I'm after some advice on my first HT system and would appreciate anyone's help and opinions. My listening habits are mostly movies (DVD and Sky+) but I also want to find out what SACD is all about, albeit to a lesser extent. My listening room is about average for a UK house (about 14 foot square). My DVD player will be a Pioneer DVD-565A.
My short list has evolved over the last 3 months starting with an initial combination of Mission Cinema M70 speakers with a Pioneer VSX-D812 amp. When I found out the M70s were being discontinued I researched again and decided on the Mordaunt-Short Premiers. As these are 4Ohm speakers I was advised by my local dealer to get the Yamaha DSP-AX640SE amp as this is 4Ohm/8Ohm switchable whereas the Pioneer is not switchable and is rated at 8-16Ohms. In addition the Yamaha has been tuned for a UK-orientated sound so this sounded like a good choice. However I'm not sure whether I should be concerned about crossover as the Premier sat's only go down to 100Hz and the Yamaha has a non-adjustable crossover set at 90Hz.
In order to have a backup plan I have reseached again using these threads and have found the Marantz SR5400 which does have adjustable crossover. As I cannot seem to download a full owner's manual for the Marantz I thought I'd ask the last few questions here before I part with the cash. So...
1. Should I be concerned about the non-adjustable crossover of the Yamaha with the MS Premiers. I have heard that it can be a problem for small sats? Where does the sound in the 90Hz-100Hz range go? 2. Should I be concerned that these speakers are rated at 80W but that the Yamaha puts out 135W per channel in 4Ohms mode? 3. Will be Marantz SR5400 be ok driving 6 of these 4Ohm speakers? 4. Is there anything else I should consider short of actually having a demonstration that might eliminate from my shortlist or promote to the top one or other of these amps/receivers?
I have only heard the Mordaunts once and I can't think that they would sound very good with a Yamaha. The Mordaunts I heardc were kind of bright and did not image very well so I would think the warmer sound of the Marantz would be a better match. As far as the 4 ohm business I would talk to a Marantz dealer about your concern. Yamaha has gotten a lot of very deserved criticism for their fixed at 90 crossovers. Just a ridiculious thing to do. At least their new line has adjustable crossovers now.