I remember a line of amplifiers designed by Bob Carver, advertised a lot in the magazines in the 1980s. Was that stuff any good? I never listened to any of it.
Phase Linear. Famous for the 'flame linear 400' and 700 amps. Lost in a divorce. Company destroyed in the next years.
Carver. Famous for 't' mod amps which sounded like the target amp. I had the M400t for over 20 years. This was the 'cube' and was a fine piece of goods. early version of 'tracking power supply' which stored very little energy. He made a GIGANTIC 4-chasis tube amp somewhere in here which sold originally for $15,000+ Lots of wacky named circuits. 'Sonic Hologram' 'Asymetric Charge Coupled' and the like. 'The Amazing Loudspeaker' still in play among fans. This was a huge, planar speaker with ribbon and cone subs. Unbreakable.
Sunfire. Still has a following today. Some amps used International Rectifier power Mosfets as output devices. Some home theater, too. A 'load invariant' amp came somewhere in this line.....he tried to emulate both a current source AND voltage source amp in a single chassis.
Currently? Making limited numbers of very nicely reviewed tube amps.
You'll have to listen to the old stuff for yourself. It still comes up used once in a while and has a small, loyal following. The 't' mod stuff is still fixable. I don't remember where, but a few 'specialists' are out there and will even buy old stuff for parts. You can buy boards and parts for the really old Phase Linear 400 stuff which is said to address the original runaway problems.
I remeber the field magnetic cube Leo. 201 wpc/500 watts bridged. The barber I went to in the 80s powered the subs in his shop with one. It was great. I never got to hear one full range though.
Theres a few dedicated forums for carver enthusiasts. His new tube amps are pretty amazing, and he (Bob Carver) just signed on with Emotiva. Most either love or hate.