TOO_COOL Unregistered guest | hey guy's i am selling my Nitendo 64 with 4 controles and 7 games for $100 (with a memory card) JUST LIKE NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i know you want it. |
Unregistered guest | no thanks i have one but i will like the games and mermey card |
Unregistered guest | whats games do you have? =-) |
Unregistered guest | That sounds interesting... is that your final offer? Have you tried |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 17 Registered: Dec-04 | I'm thinking of getting that,okay offer. |
New member Username: MavPost Number: 9 Registered: Dec-04 | I might by too!! |
Bronze Member Username: ElmerlobthudPost Number: 14 Registered: Nov-04 | Nintendo 64s are pants. it's a pity since Nintendo have some very talented software programmers. Unfortunately, they insist on developing games for 5 yr olds and therefore will never again be a serious market contender. It's like asking micheal Jackson to knock down NEVERLAND and build las vegas on his lawn |
Silver Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 134 Registered: Dec-04 | That is soo true |
Bronze Member Username: Rozgriz_3Post Number: 12 Registered: Mar-05 | HI! |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 765 Registered: Jan-05 | man stop saying hui say anything but hi |
Bronze Member Username: Rozgriz_3Post Number: 48 Registered: Mar-05 | HI! |
Bronze Member Username: Rozgriz_3Post Number: 49 Registered: Mar-05 | Sorry couldn't help it. |
Gold Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 1042 Registered: Jan-05 | lol |
Gold Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 1115 Registered: Jan-05 | still same answer..ITS A SCAM |
Anonymous | i am interested!!!!!how is gonna hapen?post the games ! ! ! ! |
Anonymous | i am really interested!!!!how is gonna hapen? post the games!!!i will chec the forum for news!!!REPLY |
Silver Member Username: Ford_on_20sJacksonville, Florida Us Post Number: 132 Registered: Nov-05 | people still rockin the n64's danggggggg , awesome |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2510 Registered: Jul-05 | I still play mine9 |
Bronze Member Username: Nik3Sacramento, Ca Usa Post Number: 23 Registered: Nov-05 | ya somtimes win i need my zelda fix ocarana of time still one of my fav altime never liked the mask one to much |
Bronze Member Username: Nik3Sacramento, Ca Usa Post Number: 24 Registered: Nov-05 | pluse i have seen the 64 go for 10$ on ebay with lots of stuff i still buy games on there for like 99c pluse 2$ shiping |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2627 Registered: Jul-05 | do u have a rhino, eb, software etc, around where u live, they have alot of cheap games and no |
Bronze Member Username: Nik3Sacramento, Ca Usa Post Number: 31 Registered: Nov-05 | we got every thing here walk down town see a micdonolds turn the conner and see a nother one if i looked real hard prob but i like ebay my self prob in SF there would be one for shure |
Bronze Member Username: Nik3Sacramento, Ca Usa Post Number: 32 Registered: Nov-05 | there is also a place in okland called funkoland they sell games anywere from 5 to 8 $ depending on the condition but F*** that i ant gona get shot in okland lol |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2738 Registered: Jul-05 | how far away is oakland |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 666 Registered: Jun-05 | lol i just bought a 64 off of ebay and got ocarina of time and goldeneye prob my 2 fav games of all time cheap to cost me like 30 bucks for all of it cant wait to play that zelda game is hard thouhg i remember playing it when i was younger |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 5437 Registered: Jul-05 | Really Charlie !? - going a lil retro gaming there r we Still got my SNES with Super MArio World & Mortal Kombat 2 !..... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5537 Registered: Dec-03 | My kids still play with N64 and yet they already have the newest game consoles. Some of those games for the N64 are really good. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 5258 Registered: Jul-05 | I still have yet to retire any of my game consoles, every now and then i get the itch to play one of my old favorites soo... |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5548 Registered: Dec-03 | Classics never die |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 673 Registered: Jun-05 | ya rovin but i think 64 was way ahead of its time and it still looks good graphics whise not as good as anything nowadays but still pretty good i can deal with it nintendo should start trying to be the best again like they were b4 i still think they have the best engineers and staff and could do it if they wanted to |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5620 Registered: Dec-03 | Nintendo is still really good. I just think that they got stuck in one genre of gaming and did not get with the times. Although the games they come out with or support are mostly quality stuff. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 5492 Registered: Jul-05 | If that next gen console they r working that is rumoured 2 have backwards capatabilty with all their preveious carts/dics - it would be DA BOMB !!!!! |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5635 Registered: Dec-03 | No doubt. I want to be able to play with all my older games. