Terry Marks | I have Def Tech B-10s My processor broke. I am cosidering buying a Pioneer 55txi or the new Yamaha 2400. Any thoughts is appreciated. |
G.DawG | I dont think you could find a worse combo than Def Techs with a Yamaha, go for the Elite. |
Hawk | I agree with G.DawG. |
Anonymous | How about auditioning 2400 and 55txi first on your def techs and from there you can decide. I got yamaha RX-V3300 and def tech tower, believe me they sounds smooth and very articulate not bright at all. |
G.DawG | If you can listen to them both go for it. |
Terry Marks | I have a Golden Theater amp 5x200, which I am thinking of using the preouts in the receivers and just use the processors in the receivers. Any thoghts on this arrangement. |
G.DawG | I cant see a problem in that, but why look for a receiver when you already have a power amp? WHy not just buy a pre-amp? |
Terry Marks | The amps broke once, the companys out of business, so I figure if they break again I will still have the receiver. |
elitefan | Terry, I think you will find the Elite a much better receiver than the Yamaha. I would also consider other brands like NAD and Integra as both would mate well with Def Tech. Yamaha and Def Tech is not a match I would want to live with or ever recommend. |
G.DawG | I agree with elitefan. |
Terry Marks | Thanks alot I'm going to try the Pioneer 55txi |
Anonymous | I would go out and demo both receivers with the Def Tech's. I have a Yamaha 2300 with Def Tech's and it sounds great. I did try out the Pioneer and it sounded great too. It came down to price. You won't really know until you try them both out with your own ears. Everyone has his or her own opinion, be a rebel and take a listen for your self. |
Anonymous | I just got my Yamaha RX-V2400, hooked it up with Def Tech (Mythos) speaker system and believe me I was blown away. In music they sounds so smooth, very nuance and articulate (brightness is not an issue here). In movies, there's nothing you can ask for,you can hear all kinds of superlative (without any harshness at all), from the drop of the needle, clear & crisp dialogue to the thundering super explosion. Thanks to YPAO my setup and sound calibration was so quick and easy. |
elitefan | Terry, Did you get the Elite55 yet? I would like to hear your opinion if you did. Hope you didn't have a change of mind and get a Yamaha. Yech. |
Anonymous | hey elitefan stop bashing Yamaha!! Just because you hate them dosen't mean that you tell other people not to get it. thats what you call being biased!! |
elitefan | Hey Anon, Don't you have enough guts to list your name or any name? I am responding to peoples questions and if you don't like what I have to say that's just to bad. If you had read my postings you would understand that I am a former Yamaha booster who feels that Yamaha has let us older former boosters down in recent years. If I express my honest opinion and it bashes Yamaha so be it.I am biased against Yamaha and that called being a selective buyer who would rather recommend something better and who has been into this stuff for 30 years or so and has a historical perspective that maybe you don't have. I remember Yamaha's great amps from the 70's and wonder why their amps today sound so bad in comparison. I don't hate Yamaha as much as I feel let down by them. So in closing; get a grip! |
Hawk | Anonymous: Most of the people who regularly post on this forum are pretty knowledgeable people. Many of us have spent considerable time testing and auditioning a lot of audio products, thus we can form some informed opinions about the audio products that are out there. We share our opinions on this forum. You may have a different opinion and it is your right, but that does not give you the right to insult someone else for sharing his opinion that you don't like. Fact is, Yamaha is one of the worst when it comes to putting in a decent power supply into their receivers. You want some proof? Check out the review of the Yamaha RX-V730 in Sound & Vision magazine, which discovered that the 730, rated by Yamaha at 75 wpc, was only capable of 37 wpc when all channels were driven. Now, compare that to the same testing by the same magazine on the NAD 752, which is rated by NAD at 80 wpc. When driving all channels simultaneously, the 752 reached 92 wpc continuous. The major difference is the crappy power supply and poor output transistors used in the 730 (which, by the way, is the same amp and power supply used in the 430, 530 and 630 models, so it is pretty endemic to the line). Now, add to that my personal observation, which like elitefan, that the Yamaha sounds thin and gutless compared to many other receivers we discuss on this board. When you compare Yamahas directly, using the same speakers and source material, they sound bright and abrasive to me and many others on this board. You may disagree and that is fine, but we do have a basis for this opinion! As I have oftern said, one size does not fit all. There is no one receiver or brand that is better than any others, but there are differences, particualrly in the sound quality. Everyone hears these things differently and perhaps you like Yamahas. That's fine, but don't attack anyone else just because you don't hear what we hear. |
| I am going to try the Pioneer 55txi first than the yamaha 2400. Won't quite be an A B test. Hopefully will get it today. Will let you know. |
Hawk | Thanks, Terry. We have heard a lot about the coming of the new Pioneer Elites, but most people who were considering them on this board opted to save money and get the older models. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts about the 55txi once you have had a chance to get it up and running, especially since I haven't even seen one yet. |
