DIY Amplifiers?


New member
Username: Ironising84

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-21
Anyone have experience building your own amplifier? Big or small, doesn't matter much to me it just sounds exciting so I figured I'd start the long research process here.

Any good links or recommended gear?

Thanks Y'all

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 3620
Registered: Oct-07
Go to DIY Audio and check out the Amp Camp Amp.

Stereo amp by Nelson Pass. Complete Kit is about 330$ and is VERY complete. Will provide maybe 6 or 8 watts per channel of Single Ended Class 'A' power.

Other choices? Bottlehead if you want tubes. Or First Watt for a more ambitious build.

And if you want an 'adventure'? Check out Elliot Sound Products. The project pages have a lot of interesting gear.

And finally? Try the HYPEX store. You can get a Class 'D' module and power supply, leaving you to wire, acquire a case and all the 'trimmins'......

New member
Username: Tyresebro1

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-20
I have about 7 years technician and understand the basics. Soldering and all that. When it comes to audio I need help.

How do I pick a schematic that's a quality amp vs basic amp.

What makes an amp quality through design. Not asking for tubes vs solid state. Just the finer details in circuit design. Things I should look for.

What else am I missing in audio basics as it comes to component level?

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 3638
Registered: Oct-07
Go check out DIY Audio

Nelson Pass is 'First Watt' and has an extensive line of kits and projects.

What you 'look for' depends in no small part on your goals. My very low sensitivity panels need lots of power. So Class 'A' is out.

As it turns out, implimentation is more important than any 'details' like amount of feedback or class of operation.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 3654
Registered: Oct-07
While it has been a while here......I have some further information.

An amp series with a good reputation are made and sold as KITS by VTA. They sell an upgraded version of the venerable ST-70, a Dynaco amp from history which sold like hotcakes. A more powerful version (bigger transformers) is aold as the ST-120. A monoblock of 125 watts is also offered and is well priced.

Just make sure you have speakers 'friendly' to tube amps and of reasonable sensitivity...based on power of the amp you buy....

Personally? I'd START with a kit to learn than go on from there to more.....original designs.
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