Recently, listening to my DVD connected both with digital and analog audio to VSX-43TX, I found out that when I switch to "DIRECT" input and choose "ANALOG" (not AUTO or DIGITAL) signal, there is no sound coming out of receiver; only when I crank the volume all the way up to +12db I start to barely hear what's going on. Looks like DVD stereo analog input is dead.
Clarification: by "stereo analog audio DVD input" I mean two connectors in the same row as DVD S-Video and composite video inputs, not multi-channel inputs. Other stereo analog audio inputs work.
I just want to make sure that it's not by design or something (well, it shouldn't but who knows -- they may have a flaw that disconnects analog inputs when they sense the digital signal even though the unit is forced to work with analog input).
So, if your DVD analog audio output is connected to DVD stereo analog outputs (not multi-channel inputs) and you have digital connection, may I ask you to do a simple experiment please: select "DVD" on your remote, start playing something (e.g. regular CD), then press "RECEIVER" button on the remote, choose "DIRECT" input by pressing respective button on the remote, and finally press numeric keypad button double-functioning as "signal sel" few times until you see "analog" input status highlighted on the front panel. Do you hear the sound?