Please read my post under the DVD player BBS. I need some input. The title is PLEASE HELP... I bought a new Marantz SR 9200 (good deal on last one) and Paradigm Reference studio 60 speaker (5.1 set up). I am confused on what I truly need upgrading my DVD and/or CD player to be on par with the system I now have. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I don't often get down that low on the board (DVD players). I don't claim to be an expert, but I will suggest a few things.
First, let me compliment you on your system. Awesome, my friend. I like the Marantz products and the Paradigms are a real joy to listen to.
Likewise, when I look for a good DVD player, I am looking for something that is not only a good video player, but does a very good job with the sound. In that regard, I would caution you to avoid any DVD or CD changer (especially the latter). It has been my experience that a manufacturer will cut some serious corners in the internal circuitry to cover the cost of the changer mechanicals. It won't make the player unreliable, but I have yet to hear a CD changer that did a decent job with the sound--it is flat sounding with no real attempt to re-create a live soundstage. heck, my daughter's $40 CD Walkman sounds better than a changer!
You haven't told me what you want this unit for. Nor have you suggested a budget. Therefore, I will suggest some units to look at that are reasonably priced:
CD Players:
1. NAD 521i 2. NAD 541 3. Music Hall MMF-25 4. Marantz CD 5000 5. Cambridge Audio D500SE
There are more good ones out there, but I won't recommend what I haven't heard. Also, I cut off anyting above $600, just because I had to draw the line somewhere. All of the above sound superb, IMO.
DVD Players:
1. Sony DVP 755 2. NAD T 532 3. Cambridge Audio DVD 55 4. Marantz DV4300
Again, reasonably priced players that sound good and that I have actually seen and heard.