I have an in wall subwoofer with standard speaker wires running to the closet where the amp and the receiver are both located. My problem: The amplifier has right and left channel for inputs and my receiver only has one rca out.
Not sure what you're asking in particular. You can use the speaker wires to drive the sub by connecting to the front stereo speaker outputs. You'll run a full range signal to the sub but the sub will gradually roll off the highs on its own. This is typically not how you want to run a sub but it will work. You can also attach RCA's to the speaker cable and use it as a line level cable. There may be some RF (stray radio station noise) pick up with this arrangement but gain the sub will likely remove this noise on its own. Or you can use the existing speaker cable as a pull wire for a true line level cable with RCA's on each end.
Check your sub's owner's manual. Normally, one channel (typically the right) is used for a mono input. However, you could also use a "Y" type splitter from the single receiver output. By splitting the signal and running a cable to each channel of your stereo input on the sub, you'll add +6dB of addition gain. If you're having any difficulties balancing the sub with your main speakers, this +6dB bump can help.