I have a brand new NAD T762 and T532 DVD player. I've paired them with the Dynaudio Audience 42 and 42 Center in front, 3 Audience 42W's in the back for full 6.1 sound, and an HSU sub. Everything sounds great. Thanks to all for advice on purchase and to Saturday Audio for great price/shipping/service.
Question...what happened?.... I slowly ramped up the sound level...pushing the speakers pretty hard, and just as they begin to look "overdriven"...drivers were visiably working very hard, but still sounding great...they all went silent. YIKES! I think I was using only the front two speakers in stereo mode and cranked sound to about +6 listening to a music CD. I had to turn the unit off and back on to get sound again. Sound clipping was turned on. I assume I'm hitting a limit of some kind in the receiver and it's shutting down power to the speakers to keep from damaging something?? The speakers are all 4 ohm speakers rated at 150 watts. I'm running 4 strands of 16 gauge wire to each speaker. Is the limitation in my speakers or the receiver? I've only done this once...it obviously scared me to death...but it doesn't seem to have damaged anything...everything works/sounds fine. What exactly is happening???
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Dude...you've blown something. You've obviously got damaged goods. I'll help you out and take the whole system off your hands for $1000.
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Same thing happened to me with a sony receiver and B&W speakers...I avoid going that high on the volume now. don't know why or what caused it??