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 681 Registered: Jun-05 | ya but how good will the graphics be any idea will they be the same as previous or will they get better just because they are on a new system just wondering even though im pretty sure the graphics wont change on those games at all but i heard it will be better than ps3 and the new xbox |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5714 Registered: Dec-03 | Don't know about the graphics. I mean why waste money on improving the graphics if its an old game and just backwards comaptible. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 705 Registered: Jun-05 | oh i no that im just saying how cool would that be if you could play the original super mario with good graphics |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5747 Registered: Dec-03 | THAT would be cool! |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 5468 Registered: Jul-05 | duck hunt, with 3d ducks!!! |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5764 Registered: Dec-03 | with a light gun |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 5484 Registered: Jul-05 | Rovin where did u see that at??? I want to no more about it |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5786 Registered: Dec-03 | another leak from nintendo? |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 5595 Registered: Jul-05 | no i didn't read it officially but i remember that girl "Jill Valentine" who used 2 b a reg here posted about it in some other thread mths ago ....... |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5806 Registered: Dec-03 | too bad she doen't hang around anymore. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 725 Registered: Jun-05 | oh well i cant wait for it to come out or to hear some more about it and i cant wait for my 64,goldeneye,and ocarina of time to come in the mail lol |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5884 Registered: Dec-03 | They're going to port all the old games to the newest consoles one way or the other |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5977 Registered: Dec-03 | This thread is getting lonely. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 764 Registered: Jun-05 | hey just got zelda today gonna go play it now i feel like a kid again even though i beat this game like 6 or 7 years ago lol |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6013 Registered: Dec-03 | classic dude! |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6162 Registered: Dec-03 | Yo Chauncey....where you at dude? |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 772 Registered: Jun-05 | def a fun game also got goldeneye,perfect dark and 1080 snowboarding fun times zelda is a hard game cause of all the secret stuff you have to do in it |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6293 Registered: Dec-03 | Did you finish that Zelda game yet? |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 774 Registered: Jun-05 | no i'm almost to the adult part come on berny don't rush me lol. work and school then homework don't ahve tons of time except weekends its a hard game i've beat it before if thats what you mean though.I don't really remember everything about it though. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6315 Registered: Dec-03 | ooops, hehe...forgot about you going to school. That's what I like about Zelda, you can stop playing it for a while and once you re-start, it's like a whole new game. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 778 Registered: Jun-05 | ya does anyone know about the new zelda games are they any good |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6386 Registered: Dec-03 | What is the new one called? |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 781 Registered: Jun-05 | twilight princess or something like that its for gamecube i havent actually seen it |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 5879 Registered: Jul-05 | i really dont like zelda |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6479 Registered: Dec-03 | Zelda is too much of a "princess". I like the game play and the dynamics of the game, very engaging. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 816 Registered: Jun-05 | ya thats the same thing i like about the game actually berny do you want to know what my fav game of all time is? Its starcraft for the computer i was awesome at that game online but i don't know where it is anymore lol. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6481 Registered: Dec-03 | Is that anything like Warcraft? My son loves that game. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 5917 Registered: Jul-05 | starcraft for dreamcast was ok.. My favorite pc game is the: Age of Empire Seires |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6713 Registered: Dec-03 | What's going on with the threads??? |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6284 Registered: Jul-05 | Ok - so what u ecoustics addicts did while forum broke last night ? i watch some RIDES on TLC & Dirty Jobs on Discovery then i went on a local forum 2 get my nightly fix & went 2 bed kinda early ......... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2958 Registered: Oct-05 | i played GT4 (i am kinda addicted to that game these days lol) and also i played socom 3. i am not really addicted to socom 3 but i still give it a good half hour playing time. i was playing GT4 for like 3 hours last night. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6286 Registered: Jul-05 | Wow ^ - reminds me of my days playing NFS Hp2 , my all time fav car racing game . When i used2 play Marion on d NES & SNES & also MK2 i used 2 hooked like a crack user - LOL .....yeh i admit it ... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2961 Registered: Oct-05 | man rovin when i was hooked on halo2, i played the sh!t out of that game. once i strated playing saturday night around 11 pm and played it til sunday afternoon straight. i took like 15 min break every 3 hours to eat something and i was right back on it. of course i was playing it online that is why i was able to play it for so long. |
Gold Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 1564 Registered: Sep-05 | I never owned a gamin system, except my pcs, but never play that many games... ok I got 1 for yea... pc vs xbox & 360 pc vs ps2 & ps3 sorry guess, pc kills them both... especially mines.... u should see graphics... like a movie! Rovin did u see the maddness? pics coming really soon... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2963 Registered: Oct-05 | B......buddy wassup. of course pc is much better than the gaming system but i really don't like to play games on pc. i do more important things with my pc like post stuff to my buds on this forum. lol. B......i am really thinking about the treo ssi's. you think the ssx are too much for the jl 1000/1? their rated power was like 1500wrms right? i am sure they can handle more than that though. i can't wait til i get my ho alt. i should get it in less than 2 weeks. my system is going to be a killer. maybe with the 2 15 ssi's and 2 yellow tops i can enter some 1x competition which is coming up in may around here i think. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 882 Registered: Jun-05 | ya berny starcarft and warcraft are pretty close to the same thing basically the same type of game same with chaunceys fav but that one just takes to long to build thats why i love starcraft all war |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2964 Registered: Oct-05 | hahahaha its charlie. always nice to see you dude. wasup. did you say you were buying from that brandon dude. he is also selling some amps too. no more anonymous. hahaha |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6291 Registered: Jul-05 | Hmmm so Chad , ur willing 2 get rid of them 2 amps u were longing 4 these past few mths !? ... I was thinking about getting a Orion 2500D & running my Rs @ a 4ohms load which is 1200wrms & later upgrade to 2 15" 1000wrms each subs . But i know i would have 2 electrical upgrade seriously ..... |
Gold Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 1571 Registered: Sep-05 | "B......i am really thinking about the treo ssi's. you think the ssx are too much for the jl 1000/1? their rated power was like 1500wrms right? i am sure they can handle more than that though. i can't wait til i get my ho alt. i should get it in less than 2 weeks. my system is going to be a killer. maybe with the 2 15 ssi's and 2 yellow tops i can enter some 1x competition which is coming up in may around here i think." I got a controller like a PS2 but its USB for my pc.... Chad Im tellin ya!! SSIs.... with your jl-1000/1 on each? it should get insanley loud. it will sound better than jl in a sq and spl.... its like people think JL defines SQ... u know... Also Chad the SSI 15 is a messly 750rms... << laugh Now if I recomend you to put 4000rms on a pair... <<< would u still laugh? Treo is so underated its not even funny anymore.... Im telling u... 2 15 SSIs in a SEALED BOX??? LORD............................................................................ .............................................................................. ^^ taught you heard loww before??? NOT!! It will still perform better than JL in ported also, not just seal.. did u guys remember the battle with me & Jonathon.. on that JL thread? I started a thred in Termpro, the same time... how about its still freakin going on.... 4346.html |
Gold Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 1572 Registered: Sep-05 | "I was thinking about getting a Orion 2500D & running my Rs @ a 4ohms load which is 1200wrms & later upgrade to 2 15" 1000wrms each subs . But i know i would have 2 electrical upgrade seriously ....." Rovin, let me tell ya, people runing them things with 2500ds straight! not at 4ohms! I think 1 guy hit high 140s with them.. I think you can run it just ok, once u watch the gain.. Know the limits of the subs, when they start to distort, turn em down.. u wouldnt be giving it 2500rms for more than 5mins anyways.... |
