Since my speakers are rated from 4 - 8 ohms, what would the power rating be for a reciever which is rated for 130 watts into 8 ohms and 160 watts into 6 ohms when driving my speakers? Would it be the higher or the lower ohm rating?
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Sounds like you might have a Pioneer Elite.
It just means that through most of the frequencies the speaker operates between 4 and 8 ohms. That is an easy load for most any receiver-particular one rated at 130 watts/channel at 8 ohms.
The power the speaker draws from the receiver varies at the frequency being played. It may sound weird, but it is the speaker that drives the receiver--it takes what it needs.
You would need to see a graph of the speaker plotting frequency against ohms. You'll notice it cn move all over the place.
If the speakers are the same and are rated as going from 4 to 8 ohm I wouldn't worry. They are probably easy to drive. As long as they don't go significantly below 4 ohm by alot you will have zero trouble.