Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2212 Registered: Feb-07 | I saw this thread over at CAM and I thought it would be cool to start one here. Share with us what you like to do for your other passion(s). Maybe a good way for some of the newer members to get to know some of the grizzled veterans. I know some of us have hobbies like working out, riding motorcycles or playing drums, etc. Since I started this thread, I'll go first :-) My biggest thing besides audio is martial arts. I've been doing Jiu-Jitsu for about 10 years now, and also I volunteer my time teaching 4-7 year old kids. I also recently got back into reef aquariums and I have a 47 gallon reef tank. |
Gold Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 2381 Registered: Jun-07 | David arnt you a black belt man? lol My bro just got his purple and volunteers his time to it as well as runs a MMA Apparel store. I will go next. I play fastball and snowboard. I have won 6 provincials, 3 Canadians, and was bronze at the world jr NAFFA's. I don't practice MMA but am a HUGE fan of UFC. I don't miss one. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2214 Registered: Feb-07 | Cool Nick. Yes, I recently got my black belt :-) What MMA store does your bro run? I'd be interested in buying some gear. Congrats on all the titles - that's awesome man. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3204 Registered: May-05 | I wish I had time for other things. I don't exactly have a 9-5 job. Prior to my pursuing my current career, I was very active in karate (Seido). I was a few months away from testing for my 3rd Dan. I taught under my instructor for a few years, and competed in a few full-contact tournaments. The biggest thing I miss is the bond I had with my instructor and fellow students. We were a very close knit group. One of the biggest reasons I'm going back to grad school and pursuing a teaching certificate is to get back into the martial arts. Its been about 10 years and the wrong kind of 30 lbs. Good news is there's a new Seido dojo opening up a few blocks away from my house. I'd love to go back to the old one, but its 120 miles away. Also, an Xbox 360 is on the way. Dell has a 20% off coupon. My PS2 is on its last leg. |
Silver Member Username: HawkbillyNova Scotia Canada Post Number: 530 Registered: Jul-07 | Dangerous group we have here. Work keeps me busy 60 hrs a week or more, so other than family (wife, 4 kids) and audio I'm not intently into anything. I run a bit (training for a 1/2 marathon in May), and play a little guitar. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2218 Registered: Feb-07 | You should definitely get back into it Stu, I took an extended break from training after a pretty serious injury, then my son being born (too busy). Getting back into it was one of the best things I've ever done. Good luck on the 1/2 Chris. Keep us posted on how the race goes. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11689 Registered: Dec-04 | No real hobbies here. The job keeps me away for such long times, internet adventures and some poorn are about it, LOL. Play some music, sing and drums, but have not been in a band for decades. I read a lot on the road and at home. Clancy, Patterson,Mitchum and lots of authors that I pick up at the 25c sale at the library. Travel takes up so much time, but has benefits of sorts. In various travels, I have been able to meet some friends from the forum here, and hope to be able to meet more fine folks in the future. Although not a hobby, I can recite every line from every Warner Bros cartoon ever made,I think. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 680 Registered: Jun-08 | Nothing special here. Other than a little pick-up ball hockey, movie watching, and the occassional home improvements project my only true hobbie is audio and for that I'm always on a tight budget, balancing the needs of the household and our family goals. In fact, getting back into audio about 1.5 yrs ago was partly to "get a hobby". My wife was into beading/jewelery making and I needed something for myself. I used to work out/weight train 5 days per week but that stopped the minute I put a ring on her finger. I'm married with 2 kids and that takes lots of time but it's the labour of love. I'm quite social and love to get together with family and friends. Lately, you could say I've picked up vacationing. Got back from the Dominican Rep. a few weeks ago and now we're off to Las Vegas this weekend, leaving Friday night for a long weekend...with the family. Actually taking my parents there for their 40th anniversary. I'd love to pick up some more physical activity this spring/summer. |