Gold Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 1573 Registered: Sep-05 | Im goin to be running 2500rms to a sub rated at 500rms... 2 2500s X 2 15s TSX talk about underated.... I could NOT even make my sub move at its rated RMS... u know... Called Treo they was like the TSX can take 1000RMS easily daily no problems.... all day long... (now imagine lines like SSI, SSX!) They underate every single thing!!! The TSX were tested at 4Krms 2hrs daily...<<<woowww alot of power there... guess what.... they lasted a ENTIRE MNTH!!! Rovins how is the excurssion on those Rs? |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6293 Registered: Jul-05 | i said it in my install thread - i guestimate with that PA amp about 1.25" ! B u used 2 talk about ur MEMPHIS stuff d way ur talking about TREO now -lol ! . Only thing i don't like about d Orion 2500d is size - almost 32" long !!!!!!!!...... |
Gold Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 1578 Registered: Sep-05 | I still back Memphis, I like it as a better company than Kicker... I think Memphis amps are also extremely underated, beeing looked over... I will take a memphis 1200 over kicker 1200.. memphis 4Kw will kill anything kicker makes as far as amplifiers.. <u see them alot in comps.. memphis is also building their name as rock solid amplifiers... they say its way tougher than orion.. their subs are way better than kicker I must also say... hehe Treo is on a entire difrent level than Memphis.. The company speak for themselves... Rovin aggreed that the Orions are huge.. hell I had trouble fittin 1 of them much less 2.... so I removed my 2nd battery in the back, untill I mount amplifiers first.. think I can fit 2 2500ds, and a 800/4 Orions?? thats almost as long as the 2500d.... ummm ![]() could it fit??? hey I got to run pay some bills. Ill be back this afternoon... later fellas.. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6298 Registered: Jul-05 | Da Memphis Amps r not exactly tiny either -lol But i find M is wayy priced above Orion so thats y i'm guessing ur going Orion now - right ? If $ were not problem 4 a 2500wrms amp i'd DEF get a MMATS 3000.1 - killer amp thats about 1/2 sized though , when u pop d trunk & ppl c a lil amp doing all that , they would def get blown away .......... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2966 Registered: Oct-05 | damn it B you got me all confused. alright no more talk about subs for me until i get my ho alt and springs. lol. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6720 Registered: Dec-03 | Good morning ya crazies! Dang those subs are HUGE! |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6304 Registered: Jul-05 | G'morning where u r Berny - lol Da forum is working 2night - so where is every1 ???...... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2967 Registered: Oct-05 | it was busy for me today. wassup rovin, berny, chauncey, young james, charlie, nemen, thomas, B, and last but not least muddywaters. i hope i didn't leave anyone out cause now there are alot of us in here. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6723 Registered: Dec-03 | I'm kinda in and out today. My Thursday just is brewing and I'm ready to do a little work and cruise the net![]() It's nice to be the boss, lol! |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 884 Registered: Jun-05 | hey wats up chad and berny how you guys doing ya this is good were all actually buying stuff now lol hopefully everyone loves everything they get |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6310 Registered: Jul-05 | Charlie - so ur getting d 2 subs from Brandon = $600 shipped , good deal He has a thread in d amp section & he's selling ALL his stuff & doing over from scratch ...... |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6725 Registered: Dec-03 | Wazzup guys!? I need your opinion on Soundstream audio equipment. I remember having that stuff installed in my car years ago, and those suckers were expensive. Power amps and speakers. Are they still any good? |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 376 Registered: Dec-05 | Wassuuup berny. Soundstream used to be good bak in the day but i think they got bought out and are owned by another company so they might not be good like the old stuff. You changing your mind now berny lol you dont want alpine anymore? |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 377 Registered: Dec-05 | I see they got rid of the anon posting lol the forum is gonna be kinda slow now and boring it was good having the anon option but at the same time its bad. lol Thats why i think the forum is slow today cause most of the questions were from unregistered guests. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6316 Registered: Jul-05 | Some ppl still swear by SS though Hey Berny - i just listed a system 4 less than $2000 - check it out |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6322 Registered: Jul-05 | JUGGS , ppl BIG JUGGS !!!!!!!!! |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6728 Registered: Dec-03 | Rovin, I still like the Alpine head units. I think they look really cool. Just looking for what else is available out there. I'm sticking with the Alpine HU and other peripherals like the TV screen. The power amps and speakers are negotiable. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6325 Registered: Jul-05 | WTF ! - no comments on da Juggs above !?.... Ya Bern - Alpine head units r cool......... |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6730 Registered: Dec-03 | hehe Can't surf juggs at work! |
