My son aged 11 loves his music and is wanting dj/ karaoke equipment for Xmas to run off laptop . If anyone could advise me what to buy your help will be much appreciated . He's wanting lights ,amp,speakers,stands,laptop etc but I am unsure what to buy him thank you
It's difficult to suggest specific equipment since there are so many variables involved, not the least of which is what is available to you in your area and fits in your budget. Typically, when people give such suggestions on a forum, they suggest equipment they own or would like to own. They do not take into account what someone else might need.
As a general suggestion, I would first set a budget. No need to know much about equipment at this point, just say how much you want to put into this and then be flexible if needed.
Locate a good pro sound shop in your area who can provide some one-on-one advice and answer questions. Do a bit of research on brands in the time you have and take your time buying. You might call local schools and churches to see if they can provide any shop names or possibly a local dj who can put you in touch with shops they recommend. The latter is somewhat dangerous for the reason I mentioned above, someone is likely to suggest what they own, not what you might need. Individuals might see your request as a way to sell off some gear they no longer want.
However, knowing as little as you provide in your op, finding a local shop you can trust is your greatest asset in this situation IMO.
Hey so I have a kicker 250.1 and it shuts off whenever the voltage is over 15.7 i drive a 1970 chevy blazer and I was planning on getting a new amp. An audio pipe 1800 d class will that shut off to at that voltage, at running at 2500 rpms the voltage is 16.5 in my truck
You have a car audio question but you are in the home audio section. Plus, you're taking over someone else's post. So, my suggestion is a new post with your question in car audio.