Bronze Member Username: Reggie_livesPost Number: 22 Registered: Dec-04 | I can't really afford speaker stands right now (i'm a broke college student), so I currently have my front speakers sitting directly ontop a flat wood surface (not real wood, as it's ikea furniture). I'm thinking that these can't be the best conditions for sound reproduction, so was wondering if anyone on these great forums had any suggetsions on what to place between the speaker cabinet and the surface to absorbe vibrations. This is only temporary, becuase I soon hope to be upgrading my front speakers (from Paradigm Titans to Minimonitors) and will buy stands at this point. Thanks for any help, |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1508 Registered: Aug-04 | Blue Tack - about a pea size on each corner. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1509 Registered: Aug-04 | Maybe that should be Blu Tac? |
Bronze Member Username: Marcuslee842Chicago, IL U.S.A. Post Number: 28 Registered: Mar-05 | I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but I put my bookshelves on top of some 1981 3-way Fisher Studio Standard floor standing models, and my surrounds on a pair of 1989 sony 3-way floor standing models. Gives a nice illusion of being surrounded by giant speakers for visitors who watch things on my home theater. It's only temporary as I have two floor standers to replace the front bookshelves and some speaker stands coming soon. |
Bronze Member Username: Reggie_livesPost Number: 23 Registered: Dec-04 | Blu Tac /k - is that the blue sticky stuff people use to hang posters? |
Silver Member Username: TevoChicago, IL USA Post Number: 106 Registered: Feb-05 | yep... one and the same. Blu Tack + cinder blocks from a home improvement store. That was my college hi-fi furniture. ![]() For improved high-end aesthetics, you may paint said cinder blocks. Or if you have an artistic bent, perhaps Pink Floyd-esque designs would be appropriate. Cheers. |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 399 Registered: Oct-04 | I recently put blue tack on each corner of my centre channel speaker after it "jumped" off the top of my TV. Luckily it landed right on the front grill and escaped damage. So far it works great. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 413 Registered: Sep-04 | Grant Try the blutac thing first and see how you get on with it. If you find that the bass is too big or overblown, the shelf will probably be resonating in sympathy and you'll want to decouple the speakers from it instead of coupling them to it. In this case, use ball bearings! Take a ball bearing and stick it to the shelf with blutac. Take another couple or three for the other corners of the speaker. Place the speaker on the ball bearings. It would be better if they were upward facing spikes, but we're working to a budget here. I suggest you just have three ball bearings under each speaker. This will guarantee that the speaker will not rock. The effect will be to lighten the bass a bit but possibly returning some more tune to it in the process. If the bass is still too much, that's one flimsy shelf... Regards, Frank. |