Tery Marks | I finally got the Pioneer 55txi. Setup was a breeze. Sound great so far. Music sounds warm. Better than Denon 3803 did. Movies verdict still out. Experimenting with setup. Realized that piece does not have up conversion. Extra wires needed to connect video, alittle problem. Will post more as I listen |
Anonymous | Looks like someone finally mentioned Denon - I was wondering... I've had Yamaha's before, and my old, OLD, RX500 still works great, while the DSP-A1000 I had in the early 90's had problems. Most recently I had an Elite VSX-24, with no complaints except it is only 5.1 (and the control labels under the drop-down door got hard to read). Time to upgrade, but to what? Speakers are Paradigm Ref 40's, Ref CC, ADP450s, Servo-15. Under consideration at this point: VSX-55, RX-V2400, AVR-3803. (Other suggestions?) I've compared the 3803 and 2400 (at a store with Monitor Audio speakers) and find the 3803 a bit warmer, stronger in the mids, the Yamaha a little (very little) strident. Denon controls seem a little more difficult to figure out. YPAO is impressive technology, but is it needed? THX was OK on the Elite, but, again, is it really needed? I still remember being burned when Yamaha admitted that they had changed the DSP-A1000 Input Selector switch in production due to problems, but still wanted full price to fix mine because I didn't realize that was my problem until after warranty - not a happy experience. I hear they are more customer-friendly now, but ... OK, let's hear some opinions .... and facts wouldn't hurt, either. |
| OK, that will be confusing - I didn't intend to post that message about Yam, Denon and Elite as "Anonymous," but as "Undecided." Now you cvan start shooting. |
sarandon | hawk I agree with you about the rx-v730 is weak, but that is why you buy amps for the rx-v730. |
G.DawG | Sarandon, If you have to buy an amp for a receiver because it has no power, whats the use? You could buy a WAY better pre-amp for the price of the 730. The lower end Yamaha's are no better than any Kenwood, Pioneer or JVC IMO. Plus the piont was that Yamaha WAY over rates their receivers. Terry, Im waiting for your response on how the 55TX sounds! |
Hawk | Sarandon: G.DawG has nailed this one. For the price of a 730, I could have an Outlaw 950 pre/pro which is WAY BETTER than any Yamaha, receiver or otherwise. However, for us poorer folk who need to watch our pennies, (and who were burned buying a Denon), I have found high quality in the form of an NAD which has better sound--sounds like quality separates, IMHO, rather than another mass market receiver like the Yamaha. Tom: My old Yamaha RX-240, as battered and bruised as it is after moving a half a dozen times, is still working great and sounds great in my garage--I listen to it often when working in my garage or on my lawn. But I have really been turned off by what Yamaha sells today. It really isn't the same quality and it is a real shame because I have had two Yamaha receivers from the late 70s-early 80s and they were very good gear. For those of us who remember the old Yamaha, it is like some imposter has stolen their name and is marketing some junk. Kind of like what happened to Luxman a few years back. BTW, I also have a Denon 3803 and it is no better, IMO. Like you, I find the Yamaha "strident" sounding (high "listener fatigue" quotient), but the Denon is less warm than it is dry and sterile. With the wrong speakers, it can sound grainy as the sound can break up and lose focus (only with some speakers). After buying the Denon, I went shopping for the right speakers and learned that the sound of the Denon was not a very good choice as I became exposed to the other brands of receivers out there. For your price point (sounds like it is about $1K), I think you should consider a Marantz 7300 (~$800, soon to be replaced by the 7400 for $1K) or an NAD 762, which can also be had for $1K or slightly less. Both of these receivers are warmer sounding than either the Yamaha or the Denon and I would also suggest they are "sweet" sounding. By that I mean they have a sound quality that would let you listen all day if you could. I personally prefer the NAD--it sounds more like quality separates to me than a receiver, but the Marantz is pretty special sounding too. Since you appear to have Paradigms, I would definitely recommend the NAD. I have heard it with Studio 40s (also heard it with Studio 60s)and the sound was very warm and musical, but also very clean and focused. I found auditioning the combination to be both delightful and engaging. I have a difficult room and unfortunately, the wife does not want any more speakers on the floor. Otherwise, I would have an NAD/Paradigm system in my house right now. The Pioneer Elite sound is at the other end of the spectrum, to my ears. It is warmer sounding than either the Marantz or the NAD, but I think it is not as clean sounding or as clear. That is my preference, only, and I made that judgement when comparing them directly to one another. Now, many people on this forum love their Elites and I think with good reason--it is well built and I think it has many fine features and Elites are built with a focus on providing good quality sound, not just what will sell in a showroom (never mind if its sound wears them out once they get it home). But you would have to decide what sound you like the best. Along the same vien, I also recommend the Harman/Kardon 7200, which is also about $975 right now. Anyways, there are four good candidates to try out. Good luck. |