Silver Member Username: Islandboy808Mililani, Hawaii US Post Number: 710 Registered: Nov-05 | JUGGS BIG JUGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6340 Registered: Jul-05 | no man its not dirty nekked p0rn - its some shapely girls from T&T ........ |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6342 Registered: Jul-05 | The Schitt Family History is finally revealed. Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says "You don't know Jack Schitt!" Read on and you'll be able to handle the situation intelligently. Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, a partner of Kneedeep & Schitt, Inc. Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, and the deeply religious couple begat 6 children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins, Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' wishes, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout. After 15 years of marriage, Jack & Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married a Mr. Sherlock, and out of devotion to her children, decided to hyphenate her last name, and became Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Dip Schitt married a woman named Loda Dung, who became Loda Schitt. The couple produced a nervous son, Chicken Schitt. Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, inseperable thoughout childhood subsequently married the Happens brothers. The local newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding, which was quite an event. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He returned from his travels with his Italian bride, Piza Schitt. So, now if someone says "You don't know Jack Schitt", you can beg to differ. You not only know Jack Schitt, but everyone on the Schitt list!... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2968 Registered: Oct-05 | holy sh!t. i am going to tinidad to look for some jugs. i didn't know trinidad girls were so fine rovin. lol. i am there buddy. one of these days i am gonna visit there though. i told you i have a few good customers from there and they keep on telling me to visit one weekend. they would show me all the cool places. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6345 Registered: Jul-05 | Hey - where was every1 last night !? was drab being here all by myself cause i didn't have anything better 2 do ........... |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 380 Registered: Dec-05 | now that the anons are gone the forum feels slow and like theres something missing lol. I was having a couple drinks yesterday and i came home and fell asleep. Rovin those are some nice jugs the girl is not too bad looking either only if they were uncoverd d@mn it lol. |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2969 Registered: Oct-05 | rovin knows jugs. lol nemen i had a few drinks last night too. drank a few bottles of corona at a party. well actually a little get together for one of my girlfiend's friend. its was okay. one of the guy there was talking about his awesome stock system in his mercedes clk so i heard and it was good. they had some nice sound for a stock. too bad we took my gf's car cause i would have let him hear mine. of course his car is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better than mine but i'll take him down on the sound department. |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 381 Registered: Dec-05 | I wonder what kinda speakers those mercedes have i know they are starting to use infinity, and focal on some other cars. If you would of had your car he would of probably been like whoa that puts my stock sytem to sh!t lol. Coronas are good beter than drinking bud light lol |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2970 Registered: Oct-05 | nemen i don't know what was in it but it sounded good. i think its amplified a little too. i didn't bother asking cause not interested. lol. its a sweet car though. i want one of those. i was thinking about changing out my amps but i decided not to. i want to keep my jl audio decal cause it looks nice. lol. if i change my amps then i have to change that too. lol. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 890 Registered: Jun-05 | lol chad shouldnt have put that jl sticker on your car in the first place now you have to leave it |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 894 Registered: Jun-05 | hey wat are you guys up t the forum is moving super slow with people posting ever since they got rid of anon i bet 3/4 of the people here just enjoyed starting fights instead of helping and then just brought there post counts way up there lol |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 900 Registered: Jun-05 | where is everyone today im so bored lol <<<<< 900 almost gold |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6349 Registered: Jul-05 | I would say b4 d anon came in effect , d forum got a lil slow a few days now - but i'm noticing a TON of Newbs signing on & r VERY annoying cause these buggers don't even bother 2 read a single thing & eduacte themselves . All they wanna do is post 'i got car x & i want a kick azz system !' - then u gotta go explain WTF is a ohm 2 them . NOT ME - let them 4kers go 1st then get back here ........