Is the new Yamaha RXV-2400 a better receiver than the RXV-3300. The MSRP of the 3300 ($1600)is much higher than the 2400 ($800)but now we can get it at a cheaper price (now $699 at 6th avenue) than the 2400. Is that a deal?
i am in the process of making this decision as well----so far it would seem that the 2400 has good power at 120 rms x 7 with dynamic power much higher----and it has all the new formats including like the elite pioneeer vsx 45tx the ability to adjust your speakers to your room acoustics which the rxv 3300 does not -it seems as if the rxv2400 should be the better way to go but i need to hear it to make that decison-but it looks as if the rxv2400 should be the best value around for the money at the moment-will advise once i have had a listen--carlos.
attn-gaus----have a look at in their reference system around $5000 they are using the rxv 2400 as the best bang for the buck-carlos.