Gold Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 2384 Registered: Jun-07 | Stu- Make sure you pick up Gears Of War 2 for the 360. Amazing. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9071 Registered: Feb-05 | At one time music and basketball were my real passions. I played ball every change I got and had quite the rep around here. I played primarily playground ball (didn't attend high school and was near 30 when I was in college) and also played with the college (OSU) guys at the local gym. After practicing with members of the team I was asked to try out at age 29 but declined as I was a single parent and couldn't commit the time. I continued to play until I sustained a serious injury (what's been called the Patrick Ewing injury) while playing tennis of all things when I was 38. I then gained 100lbs (from 180lbs to 280lbs) and been fighting weight and all of it's ills since (hypertension, diabetes and on and on). I lost 60lbs back a few years ago and played ball again for a summer and it was just great...think those days are done. Also had a real thing for motorcycles and had a number of them...until I realized just how much I enjoyed driving them over 100 mph...uh and the life expectancy that comes with that type of behavior. Sold the bikes a few years ago...probably won't go back to them. Started birdwatching in 1989 and at one time was very involved and had a number of sitings published here in our Audubon newsletter. I still do a little birdwatching and would like to do wife is not much into it so that doesn't help. Looking at starting a new hobby...probably photography as I've been told by photographers that I have an eye for'll require some dough so it wil likely have to wait. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2056 Registered: Nov-05 | When I was young, it was surfing, drinking, driving cars and generally getting up to a bit of normal youthful mischief. After our wedding, 36 yrs ago, I gave up surfing to motocross and trail and trial bikes, then after our first and only child settled down into the normal pattern of married life. Reading, camping, a little photography at one stage, a little tennis, and was still enjoying quite a few drinks and such with or without friends. Oh, and one of our favourite pastimes was smoking - and it got quite heavy. A pack and a half a day. Gave up almost five years ago, cold turkey - I still miss it :-0 Now, with type 2 diabetes for me, my wife miraculously surviving cardiac arrest almost three ago, it's watching diets, imbibing in a glass or two of red wine (okay sometimes one or two more), reading, walking, some light weights, our music and home theater of course, and recently I have decided to try and learn the guitar properly after dabbling on a couple of occassions over the years. I currently have an Ovation Balladeer, A Gibson Les Paul GT, a Gretsch Nashville (wife's favourite) and a fabulous little 15 watt Vox valve amp. I'm getting there but with a middle age memory it's gonna take some time. Out of all my hobbies (if you could call it that) my favoutite thing is doing anything with my wife. |
Gold Member Username: StryvnWisconsin Post Number: 1016 Registered: Dec-06 | Scuba diving, woodworking, photography and this year I'll start coaching youth baseball. The Harley doesn't get as many miles put on it as it once did. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2223 Registered: Feb-07 | Awesome! Glad to see all the input. We have pretty eclectic group here. A pack and half a day M.R.? Holy crap. My wife a smoker for many years. She gave them up when she got pregnant with our first, but then went back to them again. She quit again when she was pregnant with our daughter but has not gone back. She still misses them too. I used to play guitar but gave it up a long time ago. I'm still thinking about taking it up again. I'll be buying a guitar for my son this year for his birthday, it'll be a good excuse for me to get one too. Never got into riding street bikes. I have trouble going slow. It would be bad. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9072 Registered: Feb-05 | I used to mess with the guitar myself and I still sing (if you want to call it!). I'd like to get another guitar one day. Being from Idaho I was a motocross rider long before I got into street bikes. Cool thread David. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2227 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks Art. I used to have an old Marshall JCM 800 and a 4x12 cab with Celestions. Man, I wish I never sold that rig. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2057 Registered: Nov-05 | Art - do it. Do it Dave! It's the time and committment to practice consistantly that tough to maintain. Stryvn - it was always my dream to own a Harley and just go cruzin arount the country at times. It'll never happen now ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3207 Registered: May-05 | I've always wanted a Harley and I would actually drive it like a normal human being. I'd trust myself after I learned, I just don't trust anyone else around me where I live. Contrary to popular opinion, drivers in the Metro NYC area are very good drivers. Or maybe very skilled is a better description. They're also probably the most inconsiderate drivers on the face of the Earth. They don't care about anything but themselves and getting where they need to go as quickly as possible. Add to that the tore up, narrow, winding, and bumper to bumper at 75 MPH roads and its not a good combination at all. I didn't feel too safe in my Volvo when I had it. I think a Harley is just a little too risky here. Maybe one day when I move to a place that's always warm and there's no traffic ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1802 Registered: May-06 | First it was street racing and hustling pool, I think Nuck might have done a bit of that too, then I turned 21 and gave that up. I got into photography and audio. Audio for the longest time, about 20 years, was