YamahaFan | EliteFan is an IDIOT. I have a Yamaha RX-V2400 hooked to Mirage M-890i mains, MC-3 center, OM-12 surrounds, and FRX-3 back surrounds and the systems ROCKS!!! I auditioned (3) different receivers using the SAME Def Tech speakers at Ultimate Audio (Minneapolis) - the RX-V2400, Denon 3803, and Elite 55TXi. The tone controls were set to zero and the volume was set to -5. The same source was used for the test (CD - Phantom of the Opera). The Yamaha had a very full and "natural" sound, with very crisp bass. The Denon lost a lot of midrange, but was still ok. By far, the 55TXi was the absolute WORST performer in the group!!! The loss of both bass AND midrange made that receiver sound like a cheap AM radio. For the bang you get for your buck, Yamaha is the way to go!!! |
WillW1965 | OK folks - here's the deal. I auditioned both receivers in my listening room, and settled on the Pioneer. After doing this, I can say without reservation that you ought to keep your own counsel and do an on-site evaluation. I thought the Yamaha sounded great in the store (once again Ultimate Electronics) but that is an illusion - for example, my speakers are from B&W and SVS (602s2 in front, CC6s2 center, 600s3 surrounds, SVS 20-39 PC plus sub), brands they do not carry, and the dimensions of the listening rooms at Ultimate had no relationship to my room. Once I got the Yamaha home, hooked it up and did the calibration, I felt like I had taken a step backwards from the Sony DA30ES I was replacing. Try as I might, I just did not like how this receiver sounded during a 2 week audition - I wanted to, but the high end sounded overly sharp and unbalanced to me. I tried out the Elite, and got what I wanted - a modest improvement over the Sony, with the added benefit of the rear surround amplification - the additional feature that I as a fan of the expanded LOTR movies was looking for. Also, there was no comparison in terms of remotes in terms of ease of use. The bottom line is that auditioning in context is the way to do things if you can swing it. I'm very satisfied with the Elite - the USB port works great with a PC and iTunes! No matter what ANYONE says here - check out a few different options and settle on what works for you. Helpful as all this advice is, it just can't substitute for lugging the thing home, attaching all the cables and making the decision based on what you hear from your own favorite listening chair. Yeah, this is obvious advice - but if you haven't taken the time to do this before, you owe it to yourself not to jump to conclusions and pick what sounds best to YOU with the feature set YOU want at a price you can afford. |
Hawk | WillW1965: A very thoughtful post with great advice! Everyone should try these products out at home to see if they are the right one for them. Your experience with the Yamaha mirrors my own. I also found the Yamaha to be too bright and rather unsatisfying once I got it home, but that is my preference. It does highlight that no one receiver is right for everyone else. Calling other people names doesn't make it so, either. One question, though, which Yamaha model did you try out? I am just wondering. |
elitefan | I have been on vacation for the past two weeks and it is comforting to see that there are still people on this forum[Like Yamaha fan] who since they can't make a statement based on fact resort to name calling. This forum is for helping people and discussing this stuff which should be fun. All I and others are trying to do is give honest opinions based on fact and experience. [30 years in my case.] I didn't make up the fact that Yamaha receivers have had poor power supplies recently; it's a proveable, measureable fact. If you don't choose to accept that then that's your problem, not mine. Selective reasoning must be a wonderful way to go through life. We are all free to buy what we want and believe what we want. If you choose to buy Yamaha go ahead; I don't really care. |
Hawk | elitefan: Welcome back! I missed you. I knew you had been quiet lately and I was wondering why. Hope you had a good time. Unfortunately, while you were gone, we have had a couple of rancorous individuals posting "Yamaha uber alles". I think you have correctly perceived that they have no real perspective on these products, so don't worry about it. Ignorance is its own reward. |
sarandon | and why do you say that hawk? |
G-Man | Yamaha Fan-- "The tone controls were set to zero and the volume was set to -5. " That is totally meaningless. What makes you think that -5 on one receiver remotely corresponds to -5 on another receiver. It is an arbitrary number. You need to use a very accurate SPL meter and set the volumes within 0.15 db's to accurately assess any receivers possible differences. The louder -5 on one receiver will always give the false impression to the listener that the receiver is better. I could understand wanting the Yamaha receiver if you want use the enormous amount of sound alterration modes. To me that is not a big issue. The main reason I would prefer the 55TXi over the other 2 receivers is the firewire link and the MCCAC automatic speaker calibration set-up, which works wonderfully in balancing the speakers and room acoustics. The firewire is particularly useful if you get a firewire DVD player, such as the Pioneer Elite 47avi and the soon to be released 59avi. It greatly improves the performance of DVD-Audio/SACD and can also be used to connect directly to a firewire equipped HDTV monitor. |
Anonymous | Hello everybody, I am more confused reading all these posts than ever. I am new at all this and I am hoping to get an objective advice from those knowledeabe people out there. I have made up my mind to get the Ascend speaker system because of all the good reviews I have read that they sound great and the price is reasonabe. Now, here is my delemma: I have been trying to figure out which receiver sounds best with these speakers. I asked the people at Ascend but they did not even respond. I have been considering the following: Yamaha RX-V1400, HK AVR 525 and the Pioneer VSX-53TX. My budget is about $600 at best. Music and movies are of equal emportance to me. I thank you in advance for the objective feedback. |
