well, to start the story first, before this i owned a Yamaha RXV-440, but after i have the option to sell it to one of my fren without loss, i made the move and bought myself a Marantz SR4300 since there's lots of reviews saying its stereo performance is better (i like music), well after i switch to Marantz amp, there is two thing i noticed, first of all, the stereo performance is better (but not by much), sound is smoother and clearer, and yet without some boomy bass, but this is the improvement i like to see, but the second one is the worse, i seems like complaining about the output from it...it seems that the Marantz amp is not loud enough to match with the yamaha (although Marantz = 80watts and Yamaha = 75watts), i tends to turn on the volume to quite far, since the +18db is the max the Marantz would go, sometimes i turn to around -8 to -5 so that i can get enough volume, and after that, anyone here own a Marantz SR4300 and have the same experience as mine.?.btw...i am using Mission M74 as front, AE Aegis One as rear and have a Mirage BPS150 dual 8 inch sub...thanks for all your input, appreciate it
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no user of marantz sr4300 here.?.any opinions or thoughts.?.
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You might well consider adding an external amp to drive the front mains.
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i have tried to power the front only with my Pioneer A402 stereo amp, no doubt when just using the stereo amp (although its just 40watts) the sounds is louder, but i notice a problem here, when i connect the front pre-out of the marantz to the stereo amp, i need to set the volume on the stereo amp to 12 o'clock position then only it can match with the receiver's output, means if i set the stereo amp to 12 o'clock the two amp (marantz and pioneer) will achieve the same volume, thus i can just change my volume using the marantz remote...but will the volume dial at 12 o'clock on my stereo amp damage the speaker, coz if i just listening to music (without need to turn on my marantz), set to 12 o'clock on the volume dial is suicide, i normally max at around 10 o'clock....hope you understand what i am trying to say, and the other thing is, my stereo amp don't have the sub-out jack, i am connecting using the highpass option on my sub, will this any incompetant then connecting using the low level input.?.since the low level input is means for .1 frequency, now the speaker option in my marantz is set to sub=no coz the sub already connected to the stereo amp...its a hell of long story to describe and i don't think i describe it well, due to my sucky english, but seriously hope there is someone here willing to lend a helping hand..thanks
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I have the same model as you and the some problem with loudness. I cannot get it too loud. I am thinking about connecting an equalizer just for audio (CD/MD); however i don´t know the way of conecting it. Could anyone help me?
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Sorry but I don't see there is a problem here. You state that you get enough volume at -8 to -5 and yet you still have 23dB to play with which your speakers can more than handle. OK so Yamaha and Marantz don't have the same volume level yet you still have more than enough volume for your actual needs. What is the size of your room BTW?
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my size of the room is around 4metre X 3.5metre, and i am just worry i am pushing the amplifer too hard...i been told that using a lower wattage rating (in this case 80watts) and push it hard will damage the speaker easily...coz my Mission is able to support 150watts..and now seems like i am pushing the 80watts too hard.?.is that it.?.coz if u think the db volume as the analog volume dial, i almost goes to 3 o'clock position which is push it quite hard...anyway thanks for your opinions coz u did relieve me quite a lot...i am just a student and all my speakers are my precious, i dun wish to damage or shorten their life length
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You will have no problem running your entire system at that volume level all day if needed. There is still plenty in reserve not to stress your reciever or speakers just be mindful to give the reciever plenty of room to ventilate as I've noticed that the harder a reciever works the hotter it becomes. Don't worry, be happy
Anon 2
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My friend Gutierrez also has that problem.
He has actually a Marantz 5300 for his HT Setup. He find it short on power that he must turn the volume until 0 to +5 to make it fairly loud.
It seems that this model series has problem with delivering power on demand.
Haven't you noticed that during your auditioning before you bought it?
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actually the power of this receiver is ok, i just worry that turn it to quite a lot (means from -5 onwards) would push it too hard, but now i am comfortable at arouind -5db which bring some good volume, state your friend's speaker, may be his speaker is those kind that is quite hard to drive...what sensitivity and how many ohms.?.i have knew that SRx200 series have problems, but this is all resolved in the new X300 series...don't worry, your friends have got himself a good receiver...