a secondary hobby to park district football, martial arts, golf (still a hobby but has been put on hold due to audio habit consuming all discretionary funds). Football injury got me out of it and martial arts, still wanted to be able to golf. Kids took me out of photography and into coaching. Kids growing up took me out of coaching and into an ultra focused career (always at work, can't take time off). All that work with beers with the team every night led to a change of habits and diet and concentrated workout plan (Body for Life). Started and stopped guitar, will start again soon, work got in the way of the gym but that is starting back this month. M.R. I quit my 2 1/2 pack a day habit 22 years, 4 months, 12 days ago. I had one kid and one on the way. I enjoyed smoking and missed it for the first 10 years after I quit. It does get easier, probably been over a year since my last craving. Still the hardest thing I ever did, but since realize there is nothing I cannot do because of my breaking that habit. Oh yeah, I bowled for quite a number of years. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2059 Registered: Nov-05 | Mike, I miss the smoking, but I am really over it. Bad or not I just wouldn't do it again. Every now and then when I pass a smoker smoking, I breath in and enjoy. I have biannual chest xrays and CT scans and so far they are clear. Stu I know what you mean. The roads and drivers here aren't much different. Scary at times. My last ride on a street bike was a Katana going back 12yrs or so. It had been a long time before that since I had ridden, but I had to open it up. Curving country road near home and when I got back my legs were jelly. Damn it was good. |
Gold Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 2385 Registered: Jun-07 | Sorry David missed your first question. His store is called Loyalist MMA Apparel. Its on facebook, or I can always shoot you his email or whatever you like. He carries all of Dan Hendersons gear (Hendo) and all sorts of stuff. To add, I played rep soccer for 7 years but had to give it up as baseball 3 nights a week and every weekend was a little much for a single mother. Baseball it was. Also played 4 years of high school basketball(point guard). |
Gold Member Username: StryvnWisconsin Post Number: 1017 Registered: Dec-06 | Without a doubt, Stu, the worst part about riding a motorcycle is the people around you that just don't care about the guy they're sharing the road with. In a car though, I'd take driving in NYC over driving in Chicago any day of the week! I'm also an ex smoker. 13 years and 19 days. Quit cold turkey and struggled for the first year. Smartest thing I ever did. I'm guessing Autralia would be a great place to tour on a bike, MR. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9073 Registered: Feb-05 | I smoked as well...1 pack a day. Smoked from 1974-1984 quit until 1990 and then started again from 1990-2000 and haven't smoked since 1/1/2000. I'd love to have one right now...but I won't. Don't think about it most of time but every now and again I get a craving. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2228 Registered: Feb-07 | My wife tells me often she could be one of those casual smokers that has the odd one with a drink or at a party. But she can't - one puff and it's back to the habit. I can have the odd one every now and then and have no desire to take it up full time. |
Bronze Member Username: BetamaxCanada Post Number: 65 Registered: May-07 | I used to be into motorcycles, owned several and did a lot of sport-touring. Much like Art above, I recognized that I had poor impulse control and eventually the odds would catch up with me. And I don't really need to travel at 200+ kph. My last bike was a 2000 VFR and I still miss it -- great do-it-all bike. I also smoked but gave it up 14 years ago. Don't miss it, but once in a while I'll catch a whiff of tobacco in the air and feel a kind of nostalgia for it. These days, I work out 4 days a week and do a lot of walking/hiking with my yellow lab. He takes a lot of my time, so I don't have much time for other hobbies. I own a six-string Larrivee acoustic which I intend to learn to play one of these years. I have held off from buying a game console because I'd probably spend too much time on it. I play Team Fortress 2 on my PC when I can; awesome multiplayer game if you haven't tried it. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2435 Registered: Oct-04 | Like most, I spend most of my time trying to make ends meet, my other time is mostly spent trying to keep my wife & family happy, and obsessing over my canine, Stormin' Norman. However, I do find time to read a book or three a month, mostly history & biographies, and also squeeze in a handful of comicbooks a month to add to the several thousand I have in storage (oye!). On a side-note, I just saw WATCHMEN in IMAX and it was fantastic. I really love food; beer, wine, whiskey, coffee, chocolate, cheese, etc. etc., eating is a major hobby of mine. I've also been told I am somewhat obsessed with cooking (and eating) pizza; I almost partnered-up with someone opening a place a while back (some of you might remember that), but that fell through, but I'm still toying with the idea of doing something on my own. Although I'm increasingly disgusted with the field, and less & less interested in the subject, I spent about 15-yrs. of my life obsessing (not unlike a audiophile might) over commercial strength training machines (i.e. Nautilus, MedX, Cybex, etc.). I paled around with a bunch of fellows that would argue over cams & sprockets the way we go at it over speaker cables & interconnects, sad but true. We managed to amass a great deal of insights & information, but to date, none of us have been able effect much in the way of change in the industry, in fact, things have gotten considerable worse, IMHO, since I first became interested in the subject matter. Come baseball season, I'm pretty much glued to either a TV or radio following the Mets; and did I mention I play harmonica? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2069 Registered: Nov-05 | and did I mention I play harminica? No Chris, you didn't. What's harminica - a game? ![]() |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2436 Registered: Oct-04 | No, a har-MINI-ca is one of those itsi-bitsi little harmonicas. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2070 Registered: Nov-05 | A well executed escape. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11749 Registered: Dec-04 | CM read the Houdini bio. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2437 Registered: Oct-04 | That was nothing. Actually I'm in trying to tackle a new translation of Don Quioxte at the moment. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11751 Registered: Dec-04 | Manchado about nothing? |
Bronze Member Username: BetamaxCanada Post Number: 66 Registered: May-07 | The Bard would be proud. Well, perhaps. Don Quixote is a great read. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 209 Registered: Dec-07 | I try to work out daily, it's good for the old guy. I've practiced Martial Arts for many years, the last 12 has been Wing Chun. I have a couple Mountain bikes I like to ride. I have a hobby/home business in Auto Detailing. I also really enjoy Photography. I don't get a lot of time for that but one day I will. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3211 Registered: May-05 | XBox 360 in the house, along with Grand Theft Auto IV and NCAA Basketball 09. I can't put this thing down. The crowd chanting in NCAA Basketball 09 with the B60 turned up makes it much better. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1819 Registered: May-06 | Adulation at last!!! Sorry I couldn't help that, but I get it. I have had PS-2, mutliple versions of X-Box, and now Wii. Then again I owned both Atari and Intelivision. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2439 Registered: Oct-04 | I have a PS3 in the works, I need to play that MLB 09: The Show, plus I think I'm going to want to own WATCHMEN in Blu-Ray (I need to see it again soon). What, no ColecoVision Mike? CV was my pride & joy circa 1982, I busted my hump to buy every game I could get my hands on (I even owned Smurf!). I jumped on the Commodore bandwagon pretty early too, I had a Vic20, C64, and the Amiga. The demise of Commodore and the Amiga platform, still bums me out. It was kind of like Betamax losing out to VHS, the better format did not win. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11761 Registered: Dec-04 | CM, 1985 called, they are looking for their toys on ebay. |
Gold Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 2397 Registered: Jun-07 | LOL!!! Im with Stu and Dave with th Xbox 360. Im a huge Gears Of War 1 and 2 guy. Online/Xbox Live is where its at. If it wasn't for playing with friends online and trash talking them while I blast their faces off I probably wouldn't own one. lol I'm not a violent person I swear. lol. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 421 Registered: Oct-07 | Photography and the occasional wedding job occupies much of my hobby time. I also write some...mainly 'dirty' SciFi, which is uncharted territory. I have a kayak which is used infrequently and enjoy hiking and the outdoors. Confuser games are big, too, but I'm slowly weening myself off them...... |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 688 Registered: Jun-08 | CM, I got's to see WATCHMEN. I saw the preview in IMAX when I saw the Dark Knight in IMAX and it looked great! All the best with getting that PS3, I'm enjoying mine. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2440 Registered: Oct-04 | WATCHMEN is not a true IMAX movie, but rather... "WATCHMEN has been digitally re-mastered into the unparalleled image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience through IMAXs DMR (Digital Re-Mastering) technology." That being said, it's still great. This is exactly the sort of movie you need to see on a giant screen. The sound system in the theater I went to nearly shook the filling out of my teeth! By the way, a 4:10 WATCHMEN "Director's Cut" is scheduled for re-release in July, and a super-extended DVD & Blu-Ray version that includes the direct-to-video animated WATCHMEN: TALES OF THE BLACK FREIGHTER after that. The word on the street is that WATCHMEN director Zack Snyder is slated to translate Frank Miller's THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS! to film; if that happens, I can die a happy man. |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 282 Registered: Nov-07 | Wow, there is some great stuff here and since I just found this I guess I will share. In college it was basketball, martial arts, ping pong and biking. I played mostly pick-up games, sometimes with members of PSU ball team and IMs. Along with basketball there was 7 yrs of martial arts in a style named Goshin Jutsu Kyo Jujo. After moving to Phila once school was over I stopped biking, martial arts and pong. Kept playing ball at vaious gyms around the city and started shooting/selling & instructing in firearms. Had to give up ball a few years ago. A few extra lbs, okay about 60 has put a halt to basketball. Now besides exercising for health, music, photography and daughter occupy my time. I find it interesting that people in various forums often have several things in common. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2279 Registered: Feb-07 | Cool, Ed. There's more than a few martial artists on here. Is Goshin Jutsu Kyo Jujo more of a Karate based style or closer to Jiu-Jitsu? |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 284 Registered: Nov-07 | Exactly David. Japanese karate mixed with Jiu-Jitsu. One of the best things I could have started. Will get back to it at some point, since I want my daughter to train as well. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2280 Registered: Feb-07 | My son trains in Jiu-Jitsu as well (in fact, he's one of my students!). I'll be getting my daughter into it as well as soon as she's old enough. |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 285 Registered: Nov-07 | Sweet. My 4yd old daughter was taking Aikido for tots at a local club this past summer. Besides all the benefits, I want her to be able to take care of herself here in the city. Now I want her to get a lil older so I can teach her how to properly handle a firearm. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9162 Registered: Feb-05 | Speaking of other hobbies...the songbirds are back. Time to dust off the binoculars. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11802 Registered: Dec-04 | Tweeters of another ilk. |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 286 Registered: Nov-07 | Nuck & Mike, You guys still shoot pool. My stick has been dying a slow death in my Giuseppe case for the last two years. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9163 Registered: Feb-05 | Very good Nuck... |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2283 Registered: Feb-07 | Saw my first cardinal of the spring this week Art. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 215 Registered: Dec-07 | Saw our first Humming bird yesterday at the feeder. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2285 Registered: Feb-07 | That's a good sign Steve. Hopefully spring is coming. It's been a long, cold winter here in Ottawa (as always). |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1833 Registered: May-06 | Ed, Not as much as I would like to. I should own a table but never had and it would seem to be bad form to do so now. I would always ask my opponent to hand me a stick off of the rack, especially if they brought their own. I have played on average, about once every 6 months for what seems like forever. While I would like to get back into it I am not sure I want to commit to a league, similar to bowling and golf. Nuck's game is a bit better than mine currently. |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 287 Registered: Nov-07 | Like I said it's been about 3 yrs since I last played. There was a time when I averaged 2hrs every few days for a while. I decided to get my own stick, but never carried it and always played with a house stick. I call myself getting smart and put my stick in the truck so I would always have it and go figure, I have not plyaed since. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9170 Registered: Feb-05 | Posting bird sightings...I love it! |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1834 Registered: May-06 | At one time I was putting 35 hours a week on the table and working 40-48. Actually was thinking about quitting AT&T to go full time on the table. Then I got a promotion, about a 30% raise and put the stick away. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2075 Registered: Nov-05 | We have birds all year round. In fact we have two bird baths and sometimes I have to shoo them away so I can listen to our music. My wife and I often take walks along the beach. You should see the birds there! She often has to give me a nudge in the ribs :-) |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1835 Registered: May-06 | ROFLMAO M.R. You don't say! I got busted in a restaurant once, Marsh even knew what I was thinking. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2076 Registered: Nov-05 | Hey Mike, if you don't look you're not human. But you're not allowed to think! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1836 Registered: May-06 | Cheers~! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11803 Registered: Dec-04 | I was shooting stick full time growing up. Won City under 14 and under 18 champ twice each. Misspent youth. Then I gave it up for 6 years, and play little still. |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 288 Registered: Nov-07 | Can someone say S H A R K. Here I was thinking I that I was getting good since I could almost run a rack. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11804 Registered: Dec-04 | Can someone say 'Give him 3 drinks and watch him fall apart'? LOL! snooker on a 14'X10' |
