| Hi We recently bought a second hand Amplifier set up - a C07 and P08. The front of the Amp says Synn, and on the back it reads Synn by Limit. there were no manuals etc, and I have searched and searched the internet for info, but not been able to find anything as yet. Can anybody please help me? Thanks. |
| yeah thats right nothing on the internet about synn amps. I bought a brand new synn p-08 amp but all with it came 1 cable and 1 little paper with the specs. thats all 300+300 w/4 ohm distortion <0,005% impedance 1v/600 ohm frequency responce 10HZ/100khz signal to noise ratio 100 Db power consumtion 280W thats all they tell. iff i find something more i`ll let you know roland from the netherlands. |
| Hi, I have also a synn amp and indeed, no specs or details but the quality is nice for the price. If the research I did is correct synn is now audcom. http://www.audcom.com.cn/en/product/index.htm |
| hi, i have C08/P08. Not so bad quality, specialy the amp. I think the pre-amp adds a color to the sound that one can appreciate or not. Gerard from Paris. |