| Greetings, I am wondering whether I could tap the brains of some of you knowledgable folks on this forum. I want to upgrade my system. I currently have Polk speakers - RT1000P (fronts), CS400i (center) and FX500i (surrounds) powered by a non-elite Pioneer VSX-D608. I want to upgrade to the 55TXi. My DVD player is a Panasonic DVD-CV50. Could someone tell me whether my speakers/DVD components would work well with the 55TXi? If not, what should I be considering. My preference is movies more than music. With music, I prefer DVD-A. |
elitefan | Orlean, The Elite 55 would be a great choice with your Polks. You would have much more power than you have now and the mellow sound of the 55 is perfect combo with the Polks. You would then have IMO a truely great sounding system for both music and movies. The 55 is very large and heavy so be prepared for that if you get one. It needs a lot of space and a very rigid cabinet or shelf. I cannot recommend it enough. |
| Thanks for your note. I will definitely bear the weight in mind. |
G-Man | Orlean-- As far as I know the Panasonic is not a DVD-Audio player. Sure it will play the discs, but not optimally. The Pioneer Elite 55TXi would work perfectly with the 47AVi DVD-Audio/SACD universal player as it connects via the i-link (firewire) to make the connections pure digital. It will also recognize automatically whatever disc you put in the machine. Whether cd, DVD, SACD, DVD-Audio, or whatever--it automatically sets the parameters for the disc once you set them upon putting together your system. But if you don't get a Pioneer i-link dvd player, you'd be better off buying a 53TX or 45TX. That is if you want to stick with Pioneer Elite. NAD's, H/k's and others would be good for hooking up with non i-link dvd players too--plus I am sure they will sound excellent too with your speakers. |
| Thanks G-Man. I went out shopping today for a Pioneer DVD player. Unfortunately, I had limited time to spend at the store to check everything I wanted to check out. I will do so next week. Fortunately, they had the 47Avi or so that I can check out. Does anyone know if there are other makes of DVD-A players that I should review? And man, the 55TXi is one heavy equipment! Thanks, Orlean. |
G-Man | On the cheap you can try the Pioneer 563a--a universal DVD-A/SACD player--lists at $249--usually can be found at less than $200. The next up is the 47AVi--can be found at $650 or less. As I will be selling mine to buy the new 59AVi for $1299--I will probably sell it at $450. It is only a year old. The Denon 2900 is a great non-firewire machine. lists at $999--can be found around $850. Now ther are DVD-Audio machines that don't include SACD. Panasonic and Yammie have probably some others. I just feel since we don't know the "winner"--good idea to buy a player with both formats. Particualarly since some discs you want to buy may are often in one format or the other. You hamstring yourself by buying a machine with one format. |
L-gunn | I have an Pinoeer SX-240 series receiver, I have not found no specs on it any where on the net! Can you help, if you can? |
G-Man | I think it is a rather ancient stereo receiver that is 40 watts a channel. Doing a google search I saw someone selling it at $20. What are you looking for it do accomplish? I imagine if it is in good shape it can play 2 inexpensive and efficient 8 ohm speakers okay. I wouldn't use it as the basis for a good stero system. But it might be fine for a bedroom or an office to play with small bookshelf speakers. |
Anonymous | elite is an idiot and all he does is insult everyone else. elite please stop giving advice that is 30 years old. Yamaha new receivers are much different thet the previous ones. You should try them before talking about them. |
Anonymous | in no way can a pioneer mtach a good recever. i have herad the pioneers and they are not good. |
elitefan | The above two posters comments speak for themselves. I'll let all you regulars decide who is giving you factual, accurate info. |
Thomas | Hello all, Read the reviews. I'm in the market for a receiver in the price range of $650- $1,000. Intrigued w/ 55TXi options (firewire & USB). My system was a Sansui TU9900 tuner, recently died after 30 years :/ Sansui 7500 speakers, JVC AX-40 intregated, Dual 601 w/ shure V15m (died, wah!). Toshiba 3900 DVD w/ monster 400 cables. Prefer a top notch tuner section in a receiver, I'm in a flight path, high spurious IF from low flying airport approach planes, short wave radio neighbors, and coast guard tower. Most receiver FM specs are glossed over. Harmon Karmon receivers, are they any good? They have decent FM specs, not like my cherished TU9900 w/ >100db rejection, 1.5 capture & .o6 distortion...hmmm What reputable E-commerce sites have U-guys dealt with? Noticed great deals on Elites and Yamaha. Much better than brick 'n mortar. Please advise, shall I wait for after Xmas deals! |
L-gunn | Thanks for the advice!G-Man is there any entry level receivers(2-channel) out there, I may want to look into, I have recently seen a Quest receiver at a retailer for 199.00! Give a me a Idea on what to look at? |
G-Man | Try the Onkyo TX 8511 at e-cost for $195--it is quite good. A bit better is the Yamaha RX 596 at etronics.com at $318.95. The other I'd consider is the Denon DRA 685--but it probably goes from $350-$400. The NAD C740 is probably more expensive than any of the others--and no better. |
| Dear friends, i just purchased a yamaha rxv2400. matched it with paradigm studio60 v2, sharp dt200 dlp projector & samsung dvd-hd930 (dvi output). connected with audioquest type 6, 12" gauge, audioquest optilink-3, monster dvi-400 and audioquest yiq-G component cable. this is my first set-up. any comment? thinking to buy bose AM15 for my center, surround, surround back and woofer. are they a good match? thanks a ton. |