Bronze Member Username: DudywoxerScunthorpeUK Post Number: 79 Registered: Mar-06 | being the other side of the pond to most of you, hobbies tend to be a tad different. In my stupid youth Kart racing and Rugby. Karting cures the need for speed on public roads, as as empties your wallet. After a certain age Rugby just hurts, especially the following morning. As I am well past that certain age, its just Music, photography and angling now. |
Silver Member Username: James_the_godLancaster, Lancashire England Post Number: 736 Registered: Jan-05 | Colin. Youre about 25 miles away from me dude!! So you're not so alone after all! I love how this thread reveals the characters of some through their honesty! Luckily for me, I dont have to worry about being married quite yet, although my girl is my good other hobby, any time I spend with her is enjoyable. I'm off to see her tomorrow for a few days since I'm back from University for the Easter break. Other than obsessing over how good music sounds, I love my bike! (bicycle). I'll bike for the sake of it, upgrade parts and go to the gym.. Which is my other hobbey, 2-3 times a week makes me feel good. Grew out of Tai Kwondo when I was about 10, got to red belt (one off black if its still the same system). Will play badminton, tennis and squash if any of my mates are up for it which is rarely, sadly so may join a club in my final year at uni. Thats about it other than some aspirations of fixing up an old '65 Mustang or anything else classic that takes my fancy. Any driving games, by Codemasters are brilliant, DIRT and GRID are top notch so just waiting for FUEL to come out now. Meanwhile, Ubisoft's Tom Clancys Hawx is pretty wicked. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2373 Registered: Feb-07 | Cool JJ! Another martial artist (even though you are "retired"). |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 719 Registered: Jun-08 | I played a little snooker in my high-school days. Got some ideas after watching the Color of Money but never got that good. Would love to see you clear a table Nuck but I couldn't even play you...haven't picked up a stick in years. |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 612 Registered: Dec-07 | Cool thread David. I'll stick my oar in the water. I was shooting pool way before any young man should as my father was an avid player in his youth, and bought a slate championship table from the American Legion for $25. No ball return on that baby. I have not played for years, and was never very good at all. My dad on the other hand used to make a reasonable amount of spending money at it. Quit smoking about 8 years ago, and have had no desire to smoke again from the first day on. Played basketball in high school, and have had even less desire to do that again. I was never very good, but enjoyed the game. Still like to watch an ocassional college game. Recently my wife and I have enjoyed hiking in beautiful Sedona, AZ where we have a timeshare. We also like to take some 2 or 3 day trips to San Francisco during the year. My wife's family is back east in NYC area and Connecticut so we go back there periodically. She's pi$$ed at the NY folks right now, so not sure I get to the Village Vanguard any time soon ![]() I play golf, but have to watch how much I play, because the more I play the worse I get. One of these days I will have to take some lessons and see if I can get respectable. Love the outdoors, and used to camp and backpack quite a lot, now mostly just day hiking. Going to Alaska twice this year -- May and September. Play guitar in fits and starts. I stopped playing for about 15 years, then started and played furiously (for me) for 18 months are learned more than in the entire I played before. I own several, nylons, arch top, Fender strat, Ovation, etc. Need to get rid of several--LOL. Like to play Mark Knopfler, Klugh, James Taylor, etc. Would like to learn lead, but don't have the patience to learn scales. Playing the clarinet in Elementary School cured me of that permanently I think. And this time of year in Phoenix, it is Spring Training (just ending), where my wife and I usually attend a few games where the Mariners and Padres train. That's about it. I have to go drag my Golden Retrievers out of the pool. Cheers. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12013 Registered: Dec-04 | The music keeps draging me back in, as does it for all of us. I am finding myself clearing a space in the short basement to put the drum kit back together. It will take some work, as all the junk is tossed down there, but I think I will find a spot in the next month to drive the neighbors nuts |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 757 Registered: Apr-04 | My other hobby is Karate. I took it up about 15 years ago and realised that I was pretty good at it. Became a black belt in 5 years which is quite fast but never missed a day and still don't. I practice 4 days a week even though I have 4 kids and a demanding job. I did get hurt pretty bad 4 years ago at a competition that shattered my left arm. I was not supposed to be able to do it anymore but I worked hard for two years with phisiotherapy and blind