if i have 4 speakers attached to my stereo and im playing cds will it play out of all 4 speakers?
only reason i ask is i read a review where a reciever gave 50 watts all channels when watchinga movie, but 70 when listening to a CD. is this because the reviewer made it so CD's only play through 2 speakers?
John A.
Posted on
If your stereo has output for two pairs of speakers, and you have both outputs "On", yes, you will hear all four speakers. But if the two output channels are rated at 70 W each, that's still all you will get; the two speakers on each channel will share its 70 W.
It will be the same with a surround sound system playing a CD in stereo. But when you switch, or the reviewer switched, to 5.1 surround, say, then each of the five main speakers is using its own power amp stage in the receiver, so the power available on that channel may well go down from 70 W to 50 W. That would still give a total of 5 x 50 equals 250 W, and will sound louder that the 2 x 70 equals 140 W total from the two channels in stereo.