Need to power Athena AS-B2's looking at Rotel RA-01 and NAD/Cambridge models


New member
Username: Destro713

Chicago, IL U.S.A.

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-04
I just recently got an incredible deal on some new Athena AS-B2 speakers, and now I need an amp to power them. The models I'm looking at are the Rotel RA-01, the Cambridge Azur 340A/540A, and the NAD C320BEE.

I'm looking for a slightly warm sound, detailed but not analytical. I'll probably be pairing the amp with an NAD C521BEE CD player. I've heard that the 521BEE has a bit of warmth itself, so I'm not sure if I should pair it with an equally warm amp or if I should look for a brighter amp to avoid potential muddiness. I'm basically just going off of recommendations and reviews, because I've never heard any of these components and I have almost no experience with separates.

I'd be willing to go as high as $350 for the amp, but the lower, the better.


New member
Username: Destro713

Chicago, IL U.S.A.

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-04
Well, what to you know... my first post, and I've already screwed up and double-posted.

Somebody please lock this one.
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