elitefan | EnO, Why in the world would you buy a great pair of speakers like the Studio 60 and then use a Bose center channel? No way man! Buy the matching Paradigm center and surrounds and forget you ever heard of Bose. I like a direct radiator for my surrounds as I am listening more to multichannel music these days so consider the Studio 20 for surrounds. Great speakers for the money. |
G.DawG | EnO, Congrats on the purchase! I hope your happy with your new system. elitefan is right, dont get Bose, get Paradigms for rears and center so you will have a timbre matched system. However, dont take his advise completely, try out different types of rear speakers, and see which you like the most. I too like direct radiating speakers, but your personal preferences may be different. P.S. Anybody tried an Apple iPod? They are So Cool!! Awsome product in my book. G.DawG |
EnO | friends, Thanks for the inputs. still haven't decide what to get for my surround yet. i just added studio/cc as my center and exchanged my samsung into yamaha dvdc940. i am thinking to connect it with audioquest cv6 compare with type6 (for the center)and AQ YIQ-G instead using the dvi. one of the local store in new york area is selling the cv6-10'(single, modified, bananas (ixos) included) for $70. any different? silver or gold connector? which gauge? my room size is 15x20 guys.. i think i am making it hard for myself. this is driving me crazy. do i really need to think about "small" stuff like this?? give comments please.. ![]() anyway, i exchanged my fronts with the new studio/60 v3 only with extra $150. good deal? they will be here by next week the latest. so far i am happy with the set-up as this is my first. oh ya.. the store is also selling the studio/20 v2 for $500 (pair) with a little dent on the side. arent they too big for my room? they told me to match my fronts v3 with this v2. what about atoms, monitors or other paradigms? tell you the truth, i dont even understand what am i trying to explain to you guys. heheheh.. ![]() thanks |
| I am thinking of buying a pioneer elite 45 or 53. Which is better? |
George Patterson | I own a pair of paradigm speakers, and a polk sub, and I'm just beginning my foray into the world of high-end audio. I was going to get a new set of speakers, but I now figure the best starting place is a good amp (I currently have a $200 HK, that is beginning to break). I was looking at the Pioneer Elite 55, and thought that this was probably a good start. I was looking for some input, since people here tend to know what brand amps go with what speakers. I'd also like to know how long I can expect this $1,000 dollar investment to last... both physically and technologically. If I waited a year, would I get many more features for the same price? Also, no one has really mentioned it, but how is the USB PC input? I listen to a lot of MP3s, and currently use a pretty crappy hookup. I was thinking that the USB input would help. Any thoughts? Thanks a lot. |
elitefan | David, The 45 has a phono input and the 53 does not. Power supplies are the same on the 43,45,53,55. All are excellent units. I have the 45 and love it. Pioneer's website will expalin and list all the features and they do have a 800 number. Look on the site and print out the features and compare for yourself. I'm not sure if the 53 and 55 have different processors than the 43 and 45 . |
elitefan | David, The 45 has a phono input and the 53 does not. Power supplies are the same on the 43,45,53,55. All are excellent units. I have the 45 and love it. Pioneer's website will expalin and list all the features and they do have a 800 number. Look on the site and print out the features and compare for yourself. I'm not sure if the 53 and 55 have different processors than the 43 and 45 . |
Don | Biggest dif. is the backlit LCD remote that comes with the 45. 53 comes with the same remote as the 43 did. Other difs: 45- RS232, USB. 53- OSD thru component, audio sync for cheaper front projection screen setups. |
| Ok guys, I'm new here, so please be gentle with me. I'm building a new house and want to set it up for the best possible movie\music I can afford. I was leaning towards the Elite VSX 53TX. For the speakers I was thinking Bose AM 16 until I read one of the replies. I was thinking of using a 6 speakers and a subwoofer. Any and all info will be greatly appreciated Larry |
| DONT GET BOSE. You could buy tin cans and put speakers in them for better sound quality. Go for a set of Fluance if anything. What were you looking at spending on the set of speakers? |
Anonymous | i'd rather have KLH than bose... at least they dont use rediculous gimmicks to get you to buy their crap. re: avoid bose brand speakers at all costs |
G-Man | If you cannot budget the Paradigm studio 20's for surrounds--get the smaller Paradigm Titans or Atoms. George--Technologically receivers change, but not as often as computers--thank God. What changes more often are new features you may want. Not that you need, but may want. Just like anything else--you can have a great refrigerator, but now you just got to have the ice and water through the door:-) You have 5.1 or 7.1 receiver, but now you want 9.1 or 12.1. A new Dolby format comes out--you never needed it before, but now you want it. That is how things change on receivers. Someone decides to put a USB on the back of a receiver--I think Pioneer 55txi and Yamaha 2400. Do you need it? No--but you may want it. Also you can always burn your MP3's to a CD and play them through your dvd player into the receiver without using a USB. Sure, you may want the convenience of connecting your PC or MP3 player directly to the uSB port. You will always find these scenarios, just like in dvd players. Just as DVI is new and hot along comes HDML which is even better. Problem is you have to wait until HDTV's have DVI's (many do now) and even better HDML inputs on the HDTv's (only Pioneer Elite Plasma now--I am sure plenty more in 2004) There is a never ending amount of technology--and there always will be. |
