. Monoblocks tend to do best when they are placed close to the speakers and longer interconnects are run from the pre amp. If the pre amp's output impedance is beneath 600 Ohm nominal, I would give that a try. . |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13556 Registered: Dec-04 | 60 ohms |
Silver Member Username: HawkbillyNova Scotia Canada Post Number: 674 Registered: Jul-07 | Very nice MR. A couple of bruisers for sure. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13558 Registered: Dec-04 | Chi-fi or not, M.R., that's hifi even if it comes from the moon, makes no difference. More opinions, with volume added? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2510 Registered: Nov-05 | Unfortunately space for alternate placement is not available. Sometime in the future maybe a centre rack with the display panel mounted on the wall, but there are more priorities for further spending - especially now. The cables from the P3 are 1 metre Xindac XLR's and having the rack so close to the right hand speaker means considerable cable runs are required for the left one. It does get very hot that you can't keep your hands on the fins (there are more fins on these than in a school of sharks) and barely keep them on the thick front panel - I had read that in reviews so it wasn't unexpected. I was a bit dubious about the rack weight-wise but it's quite thick tempered glass and it's open enough to for heat to dissipate quite easily. They advertise these things as class A but it's only closer scrutiny of their website and a look at the power consumption that tells the real story. Soundwise, I did say that maybe they aren't quite as dynamic as the A5 - no, I think they are, however they have a different presentation. This is where it gets difficult for me. Let me say that there is a lushness to the music. Notes seem a bit more full or complete and it takes me deeper into the music. The instruments and voices seem to have a more ' in the room' effect. Detail is very, very good (not unlike the A5) but it doesn't make things prominent, everything has a sense of sounding 'right'. I know further listening is required as they run in, but they sure sound very nice. It's looking now that we'll be saying cheerio to the A5 though I'm not making any rash decisions. Build quality is excellent and all connections are first rate, but the blue light circling the power buttons are a bit distracting at first - however they are probably needed to remind me to power off and conserve energy after use. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13559 Registered: Dec-04 | Oh my yes, do not leave these on , like the Saturn! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2511 Registered: Nov-05 | It's Xindak - not Xindac as I previously misspelt. No, one wouldn't leave these on 24/7. Come home and all the food in the house would be cooked. More info for those interested: Looking forward to more listening later today. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13568 Registered: Dec-04 | The misspelling might come from the link, actually, but music is not in English exclusively. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2513 Registered: Nov-05 | One cd we played last last night was Jack Johnson, one of my wife's favourites. She exclaimed how great it sounded and that she really noticed the difference. Bless her . . . Then, listening to Tom Petty she made the comment how 'Breakdown' was her all time favourite song. I asked how could that be possible. Usual reply - "Just is!" I don't know how anyone can pick an all time favourite song. I mean it's not a constant, things change, new things appear, old things forgotten, so much good stuff and so on it goes. I explained this and got a "you're probably right." ![]() Anyhow, while these amps sound extremely nice, like Art says, are they too constricted in the rack. Even on open shelves, the top clearance is beginning to worry me. They get so hot you can't keep your hands on them. Although I read several reports of Class A operation causing amps to run very hot, I may have to rethink their placement for peace of mind if nothing else. The music is truly sublime. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10721 Registered: Feb-05 | They do run hot MR, just like my Sonneteer does. Just like my amp yours is designed to run hot, however that means they need plenty of ventilation. I'm about to make a decision to simplify my very similar to what you did MR. I may be about to sell my entire analog rig and collection. I don't have enough income to give the appropriate attention to both CD and vinyl and since 90% of my collection is CD...well the rest is easy to guess. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13582 Registered: Dec-04 | M.R., I am very happy for you both, and for your musical toasters. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3076 Registered: Feb-07 | very nice M.R. I totally understand space limitations. I'm in the same boat. They look very cool, and probably sound just as good. Congrats man! Balanced inputs? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2516 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks Dave - they do sound good - very good in fact and it gets better the more we listen. And balanced inputs from the pre-amp. The Saturn only has std outputs, but it does have a balanced design. It all seems to work superbly. We have put aesthetics aside, bought a couple of timber tables/stands and rearranged the audio set up. The monoblocks are now on the stands with unrestricted airflow and the heat difference is significantly better. Art was quite correct with his tip - thanks Art. Although we had to move our listening postion back a few feet or more, the sound quality doesn't seem to have deteriorated to any great degree even though we are out of the 'equilateral triangle' speaker/listening placement. I'll post some pics soon of the new set up. Van Morrison and Cassandra Wilson have never sounded better than this afternoon after a couple of hours of pulling the set up apart and reorganizing it. BTW - I urged Mrs Rantz to go shopping whilst this took place on this Sunday afternoon - sure enough, a new pair of shoes. Method in my madness . . . ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10730 Registered: Feb-05 | Good job MR. She gets shoes and you both get great music...sounds like a win/win! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2517 Registered: Nov-05 | ![]() Sorry about the colouring. Now all is left to do is paint big blue Vu meters on them :-) |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3082 Registered: Feb-07 | Very nice setup Rantz! Neat stands too. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10734 Registered: Feb-05 | They have big blue need for meters! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13590 Registered: Dec-04 | Nice, M.R.! The stands are funky too! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2519 Registered: Nov-05 | Chris H, a belated thanks - missed your post. Thank Nuck - the stands seemed made to order and they were cheap. Yesterday I added a power regulator/conditioner into the system. I know many believe these things can have an adverse effect on the sound, but it's not supposed to be the case with this one - and my ears didn't indicate that it does - in fact I thought there was a slight improvement, but more listening over longer periods may be in order. It is a Thor PS10 that comes with a power board with 3 banks of points isolated from each other. Why did I do this? With most of my gear ranging from 220 to 230v and having power variations of around 40 volts I have been a little concerned for some time. The unit can be set for 240v or 220v. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3087 Registered: Feb-07 | The one you bought is a good one. I wouldn't try that with a Monster power conditioner! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2522 Registered: Nov-05 | So far so good David. Everything is sounding truly excellent. One small problem with the PS10 is the output voltage readout stays at 240v even if switched to 220v. I called the local area rep and he told me to call him in a week and if the problem still exists he will replace the entire unit with a new one. Can't ask for more than that. It is unnerving to see the rise and fall in our current. I feel better having this thing in the system. Though power regulation was my main aim, I am happy to have protection as well. After having had a rear projection TV wrecked by a power spike a few years back I then used a surge protector board, but I truly think the sound suffered a little because of it. Sound - I am hearing details I haven't noticed previously with these amps. The sound is not really what I'd call warm which was what I was half expecting, but the music has what I'd describe as an easy liquid flow - effortless, unrestricted and yet fast and rhythmic when required. Bass is superb, full yet controlled, no bloat at all. I was a little worried that these amps may negate the PRaT of the Saturn, but in no way do they do that. They are not greatly different from the A5 though a tad more detailed and refined I'd say. At this point I am super happy with them and most likely they will be keepers. |
Gold Member Username: SoundgameToronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 1021 Registered: Jun-08 | MR, just caught up on this thread. A big congrats on the amps and setup. Like the layout and the neat stands. Monoblocks are great. Glad things are sounding so sweet. Cheers. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2524 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks a lot George, but be careful the "Forum King" might accuse you of gushing. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3494 Registered: May-05 | I was thinking the same thing. Allow me to gush for the first time here (I've been meaning to for a few days)... Those things look fantastic. Your room is definitely one of my favorites (before and after the new amps). I hope they sound as good as they look and I'm glad you're enjoying them. That's what its all about. And if changing your whole system every week makes you happy, so be it! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2525 Registered: Nov-05 | Wouldn't be something if we could change it every week Stu? Except for the hassle it would be interesting to compare so many components in our own environments. And thanks, I'm enjoying them very much. As for the room, don't look too closely, fresh paint is needed badly. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 2766 Registered: Jun-07 | I havnt been on the forum in a few M.R. Just seen this thread. Beautiful amps. A wonderful setup and room. Your power conditioner is a very good one. Way to go. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10747 Registered: Feb-05 | Good to see that you are enjoying you new amps MR. They look awesome and if they sound half that good you've done well. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2527 Registered: Nov-05 | Thank guys. I have a few more (and final) pics showing the set up with the PS10, and a close up of one of the amps for those interested. One thing just I have only just thought to check was if these were matched amps (they are supposed to be) and sure enough they have consecutive serial numbers. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10748 Registered: Feb-05 | Nice pics MR. Just think about how your system has evolved over the years...very cool! Good to see the covers off of the Quads as well...naked Quads! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2528 Registered: Nov-05 | Yeah Art, it goes all the way back to the mid seventies when we got our first separates: a Technics turntable, Kenwood int' amp and tuner, and a pair of 3 way Coral speakers which, after about 5 or 6 years of use, I recall throwing them out the window when they started smoking lol! I don't know if the Quads sound noticeably better when they're not so modest, but all things add up I guess. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10749 Registered: Feb-05 | Yes but don't they look better with their woofers and tweeter exposed..c'mon you can be honest! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2529 Registered: Nov-05 | Honestly - yep! As long as we keep the blinds closed. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3093 Registered: Feb-07 | All speakers look better with the grills off, I think. Some actually sound better with the grills on though. My Studio 20's are a good example. Very nice setup there M.R. |