determination and after 14 screws and an 8 inch metal plate, I am 100% cured. I have decided to hang up competition combat and concentrate only on the other aspects. A very growing experience but you never really get over it mentally! I have only had to use it in real life once that lasted all but 15 seconds from a drunk guy in a bar! He grabbed me by the throat and I broke his nose and 2 ribs. I felt like crap after that because it was so fast and my reaction was instant! Very scary when you think about it. I was never charged and cleared under self defense. It would have been really easy to seriously hurt the dude if I did not control myself! Other hobbies are mainly family based as I am a full time daddy and it is a good thing I recently went to the doctor for a permanent fix or I would have 20! Just love kids!!! Music has always been important to me and especially good sound. I am sort of a perfectionist I guess! |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2389 Registered: Feb-07 | I'm there too Danman. I have have a titanium plate and screws myself :-) |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3235 Registered: May-05 | No titanium plate, but I do have a few screws loose. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 758 Registered: Apr-04 | David, is it because of martial arts? |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2394 Registered: Feb-07 | Yup. One of my more nasty injuries. I've had lots of other less severe but nagging injuries over the years. Broken nose (3x), dislocated shoulder, torn abductor muscle, chipped teeth, tendinits in both elbows, broken ribs, bruised ribs and permanent neck problems. But it's all in good fun :-) |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 297 Registered: Nov-07 | Damn fellas. I feel kind of lucky to only end up with bruised shins, a broken toe and a broken finger. I guess I really mastered the art of fighting without fightng. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 298 Registered: Nov-07 | J.Jarvis, If I'm ever in England or you make it to the states I will gladly indulge you in some badminton for a few games of tabble tennis. Two other sports that took up way too much of my study time while in college. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 759 Registered: Apr-04 | Holy crap David! I thought my one injury was bad! |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 242 Registered: Dec-07 | I have to agree it's a little hard on the body. Over the years I have had broken ribs on two occasions, broken finger, bruised everything, stitches for split lips, rotator cuff injuries and various minor injuries. All in good fun of course. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2395 Registered: Feb-07 | The broken ribs are the worst! They take forever to heal. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12017 Registered: Dec-04 | I broke 3 on the losing end of a car wreck and they hurt real bad. The ACL was not as bad. I think physio people are put here just for fun. (theirs) |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2396 Registered: Feb-07 | Yup. You have to be a pretty sadistic mofo to want to be a physiotherapist. Ditto for personal trainers. I've trained people and really, really enjoyed watching them suffer. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 724 Registered: Jun-08 | You guys got some stories. O.k. I've never broken a bone. My worst injuries have been: 1)severing my index finger completely when I was just over 2yrs old...they sewed it back on and it looks and works fine. I went under one of those spring rocking chairs while my grandmother was rocking and preoccupied with my brother and put my finger in the spring. Could have bled to more George. 2) Almost lost my left eye by being an idiot and playing squash without my goggles. Took the ball full force directly off my opponents racket...really did see stars. Took over a year to heal and though my vision is back to 20/20, it still bothers me if I get overtired. 3) Most recently, 3yrs ago, dislocated my knee in a tug-of-war game. Planted my left foot and got over zealous. I heard those tendons crack as they slipped off the bone. Other than that, I don't have any real scars to speak of and I'm basically a pacifist. Nice thread Dave. It's neat getting to know all the guys. Cheers. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2400 Registered: Feb-07 | Oh man George, you must have given your grandmother a heart attack when your finger came off! Good lord. I took a stick in the eye when I was a teenager at a bush party. Came within 2 millimetres of losing my left eye. Scary sh!t man. Eye injuries hurt like hell. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 728 Registered: Jun-08 | Oh yeah Dave and it's getting that close to losing an eye that makes you really appreciate that you have two. Yup, my grandmother was in shock..didn't do anything other than hold my finger out the window until my parent came home to see their kid balling and bleeding with one less digit....she's gone now...she would have loved to meet my kids. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2401 Registered: Feb-07 | You bet George! |