Parag | I thinking of getting the new sr7400 online, http://www.taxfreeelectronics.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=11&Product_ID=892&CATID=4 (USD$699) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/authorizedelectronics/marantzsr7400.html (USD$739) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/bestprice-store/marantzsr7400.html (USD$759) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/topsellers/marantzsr7400.html (USD$765) anyone know where can I get better deal than the above link? for speaker, where can I buy the Monitor B4, B2, BC and asw100 package online? 'sara internation. inc' do best for USD$1200+- |
Anonymous | I thinking of getting the new sr7400 online, http://www.taxfreeelectronics.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=11&Product_ID=892&CATID=4 (USD$699) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/authorizedelectronics/marantzsr7400.html (USD$739) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/bestprice-store/marantzsr7400.html (USD$759) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/topsellers/marantzsr7400.html (USD$765) anyone know where can I get better deal than the above link? for speaker, where can I buy the Monitor B4, B2, BC and asw100 package online? 'sara internation. inc' do best for USD$1200+- |
Anonymous | To elitefan After reading many of your messages I bought a Pioneer Elite 53tx, I could not be happier! DVD-Audio has never sounded so good. (my old reciever didn't have the 5.1 inputs). I live in a apartment and it is a bit much but it sounds great. |
New member Username: Elitefan1Post Number: 13 Registered: 12-2003 | Glad you are happy with your Elite 53. It is a wonderful receiver and if in an apartment I can imagine it might be a bit much power-wise. That 100x6 rating is no lie so hope your neighbors are tolerant. Great choice and enjoy! Buy the way, what speakers are you using with your Elite? |
New member Username: LarryPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Thanks for the info on "SPEAKERS FOR THE Elite 53TX". Bose is out..... So now I need some suggestions on wall mount and ceiling mount speakers in or about the same price range. Any suggestions on a DVD to go along with the Elite receiver. Is there enough difference between the 55TXi and the 53TX to justify the diff. in $$$ ??? |
New member Username: GmanPost Number: 9 Registered: 12-2003 | Larry--If you buy a Pioneer Elite 47AVi dvd player that connects to the 55TXi with i-link it is worth it. If you don't and you have no desire to hook your MP3 player or computer to the 55TXi USB port--get the 53TX or some other receiver. Wall Mount speakers are rather new and expensive. Unless you mean "In-wall" speakers which perform much worse than the same priced bookshelf speaker. I would only get in-wall and in-ceiling speakers for ambient sound (non-serious listening) or if my wife/girlfriend or g-y alter ego(cough, cough) was too offended by seeing speaker stands, or my listening room is not much bigger than a closet. On wall speakers of pretty good to excellent quality are starting to be marketted--mostly for the plasma/flat screen tv mounted on the wall market. These are "ON" the wall, not "IN" the wall or "IN" the ceiling speakers. In-wall and in-celing speakers generally give poor imaging and almost no soundstage--nevermind usually having frequency anomalies. They are common in multi-room applications where sound, but not accuracy, is most important--along with nhaving the speakers hidden being quite important. Now, if you get a truly top notch installer with acoustic engineering credentials I imagine he/she could install in-wall and in-ceiling speakers and get the best performance they are capable of--if I did it, it would sound like a comatose patient accidentally buried and waking up in a coffin buried 6 feet under screaming for help!!! There are some good expensive in-wall speakers now, but I have never heard any that can't be outperformed by comparably priced bookshelf speakers. But it all depends how picky you are in sound and what you need to live with. |
Anonymous | H-E-L-P; I am seeking an A/V Receiver that has Firewire (IEEE-1394) connection but cost less than $1,000. I saw an Onkyo TX-DS989 but it cost more than $2,000. Purpose, link my computer with my home AV setup. |
New member Username: LarryPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | Thanks for the heads-up Gregory. I was thinking hanging on wall and ceiling for the speakers since space is a factor. The room is large but may have problems getting set-up correctly with floor mounted speakers. I don't think I'll ever use the features that come with the 55TXi, so at this point I'll stick with the 53TX. So this leaves me with the question on what will be a moderately priced speaker\subwoofer to use with a 6.1 setup. Come-on Gregory, you got the answer. Next scenario, I was listening to the Yamaha RXV 2400 yesterday, warm sound really a nice warm sound. Anyone got a comparison opinion on the two (Elite 53TX vs. Yamaha RXV 2400). I have time since the new house is about 4 months away, but I like to have all my ducks in a row and get all the information beforehand. Thanks again Gregory for your sincere help.... Larry |