Gold Member Username: SoundgameToronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 1023 Registered: Jun-08 | Totem doesn't even design their speakers with grills in mind, nor include them standard. Your need to go out of your way to purchase them as an accessory and use velcro - awful looking when the grills are removed. I don't know why all high-end speaker manufacturers that include grills don't use magnetic mounts - so much cleaner looking and easier to use. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10751 Registered: Feb-05 | Mine have the magnetic mounts, however I had to buy the grills separate...a whole $25 bucks. I pu them on during the work week then remove them for listening on the weekend. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3096 Registered: Feb-07 | I agree George. I've seen some Totems with grills on and they just don't look right. Plus, when you take them off, those little bits of velcro look terrible. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2530 Registered: Nov-05 | I think magnetic fastenings would be great however, the male grill and female speaker connectors on the Quads are firm, but relatively easy to remove without disturbing the spikes. As long as care is taken. Grills on for HT, off for music. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3097 Registered: Feb-07 | Grills on when my Tasmanian Devil 2 year old is about. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 3809 Registered: Sep-04 | Very interesting thread. I hope you enjoy them MR! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13601 Registered: Dec-04 | That's it Frank? Very interesting? You and your fish n chips in newsprint... |
Gold Member Username: SoundgameToronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 1027 Registered: Jun-08 | More fish, less newsprint - please.![]() |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 3815 Registered: Sep-04 | Well, I can't really comment on stuff I know nothing about (lots of people do but I don't). From the photos they look nicely finished and they're pretty huge too. Can't really say more than that, and that I hope he's happy with them, can I? Now where's that chip gone? |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13605 Registered: Dec-04 | Tween the seat cushions, mate. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 14009 Registered: May-04 | . While you're all congratulating Rantz on spending money without thought, consider this; . |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3503 Registered: May-05 | Thanks for starting that thread. Hopefully you'll keep your BS confined to that thread. And don't get all sensitive and defensive; you're not the only one who should keep their BS there. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3504 Registered: May-05 | Congrats again Rantz! |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10811 Registered: Feb-05 | Did I already say congrats MR...rock on! After all it's not about whether I've heard the gear it's about whether it's owner, MR, is enjoying it. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2540 Registered: Nov-05 | Well, I never spend money without thought - first I think how much it will hurt :-) As I have previously stated to the great one, I live in a virtual audio desert here. Most dealers have turned away from hi-hi and moved to HT. There is a smattering of NAD, Rega, JBL, recently KEF, B&W and little else. A bit more in Brisbane (where I bought my Quads) but not much else - especially in my price range. I had read a few things on a local forum and a couple of reviews on these amps, and being able to buy a pair for almost a quarter of what they cost here was a great opportunity for me to try them. And they certainly don't disappoint. In fact, now that I have my electrical supply straightened out they are sounding even better - I won't go into the cliches, but believe me, they are quite wonderful. Thanx guys. |
Silver Member Username: Unbridled_idChicagoUsa Post Number: 509 Registered: Mar-04 | What is that "thing" underneath the halo pre? Power something or another... ? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzI come from ... Post Number: 2546 Registered: Nov-05 | Yes, it's a Thor PS10 Power Station Un id, it regulates the power output at a set voltage - either 220v or 240v. In my case, I have it set at 220V after talking to their tech guy and explaining that my components range from 230 to 220 voltage. It also offers protection from surge, under/over supply and other nasties. I cannot detect any detrement to the sound quality in fact, if anything, there could be a slight improvement, but I don't know if that's the amps running in or the PS10. They swapped for another brand new unit as the display had an irregularity. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzGold CoastAustralia Post Number: 2562 Registered: Nov-05 | The A5 is leaving the building. No shortage of offers on Ebay. The lucky winner is picking it up Sat am. I'll be sorry to see it go, I think it is a fabulous amp. Are the Xindaks better - no, I'd say a little different and I'm very happy with them - apart from the space they use :-) |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10950 Registered: Feb-05 | Congrats on the sale and on enjoying your new amps! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzGold CoastAustralia Post Number: 2563 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks Art. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3531 Registered: May-05 | Glad you're happy with your gear Rantz. Whenever I sell something quickly, it always makes me wonder if I set the price too low. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3175 Registered: Feb-07 | No kidding Stu. It's always mixed feelings. You're glad that it sold with no hassle, but then you wonder if you gave it away. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzGold CoastAustralia Post Number: 2564 Registered: Nov-05 | I agree, but I got my price and a cash payer as well. A bird in the hand . . . |
