Car sub and amp connected to household CD player


New member
Username: Nickc1987

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-11
I'm want to connect my Vibe 2x 14" sub box and a Vibe monobox 1200w amp to my CD player in my room to
Run my DJ turntables on.

I need a list of wires and components I need and also the instructions on how to connect them. As I don't want to blow any of the equipment up.

Gold Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 1480
Registered: Oct-10
You're much better off using home audio gear in your home and car audio gear in your car. Each type of gear is designed and intended for a specific purpose. Your ears will be much happier when you use the equipment properly. Trust me!

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 16258
Registered: May-04

How well the car gear works in your home is questionable. You'll need some type of power source for the amp which isn't all that easy to do when moving from car to home. And, then there's the fact that 1200 watts of car amp just ain't the same as 1200 watts of home gear and typically sounds pretty lousy in most rooms unless you just want loud. YMMV Whether the sub will sound even OK is highly debatable as most car subs are designed for the confines of a car and, when you move them to a much larger space, the mechanical and electrical parameters of the system just don't work well.

Cables? You'll need a bunch of RCA cables. Instructions on how to hook them up so you don't blow nothing up? You go from output to input. Can't tell you much more than that since you seem shy about telling us much other than you got car gear and DJ tables. I don't even know that you have speakers to go with the sub or a mixer to plug the tables into. So what am I suppose to tell you?

Take your owner's manuals down to the store when you buy the cables. Let them lay out how it all goes to together. All that should take about twenty minutes, less time than it would take you to tell us what all gear you got.

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