New member Username: GmanPost Number: 45 Registered: 12-2003 | Larry--do you have 2 front and a center speaker? Do you have a dvd player and a tv or HDTV? If so, let me know what they are. Larry, what is the size of your listening room? If you are going to be sitting in a chair or sofa against the wall, any more than a 5.1 is not practical--maybe a 6.1 if you are doing an on the celing installion, but still not all that advantageous. Most people with plasma tv's like to use on wall speakers, sine the front left and rights can be put flush against the wall a couple of feet to the left and a couple of feet to the right of the plasma set. Then the on-wall center is usually mounted just below (or just above) the plasma set. The surrounds are normally standard-types---but theyt can also be on-wall (but the performance won't be as good--particularly in or on celing speakers. They don't radiate sound correctly for playing surround music or movies, Also, if your room , for intance, is 15 feet wide--then your onwall surrounds are 15 feet apart. Not very good. Speakers in or on ceiling are bad idea. The sound projected will be on a totally different plane--not what you want in a surround office. That is what you want in a dental office or for ambient sound in a room where you don't care about the performance. I need to know your budget and how far you will be sitting from the tv (if you have one or are getting one--and what size and type it is)and where the tv will be centered on the wall and the other questions I asked earlier. Otherwise I am shotting in the dark. To be honest, unless you have plasma tv, you will have much better performance with regular tower or bookshelf speakers--everything else is a compromise. Some more than others. Phhew :-) |
New member Username: GmanPost Number: 46 Registered: 12-2003 | Anonymous-- Don't know any firewire receivers that connect to PC's, but there are USB oneds. I think the Pioneer Elite 55TXi that has firewire and a rear USB input can be had for just under $1,000. But a lot less expensive is the JVC RX-9010VBK Dolby Digital/DTS A/V Receiver --i think it has a USB input on the front. I guess you can use these USB ports for anything from MP3 players, PC's, to cameras with USB outputs--so you can play your live film throughn the receiver to the tv. Same with MPS or WAV files from your PC through the receiver to the speakers. |
New member Username: BruzziPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | I bought the Pioneer VSX-43TX to use as Pre/Pro with a Rotel RMB-1095 amp. I couldn't be Happier! |
New member Username: LarryPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | Gregory, Larry here. Are your fingers bleeding yet from all the typing? The room is about 15x20 with a built in fireplace\tv nicth but is open to the dinning room and kitchen area. It's called a great room design. I've designed the darn fireplace\tv nicth but I'm waiting for the final look on paper back from the builder. I guess I'll have to wait till then to see if stand-up speakers will work... I've got about $2500 to set up the electronics not counting the tv\plasma\lcd. The room is quite open with 10' high flat ceilings I'd like to get the thing wired for correct speaker placement the first time. 1)Monster 14g in wall speaker wire Opinion.. ??? 2)Any comment on the Elite 53TX vs. Yamaha RX-V 2400 Thanks for all the input, greatly appreciated Larry |
New member Username: GmanPost Number: 63 Registered: 12-2003 | First you need to pick out on-wall speakers--please don't get in wall if you can avoid it. Paradigm makes on wall speakers, whish are ideal for plasma tv's. I think Def Tech does too. Go to places that carry both and check them out. I would probably get the 2400 over the 53tx. I would get the 55TXi over the 2400. But the 53tx is really just as fine. Probably has a better amp section than the Yammie--the Yammie probably has a better preamp section. |
Aaron from Florida Unregistered guest | I have just set up my new 55Txi and DVR810H (DVD burner/Tivo) Unit. I have a wireless network with a wireless router to the USB on the Tivo, with streaming audio and photos from a PC. This Tivo thing rocks, I will never watch normal TV again, just fast forward the ads, my next plan is to hook up the 2nd zone in the kitchen. I love my new system. |
New member Username: GmanPost Number: 80 Registered: 12-2003 | Sounds cool. I just wish there was a way to erase commercials. And two--I wish there was a way to record in HDTV ( I realize the programmers won't abide that--yuck) and an easy way to daisy chain hard drives. And while I am wishing--include a 2-way firewire (input/output). I won't hold my breath until any of the above happens--particularly the firewire and HDTV recording ability. |
New member Username: RmskoPost Number: 2 Registered: 01-2004 | I have the KEF 2005 speaker system (the "eggs") and I'm also trying to pick between the Pioneer (55) and the Yamaha (2400). Anyone have any thoughts? |
Dave from Madison, WI Unregistered guest | hey guys, thanx for the educational enlightenment regarding receivers and so forth... After about 2 months of research, I finally broke down and bought an Integra DTR-6.4 (while it was on sale over the holidays...); The next part I need help with is speakers. I have NO speakers currently (have advanced overnight from an old (80's) portable jambox with CD player to a/v receiver with soon to be speakers - WOW what technology). Most of the music I listen to is jazz & folk (midrange frequency) music and I am looking to purchase 2 front and a center speaker for about $1000-15000 price range (will add the rest of surround channels later)... or should i buy all 6 speaker as a surround sound preset package... regardless, any ideas regarding speakers brands to check out... and any other suggestions? Thanx again |
Ricky Unregistered guest | This is for the yamaha fan. Do you know how to setup and tune pioneer elites? I bet you don't.I think you should call yourslef an IDIOT before calling others like that. Try pioneers with i-link and you will not be disappointed.[both movies and mucic] |