} |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6741 Registered: Dec-03 | Nemen, Mercedes Benz has Bose factory stereo. The forum did get a little slower, but these noobs still get a little irritating. You're right, they don't even bother reading and doing research on their own. All they want is to be spoonfed. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6743 Registered: Dec-03 | and charlie, Sony cameras are not that great. If they work that's a good thing, but other than that I would not but one. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 906 Registered: Jun-05 | oh ok thanks for replying berny and ya rovin i know what you mean |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6748 Registered: Dec-03 | charlie, I see that you are trying to get gold![]() |
Silver Member Username: Islandboy808Mililani, Hawaii US Post Number: 711 Registered: Nov-05 | im still far away from gold lol |
Silver Member Username: Islandboy808Mililani, Hawaii US Post Number: 712 Registered: Nov-05 | so whin do you guys think we gonna get some stickies up in this hizzle |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6757 Registered: Dec-03 | Who knows... How's the weather out there today, Thomas? |
Silver Member Username: Islandboy808Mililani, Hawaii US Post Number: 713 Registered: Nov-05 | Dam the weathers bad,its been storming since last night with thunder and lightning. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6761 Registered: Dec-03 | Dang...that does not sound too good. It's cold out in Korea today. A little bit of fog. |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2971 Registered: Oct-05 | i got a toothache that is killing me. i don't want to go to the dentist but i think i have to. it sux azz. what can i do though, it hurts like a mother phucker. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6763 Registered: Dec-03 | Just go to the dentist Chad, get it over with. The pain will keep coming back if you don't take care of it now. Go, man...see the dentist! |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 384 Registered: Dec-05 | lol Chad if you put some coKaine on it it will numb it and go away guaranteed. lol But you really ought to see a doctor... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2979 Registered: Oct-05 | yea that is pretty funny. lol. berny always comes up with the funniest sh!t. lol. how do you do it berny? how do you stay so cool? |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 386 Registered: Dec-05 | chad WTF happened to your name lol you try to copy me. |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2980 Registered: Oct-05 | you are my hero nemen. i want to be just like you. lol. please let me keep my name like this. please. |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 388 Registered: Dec-05 | lol okay chad only cause im youre hero and im supposed to set an example lol. Did you see pelon he got his account back did he get banned before? Lets see if he makes this forum more fun now lol. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6766 Registered: Dec-03 | Yes, I used to drive one.![]() I stay cool by using a fan or the AC in full blast.LOL I think it's because of my age...I'm just a old geezer with plenty of mileage and experience. The only reason I hang out with you guys is because I think YOU guys ARE cool. It is comforting to know that there are still young ones out there that still do stuff on their own and with their own hands. Some of the ones I know just use their hands to spank their monkeys and complain how they don't get enough things given to them. HAHAHA! I like busting the balls of those spammers. If you want to advertise your business, pay for ads like everyone else. Say NO to |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2981 Registered: Oct-05 | hey you guys notice how the part before you enter the post is blank if i am the last poster??? weird. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6768 Registered: Dec-03 | I think the board is having trouble recognizing the special characters! I hope this forum doesn't go down again. There's always a glitch somewhere. |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 390 Registered: Dec-05 | lol iwas gonna tell you that chad but i forgot to type it. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6356 Registered: Jul-05 | well @ least some ppl r here 2night - honestly if it were not 4 our lil group i might not post in either d amp of sub sections or hang out on ecoustics that much ...... |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 392 Registered: Dec-05 | Same here rovin it gets pretty boring in the car audio section same questions but i still find the time to post here with my wonderful friends *sigh* *tear* lol |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6773 Registered: Dec-03 | Speaking of Da Naughty 9...where is Chauncey??? |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6358 Registered: Jul-05 | Er - Chad , y did u have 2 create a "charlie" thread !? ...its not like he's a stranger 2 us Also i feel if its not because of a diferent preout on that other HU - it has 2 be d amp settings . When i 1st hooked up my MB i had d vol 3/4 & was hearing zip - when i played with d amp's gain/other setting , it was like 'aaah !' now thats music ....... |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 407 Registered: Dec-05 | haha rovin he will pretty much b2ng anything with a hole then lol. His whole family might be into that sorta thing if they know he will bang his cousin lol. |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2983 Registered: Oct-05 | charlie said something about being bored so i thought i dediacate a thread to him. lol. i figured it would make him feel important or something. lol. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 911 Registered: Jun-05 | oh thanks alot chad havent noticed it i went and played some perfect dark on 64 for a while but now back on i like the names chad and nemen and berny ya you are way to cool lol |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2984 Registered: Oct-05 | i am playing GT4 again. i love this game. i am hooked. my favorite car on here is the wrx sti. i fixed it up so it has like 500hp on it. I LOVE THIS GAME. -i love jugs |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6775 Registered: Dec-03 | lol that thread just got deleted. I was enjoying reading that...sick as it may be. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 915 Registered: Jun-05 | ya i have that game havent played it for a while thoguh you get hooked then you get really annoyed and dont want to play it anymore its almost time for me to get off of 64 and go back to ps2 the graphics are starting to get annoying and now that chad reminds me of that game i might play it 2morow lol |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2986 Registered: Oct-05 | you can go to the special conditions race on the far left of the screen. enter the second race. all you need is a decent fast car. if you win you get toyota rally car. sell that and you will get over $200,000. you can keep entering that race as much as you want and win. everytime you win you sell the prize car. after a while you can buy just about any car. lol. i know its kinda cheating but hey no one will know. of course guys i had to buy the black honda accord coupe cause it looks just like my car. i even bought rims that look similiar to mine so its like lookng at my car in the game. i fixed it up so it has more than 400hp. lol. I LOVE THIS GAME. only if i can incorporate playing this game when i am doing it my girl, then that would be the sh!t. |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 416 Registered: Dec-05 | Have any of you guys played test frive i thought that was a pretty cool game. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 923 Registered: Jun-05 | no never played it but now that nemen talks about gt4 im def gonna be playing that game 2morow and prob a couple weeks afta that lol and ya nemen thats what i do i just eneter the easy races get money and build up a really good car just to win 1 race and keep doing that til i beat hem all did that int he other gt's |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6374 Registered: Jul-05 | Ah yea Nem - i just LOVED Test Drive 6 ! 2nd only 2 NFS4 on d Ps1 TD6 was da bomb - i used 2 play that hrs str8 . Fav car was a Yellow suped up Jaguar . They had some serious muscle cars in that game unlike d slow azz racers in NFSU ..... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2989 Registered: Oct-05 | speaking of NFSU....i saw that clip of john cena doing his FU on the big show. that sh!t was awesome. i think i will play raw vs smackdown now. lol. i want to use john cena and do the FU on big show. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 925 Registered: Jun-05 | damn chad i want someone to answer the ? about the w6 in my thread lol really want to know how loud it gets |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 927 Registered: Jun-05 | alrighty guys its time for bed for me talk to u in the AM have a fun night |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 2991 Registered: Oct-05 | i should have titled it differently. lol. i have a friend that wants the same subs but he keeps asking me if he gets those will he be heard coming down the street. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6378 Registered: Jul-05 | According 2 Jonathan those r his fav SQ on a sub - with 400wrms it should get in theory > decent loud , don't expect 2 hit 150Dbs like some1 else we know -lol.. Bye Charlie ..... |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 421 Registered: Dec-05 | Yeah rovin i used to play NFS too i think i still have that game somewhere around here. lol god i used to love my playstation back in the day now its just collecting dust. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 6380 Registered: Jul-05 | hey we made 153 - so let's roll out >>>>....... |
Silver Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 423 Registered: Dec-05 | The Naughty 9 rollin out... |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6780 Registered: Dec-03 | Da Naughty 9 migration starts here! |