Gold Member Username: SoundgameToronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 1046 Registered: Jun-08 | Don't sweat it M.R. You've got something new you're enjoying and were able to get a quick sale. Happy happy. Enjoy. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 10956 Registered: Feb-05 | My wife agrees with you Stu. I like to be a bit more optimistic and attribute the quick sale to good advertising...![]() |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzGold CoastAustralia Post Number: 2579 Registered: Nov-05 | Well, I'm gonna gush again, so read at your own risk (lol) Not long after getting these amps, I listened to a few discs and was well rewarded with the sound. However, we then had a week's vacation and since returning I've had little listening except maybe for background while working. And liking the sound but without really thinking about it - which is as it should be. Yesterday, I had a couple of hours break and with the house to myself, put on a few discs, and turned the volume control to my preferred number and listened. Well, all I can say is WOW! Not having sat down and really listened for a while, the sound was really something; it drew me into a place where the band was playing, into the depths of the music I guess where I could really hear each and every note from each and every instrument as they formed and decayed as if they were being played right there in front of me. I've had occassion to jam with a few friends and this was just as real (only much better of course). I thought the A5 was spendid, still do, but these amps add depth and dynamics to the extent that suddenly the music sounds right, really right. I can't descibe it any other way. They say having a break makes the heart grow fonder, but in this case it gave me an opportunity to hear my new set up like I was listening to it for the first time without memory of what had come before, if that makes any sense. With the cohesion of the Saturn, the Xindaks and maybe the cables, the 22L's are singing like never before. This is real joy. Now, go ahead and put your fingers down your throats. ![]() If only I could set the system up as it should be set up in a dedicated room, correctly tweaked to get the most out of the music. Maybe in the next house - but until then I am quite content. Although I know I could do with a better pre amp. But as the little lady says, "tough!" |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11017 Registered: Feb-05 | Outstanding MR. We'll see how long the Pre! |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3189 Registered: Feb-07 | That's awesome M.R. I know that feeling of joy when your system starts sounding exactly how you've always wanted it to. I felt that same joy when I finally got my McIntosh system. Not be a bad influence or anything, but you need one of these.... hee hee. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzGold CoastAustralia Post Number: 2581 Registered: Nov-05 | Ha ha Dave. No, when the time comes (and that will a while) I'll aim for something even better. These amps (and the Saturn) deserve it. Not that there's anything wrong with the Parasound, I think it's great value. However, I don't think it's in the same league as the amps even though everything sounds so wonderful. So when the time does come, it will be with careful consideration. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3190 Registered: Feb-07 | Hmmmmm.... this is more like it: That would look nice on your rack M.R.! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzGold CoastAustralia Post Number: 2584 Registered: Nov-05 | As nice as Macs are Dave, thanks but no thanks - then I'd have to upgrade to Mac monoblocks for the look LOL! I've read a review that a tube pre does not bode that well with these amps - or it may have been a particular tube amp. That's why careful consideration/auditioning will be valuable whenever the time comes. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3191 Registered: Feb-07 | That's the problem I've found with Mac gear, as soon as you have one on your rack, you want all the rest to be mac too. Interesting that tube pre may not be good with those monos. They're Class A all the way? Must get hot.... |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzGold CoastAustralia Post Number: 2585 Registered: Nov-05 | They are class for the first 50-60 watts, Dave. Yes, they do get hot and need air around them. As far as a tube pre goes, I'm not sure if it was a particular amp in question or whether it applies to all tube pre's, which I would seriously wonder about. Anyway, the P3 does a very nice job at present and will remain employed for quite some time as there are other matters in our house and life that will require a bit of spending in the near future and hi-fi will need to take a back seat for a while - I'm afraid. They guy I sold the A5 to phoned me and is over the moon about it as I knew he would be. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11029 Registered: Feb-05 | I got your PM Bruce and I thank you very much as does my family. You don't have the PM feature...but I wanted you to know that your message was received, and thank you again. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13807 Registered: Dec-04 | Yeah, Brucie is a sweetheart. Jamie |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11037 Registered: Feb-05 | As are you Jamie. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 13816 Registered: Dec-04 | Glad thats over. Lets bash Bose!!! ty Art |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11041 Registered: Feb-05 | Gotta start a new thread for that. |