Silver Member Username: TpizzlePost Number: 559 Registered: Apr-05 | Did a quick Control+F for "lift" and did not find any. Looks like I am the lone lifter on this forum. I find the after-effect and noticeable progress too satisfying to give up. I have been working out now for 5 years and have completely changed my appearance. I would not consider myself a bodybuilder due to the stigma attached, but I lift as hard as one. |
New member Username: EzntnTN Post Number: 9 Registered: Apr-09 | Quite the varied bios, yet many similarities Birds of a feather .... Work involves travel, way too many miles weekly. 2nd marriage has provided me with an abundance of grandkids, many very local. The latest will arrive within the month. They are an indescribable joy. Been an audio fanatic for decades, spouses condone but don't appreciate the music. Ex made off with over 650 priceless vinyl selections & most of the home system, so its been a rebuilding process over the last 10 years. I prefer the word gourmand, the kitchen belongs to me. Photography, a serious garden, and the river across the road provide my deviations, work consumes the rest of the time. I chuckle at those of you with Vid Games. I've gone thru PS1, 2, X Box, Wii & have a PS 3 to provide BluRay for the bedroom 40" Samsung. I don't do video games, but kids & grandkids love em. They can't understand why no games exist for the PS3. I've admired since I first was able to comprehend what a musician can create, tried my hand at the resophonic guitar (dobro). I've accepted the fact my talents lie with the volume or source selector, and leave the creation to more fortunate & talented souls. Smokin ... up to 2 packs a day till 6 years ago. Quit cold turkey. The smell of one is all but nauseating. Pray it stays that way. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2513 Registered: Feb-07 | db-bass, another lifter! Cool. I have been an avid lifter since high-school, but since turning 40 and suffering through many assorted injuries that have piled up I've found I've had to really tone things down. Where I used to be all about getting as strong as possible and ever-increasing my poundages, I've found it much easier on my joints if I concentrate more on lighter weights and higher reps. I haven't lost much size or strength, and I feel better. How often do you lift? Bryan, sounds like you have some eclectic interests. Congrats on quitting smoking too! Lots of ex-smokers on here. |
Silver Member Username: TpizzlePost Number: 560 Registered: Apr-05 | David - I am on a 4 day rotation with the 4th day off, so it comes out to 5-6 days a week usually. I am still in the bulking mentality since my young joints can take the stress. I am friends with older lifters though who have forewarned me about the future side effects and I have since incorporated much more stretching into my routine. I do switch it up every few months and do the tone thing, it can hurt just as bad if done right. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 762 Registered: Jun-08 | Used to lift myself back in the day. Seemed like it all stopped when I got engaged...funny how that happens for some of us. I'm moving soon and am dredding the lifting that's going to be needed. I've got a bad lower back as a result of my impropper form when I used to lift. I really used to love it. I too was on a 4-day cycle at one time. Sometime I thought to myself, to feel good I need to feel sore everyday of my life. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2520 Registered: Feb-07 | I hurt my lower back last year doing deadlifts. I used to love doing deadlifts, but now I have to go pretty easy with them. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2567 Registered: Oct-04 | It's smart to go easy with everything, or more specifically, slow. F=MA |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2523 Registered: Feb-07 | everything? |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2568 Registered: Oct-04 | When it come to weightlifting, yes. A primer I largely agree with: |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2533 Registered: Feb-07 | I'll have to look into this Chris. It looks interesting. These days I'm trying to train smarter rather than harder. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2571 Registered: Oct-04 | Feel free to PM me if you'd like. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2536 Registered: Feb-07 | PM, CM. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12314 Registered: Dec-04 | Try it on skates, guys. |
Bronze Member Username: DolarsbinGreen bay, Wi US Post Number: 32 Registered: Apr-09 | I am late chiming in on this one, but I figure I can contribute to the forum somehow, sure ain't due to my advanced knowledge of amp caps..... I play hacky sack with my sons, cause it's back again and it was my major in high school. And for the past few years i've been mastering the boomerang, got a few authentic ones that come back fast and hard. So ducking could be considered another hobbie. Mountain biking too, though it's much like the audio hobbie, too fun and too expensive. So I gots me a couple Trek antalopes, which are the JVC of mountain bikes. But that is to make room for my Adcoms, lol. Though the rims on one of the treks are matrix graphite rims, which cost more than the rest of the bike. So I allow a little for the bikes.... Other than that I make lots of jerky and drink imports, Yah!..... Great forum by the way! |