Speaker placement


Mike Heath
Hi all,

I have a question about placing front speakers in relevance to a television. I have two towers speakers placed on either side of my 32" television. I know that the speaker magnets interfere with the tv if the speakers are too close. Can anybody explain why this is to me. Is there any way around it, I do not have much space and any ideas will help.


Hi Mike,

All magnets generate a magnetic field. It is the magnetic field of the magnet that interfere with the electron beams of your television by deflecting the path of the electron beams. The visual result is a color distortion visible on some part of the television screen.

To avoid this problem, speakers magnet must be shielded to minimize the magnetical field around the speaker. Speakers that are shielded can be place close or on top of a television without any problem. The center speaker of a home theater system is a good example of a shielded speaker because, most of the time, it will be place on top of the televion.

I hope this will help.

Mike Heath
thanks for the information, but are my fronts able to be shielded some how or is that a fixed thing. My television has a slight skew in the top left portion. Meaning if any graphics, lines etc seemed to be tilted, did nmy speakers cause this? Also when I watch widescreen dvds the top of the image at he left (where it turns into black) is on a slope too. If this is from my speakers is it repairable?


Once you buy your speakers, there is no easy way to get them shielded. They are either shielded or not. I think that all companies shield their center channels since it is supposed to go right near your tv. However, the other speakers may not be--because placement of those vary greatly by room. Some companies don't shield their speakers unless you pay extra money for it. Some companies shield all their speakers. Some companies don't shield them at all. When I bought my receiver and speakers recently, I purposely made sure all my speakers and sub were shielded since I wanted to have the most flexibility for speaker placement. Believe it or not, I found out that subs also come shielded or not too.

I guess the rule of thumb that I've heard is that if your speakers are 3 feet away from your tv, you should be OK.

I haven't seen a tv or monitor affected by speakers in a loooong time. So I can't remember what it looks like (maybe a slope or a discoloration?). The only way to repair damage caused by magnets is to degauss your tv. Many monitors auto degauss when you turn them on--and some you can degauss manually via the controls on the monitor. You'll see the picture waiver and discolor for a moment, then be normal. I've never seen a TV that can degauss itself (but I haven't looked at high end TVs). Maybe a TV repair shop could fix it.

Good luck.

you're going to need to degauze your tv to get rid of the discoloration. all that is needed to prevent it from happening again is to increase the space between the speakers and your tv.

Mike Heath
how do I gegauss my tv. It is not discolored either. It just has a slant in the picture in the top left corner. Any suggestions?


To degauss your TV, you would need a very strong, very rapidly changing magnetic field.

I seem to recall that the picture will be fuzzy and/or discolored, not really slanted. So there may be something else wrong with your TV.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


Take a look here!


u might want to try sticking your dick all over the screen

That was very clever (not). If you want to show off how about a debate on audio? Punk.

hello i left a speaker on my tv and now it is different colours, i dont know what to do can you help me?

That depends on the age of the TV. All TVs made within the last couple of years (that I'm aware of) have built a in degausser. All you have to do is get that unsheilded speaker off the TV, turn the TV off and on again and it works automatically. If that doesn't work, look around for a button with a magnet symbol on it and push that. Another possibility is if the TV controls are displayed on-screen (OSD). There may be a degaussing option there. If it's an older TV you'll need to buy a degaussing magnet which is a large ring-shaped electro-magnet. You plug it in hold it away from the front of the TV, then move it towards the screen in a circular pattern. Be aware that if the damage is severe enough you'll never get that rainbow out of there.

how can you sheild your speakers yourself?

Use a bucking magnet:http://www.partsexpress.com/webpage.cfm?webpage_id=3&SO=2&&DID=7&CATID=45&ObjectGroup_ID=571&filter=ferrite
and a metal container around it. For more info look here:

I just recently bought a JVC tv from a small business and upon going to look at it i was unaware of any defects. WHen i arrived, since the unit was on display and not in a box, i asked to view it and make sure it worked fine. When i turned it on i noticed a discoloration (about 5 inches) in the left side of the screen and one about 2 inches out in the right side. I asked the seller about this and he told me that it was more than likely placed next to a strong magnet during its shipping and that over time this would dissappear. Since i had heard of this happening before i believed him and convinced him to leave the tv on and running while i left for several hours, and then i'd come back and decide if i wanted to purchase.
After returning, i noticed it was still there, but significantly smaller on the left side, and pretty much gone on the right side. SO i took it home. Im almost sure that within the next couple of days it will subside on its own, but my nerves wont be settled until that time. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to manually fix this problem. ( i read about degaussing it, and i will try that when i get home...) is degaussing it the only way besides waiting... Thanx for any feedback

do you know how much it cost to purchase a degauser my tv is a 35 inch and always when I move in the corners I get those crazy blue and red colors

Paul T
Be careful, ruined a Sony 26" TV 15 years ago due to having my unshielded Polk Towers too close. The TV was in a entertainment center and I even put sheets of metal inside the cabinet next to the TV which stopped the color from bleeding but I guess didn't shield enough.... Since then I've bought only shielded speakers.. although now have a Sony rear projection TV so I guess shielding won't be critical with next set of speakers...

Do a search on Google for "degaussing coil". They run $40-$50.

I would de-gauss the television and either move the speakers at least 3 feet from either side of the tv, move the speakers to another room and listen to them in another set-up, or sell/give them.

Now, de-gaussing isn't by any means guaranteed to solve the problem. For one, the speaker may not even be the problem, it could be a glitch in the tv that has nothing to do with being magnetized by the speakers.

There is no good way to retroactively shield speakers that isn't terribly invasive and wouldn't in all likliehood ruin the speaker cabinet or that wouldn't be totally gross--as covering the speaker cabinet with lead or other shielding metal foil.

By the way, what brand and kind of speakers are these? If they are inexpensive it may be wise to use them for another purpose--either as surrounds or in another room, or just sell or give them to someone.

My young daughter has a Barbie Wand with a very strong magnet in it. She was investigating to see if it would stick to the front of the tv. We now have green spots in several places. would degaussing help this or are we SOL.

Yes you can degauss it. Some tv repair shops will degauss it for you...some will charge you for it but some of the better ones won't.

I have a 32" JVC television and have degaussed it with no success. I have red and green splotches that grow out of the upper left and right corners of the screen as the tv gets warmer. Is there any advice you can give? Thanks for the help.
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