Hello there, I am in the process of building a home theater, and have the video portion just about wrapped up. I am using a NEC LT240K DLP projector with a 100" 16:9 Da-Lite screen. The picture is pretty impressive. Now for my dilemma. I am looking for a home theater A/V receiver that will provide me with the sounds to match the impressive video. I have decided to go with speakers from Axiom for my fronts (M3ti), center (VP150), and surrounds (QS8). I have yet to decide on a sub, but it will be at least a 150 watt powered 12". I have read several posts here, and researched audioreview.com, and have found that in my price range ($500-$700) the players seem to be Yamaha, Onkyo, Denon, HK, Marantz, and Pioneer Elite. If there are others, please let me know. I am not an audiophile by any means, but I do appreciate quality sound, and would like a receiver that I can buy now and have for several years to come. I plan to use my system for 50% music and 50% theater. I understand that these questions have probably all been answered somewhere on the board, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer as to which one of these manufacturers gives me the best quality for the money. I am not in a position to listen to any of them, as that is the best way to tell, but the local stores in my area tend to have such poor speaker rooms, it wouldn't do much good.
Any information or opinion would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks, Fred.
Posted on
Fred, I haved not heard the Axiom's but so I don't know their sonic characteristics butin general if they are on the bright side pair them with a more mellow receiver like Elite, Marantz or H/K. If they are mellower then go with a more forward receiver. The Denon and Yamaha are very bright and ok with very laid back speakers. The Yamaha,s have very poor power supplies and thus lousy multichannel power compared to the others. I would also say that you should consider the NAD742 or 752 as both are being discontinued and can be had at very good prices. NAD is about the only brand that sounds really good with almost any speaker. Wish I could be more specific but not possible since I have not heard the Axiom's.
Posted on
Thanks elitefan. I have read that the Axiom's are bright, but honestly, I'm still trying to figure out what bright versus laid back means. Is it possible to put into words the difference between the two? Like I said, I am not an audiophile, so I am not even sure if I could tell the difference. Is there a way to tell if I like bright or laid back sound based on what I currently listen to?
Posted on
When you hear the Axioms do thevocals sound sibilant or harsh with an over-empahsis on the SSSS? If so that is bright. What do cymbals sound like? Vocal sibilance drives me crazy so that's my main judge of brightness or not. What is your budget for a receiver?