I'm looking for advice on matching up a good recevier (under $2000). I think I've narrowed down the speakers to Paradigm: monitor 90p fronts, cc-370 center and ams-300 for surround. I was looking at the following: Yamaha rx-v2400, Yamaha rx-v3300, Denon 3803, Denon 4802R. Any one of those a better match with the speakers? Or, anyone have better match up aside from Yamaha or Denon? Thanks!
Posted on
Yes. I have heard the Paradigms rather extensively at my local dealer and I have heard several different receivers with them. The best sound with the Paradigms, IMO, is the NAD 762.
I have a Denon 3803 and I will be replacing it with an NAD as soon as my dealer gets them back into stock. The Denon has a very dry sound that I don't really care for. The Yamaha, on the other hand, is rather bright sounding. The Paradigms help smooth out these tendencies, but the NAD combo is smoother sounding, IMO.
BP Cooper
Posted on
Hawk, thanks for the tip. I don't know anything about NADs yet, but I will dig in and take a look. I'm new to this forum and see a lot of good takes on NAD. Back to the research board! Thanks again!