Anonymous | Sorry for muddying these waters by asking about another receiver, but I've been leaning heavily towards the 53tx (would be the 55 but can't justify the several hundred more dollars; anyone know why all discounters have a bigger difference between the two than the difference between their MSRPs?). Anyway, just saw specs on the new HK avr630. Seems to be as feature rich as the Yamaha, and maybe with the same sound quality as the Elite. Any of you Elite fans heard this receiver yet, or just have an educated guess based on what you know about HK? |
New member Username: GmanPost Number: 102 Registered: 12-2003 | Anonymous-- While the power is the same on the 53tx and the 55txi, the 55txi has i-link (firewire)which is great for dvd players that have i-link (firewire) connections to the receiver. Gives you much better control on DVD-Audio and SACD and the receiver automatically recognizes the disc without you doing anything and since firewire has an enormous bandwidth it can carry much more information and do it cleaner. In the next year or two there will be many more dvd players with firewire besides the Pioneer Elites and the expensive Denon one. I think Yamaha is coming out with one and more companies will follow. The 55TXi has USB port on the back for connection So my answer is--if you can afford the 55txi it is definitely worth it. digital cameras, PC's, MP3 players and IPOD's, or anything else with USB. It also has RS-232 port for future upgrades and for device communication in your house. It also has direct mode SACD--whatever that is. If it straightens out the subwoofer performance on SACD surrounds I have heard 0n about 99% of receivers then it is a great thing. To me the extras are valuable. To others they may not be. Now I would probably buy a 55txi over a Yamaha 2400. But I might buy the 2400 over the 53tx. |
Don Unregistered guest | The "Direct mode SACD" is the firewire. And the RS-232 port is fairly useless for upgrades (I'll change my opinion when I see Pioneer offer an upgrade...such as PLIIx). I would agree that the 53tx and the Rx-v2400 are in the same league. The 55txi's remote and the i-link bump it slightly above the other two mentioned. |
Dave from Madison, WI Unregistered guest | regarding the Integra DTR-6.4 a/v receiver and speakers, I am able to spend btw $1000-1500 for the speakers (see posted message on 01/07/2004) not $1000-15,000; thanx for the help |
Rockabilly Bum Unregistered guest | Hi to all the recent posters. I have been studying specs on JVC DP10VBK, and 20VBk, HK 7200, HK AVR645, Denon 4802r, and Pioneer 53txi. I believe all of these to be solid performers based on weight, specs features and price. So far I have reached the following conclusions. There is a thread somewhere among HK owners lamenting the timelag - 1-2 seconds of sound dropout while the two above mentioned HK receivers switch sound modes. One could live with this, but should one for a 1K or more receiver purchase. JVC 20VBK is intriguing and probably a real diamond in the rough, and a good value. I believe it will be better in a year because of all the head room for extra features available because of its new TI 1500 mips DSP chip. People say the manual is not helpful in assigning inputs and outputs, and that Help from JVC USA was somewhat hard to come by. Denon 4802r sounds good according to reviews but represents a step up from the $1000 or so I would like to spend. After reading all your posts I am jumping on the 53txi. I live in a small interior B.C. town and cant go to the show room to listen. However I do have 6000 songs on my hard drive and it will be a minor pain to pull yet another cable through the attic and fish in the walls to connect my PC, some 40 ft away. (Are there limits to the length a USB connection can be?) I have Boston Acoustic towers w/ sidefiring 10" subs, B.A. top notch center channel, and some ambient "in the ceiling" rears - which do suck, but keep the wife happy. The clincher for me on the 53txi is its width. 16.5" wide, not 17.5 inches like most others. It will fit in my existing sony tv stand and save the hassle and cost of another stereo rack which I have no room for. On a separate note - for the guy building the new house with family "great room" connected to kitchen. I have a similar layout, with a fireplace at the end, as a focal point and it's where we spend all our time. Dave from Madison: strongly consider a front projector (ceiling mounted with a pull down screen. We just put in a Sanyo PLV Z-2 projector, and this thing is instant hometheater heaven on a shoestring. Read the reviews at Projectorcentral.com if you doubt me. plan your speaker and wire placement around a 7x7 or 8x8 pull down daylite screen ($100 - 175.00) Projector will be 12.5 to 14 ' back from the screen. The screen pulls down in front of the fireplace and disappears when not in use. This solves the time honored struggle as to whether the rear projector t.v. or the hearth should be the focal point of the room. Sorry for being off topic, but I am excited about this great new Sanyo product, that kicks the doors off a lot of current RPTV offerings, and other front projector offerings as well. Getting back to the audio side, I am upgrading from a Yamaha VRX 992 some 9 years old because it misses the current formats and in Prologic mode tried to shovel 90 percent of all the sound through the center speaker. Also, I have to jockey the volume control all the time to hear dialogue, then down when effects kick in , then up for dialogue. I hope the new formats handle dialogue better. The Yamaha has been a solid performer and just gets moved to another home venue. I have the feeling the thing will never die. To my tin ear it still sounds good. Thanks again for all the valuable postings by enthusiasts, sincerely, Rockabilly bum. |