Phase Technology??


New member
Username: Jsncc587

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-04
I rencently procured a pair of Phase Technology 4.5 Teatro's. From what I have read, they sound like pretty good speakers. Does anyone have any experience with them?

Silver Member
Username: Robertinchico

Post Number: 152
Registered: Apr-04
I fully auditioned the tall Phase Tech 9.1 towers while extensively reviewing some Wharfedales. The Phase Tech were very impressive and competitive in all aspects except ONE, (with a proviso). The price was right, the drivers had diffraction control, the cabinets were SOLID, the drivers are very modern, and the highs were as clean, natural, smooth and focused as one might hope for in a relatively tall tower. I did not detect any major weaknesses. HOWEVER, I found the bass to be the downside of the Phast Tech's sonic profile, esp compared to the natural high range, exemplary midrange sound and soundstage. BUT, they had skimpy "spool wire" attached and deserved much better cables. They were however attached to a high-dollar system. Kind of strange! They would be well worth considering for a tall tower and are capable of very high output. I'm going to audition some other Phase Tech, they seem kind of under-represented somehow.

Bronze Member
Username: Jonmoon

Post Number: 66
Registered: Dec-03
Heath, I have phase technology speakers but not the 4.5 (I have the 7Ts and some in ceilings as surrounds. They are supposed to be real solid speakers at good prices and, as mentioned above, under-represented.

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