Wharfedale Speakers


David L.
I recently purchased a pair of Wharfedale Pacific Evo 8 to go along with my NAD 320BEE integrated amp and NAD 521i cd-player. I decided to choose the Wharfedales over two other speakers I tested (B&W 600 and Monitor Audio Bronze B2) not only because of their build quality (wood veneer vs. vinyl for the B&W and Monitor) but also because of the greater clarity and sound stage I thought they provided. I was wondering if anyone else has had the opportunity to use these speakers and could let me know their opinions. I have been unable to find any reviews online.

Wharfedale Pacific Pi 10s Are Terrific Speakers.

Funny, I was wanting to buy the Evo 8's too. Thing is, no one around me had them in stock for me to audition them. I paid $340 for my Monitor Audio B2's so I could have got the Evo's for the same price but it would a purchase of a sound-unheard product. Wasn't gonna chance it.

I'm glad you're happy with them. They do look well thought-out. The drivers are Focals aren't they?

Joong-In Rhee

Here is a review.
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