Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2059 Registered: Jun-05 | This is where we can post new finds under $1k,stuff coming out on the horizon and so...on.Hopefully this will be a long standing thread that we can always come to,their are literally 1000's of new discoveries in this pricerange,any type is aloud in this thread including kit speakers and sinlge driver speakers,ok guys fire away!!! |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2060 Registered: Jun-05 | Here's a few thats on my mind right now About 6 of the Tekton models are under $1k. Usher S-520 $479,the Parts UA701 & UA711 Usher driver kits speakers are under $650 and no soldering this kit is dummy proof with very very good Usher drivers and very very good quality Dayton Audio crossover parts, they also have a MTM and its under $1k,all desined by Dr.Joseph Diapaliato(I know i spelled that wrong) he is the inventor of the MTM design and the current cheif designer at Usher. Exodias Kelper,the kit is $499 the cabinets are from parts express,all baffles cut,just put the ports and drivers in for $309.The Kelper has a Peerless HDS softdome tweeter which is probably the best tweeter dome tweeter anywhere near this price and it firmly competes with the best and a Kelper designed woofer looks like a Peerless Premium with a XBL motor,the same motor that Tim used in the Emma,but a newer version with some tweeks,the Crossover parts that are of very very premium quality,this speaker has already won a bestbuy award at Soundsatge,with excellent measurements. Xavian Mia II $895 direct this is a Chezch speaker with the build quality of a speaker that costs $5k,it uses Peeless Premium drivers pretty much the same drivers as the Devore Fidelity Super 8&9 with a handbuilt 1st order crossover,the whole speaker is totally handmaid in the land Chezch it has steller build and they are just now makin their mark in N.America a very cool guy at Half Note Audio. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 240 Registered: Aug-04 | The Jamo C607's have to be included. At $635.00 - $680.00 a pair (depending where you buy them), the Three Way Floorstanding C607 are an incredible bargain. Like I have said in past, they have embarrassed $2,800.00 speakers. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2062 Registered: Jun-05 | What ever happened to Jamo's prescence? they used to be very popular. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2063 Registered: Jun-05 | Add the SVS MBS-01 to that list to,with those Scan-Speak AirCirc tweeters that retail for $220 a peice and their solid Peerless Nomex woofers and a re-worked crossover with all high quality parts with only about 7 parts in the chain,has to be on this list,very good unique looks as well a no brainer at $948 a pair direct,and they have a 45 day trial longer than everyone except for Ohm,I think they have lenthy 10 year warranty as well. |
Silver Member Username: Rysa3Houston, Texas Post Number: 368 Registered: Nov-06 | 1. Highland Audio Aingel 3203 2. Silverline Minuet |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 242 Registered: Aug-04 | I don't know, Tawaun. They are still around and they have some fantastic, musical bargains in speakers. They don't do a whole lot of marketing/advertising. I guess that's why very few people are aware of them. I have several of their speakers (C603's, C60 CEN, C803's, C607's and C807's ) spread around the house and I love them. Listening to Kenny Burrell's Molten Swing through the C607' I type. Ssssssswwweeeeeeeeeeet! Of course I still have my Wharfedale Opus 2 in my main system and I still love the hell out of them ![]() |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2065 Registered: Jun-05 | Yeah it would be nearly impossible not to have the Opus 2; in the main |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 243 Registered: Aug-04 | Tawaun, I suppose you are aware that Klipsch bought Jamo, or what's probably a more accurate description; they kind of merged. Jamo retains full autonomy and they design their speakers and them what ever manner they choose; without any infuence from Klipsch. From what I understand, the merger was more of a matter of distribution access and convienance; for both companies. Klipsch's products gaining access to markets they previously had access to and vica-versa for Jamo. But I just recently had a little bird whisper in my ear. Don't know how accurate this is or if there's any truth to it. But allegedly there may be a situation brewing where Jamo is not happy with the way their speakers have been marketed and distributed here in the US; by Klipsch. Specifically (but not exclusive to) their C80 Series, which they just discontinued here in North America. This seems to ring true from my outsider perspective on the situation. Just don't know for a fact that it's all that accurate. I will say this though. This little birdy is the same little birdy who whispered in my ear several years ago about Wharfedale's (IAG's) changes and how everything went down hill with their distribution. After IAG moved their headquarters/distribution center from the East Coast, to the West Coast; I heard whisperings of Father Chang's disatisfaction with their North American presence and distribution. Stella Chang was supposed to head up the new West Coast operation and it all just crumbled to dust. Now they simply have a North American distirbutor and trying to contact IAG/Wharfedale itself, is like to trying to have a beer with Jim Morrison. But there was a two to three year time frame where no one really knew what was going on and no one at IAG was talking or explaining anything. To their credit, Wharfedale/IAG and their new NA distributor continue to service all Wharfedale customers and products, now. In fact, in much more efficient and effective manner than when Stella Chang took over and was "in charge" on the West Coast. Which for a while there, was a pain in the you know what, to accomplish anything in the way of getting efficient customer service. So this little birdy does have a track record of accuracy. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12454 Registered: Dec-04 | IAG has also resurrected Castle. I do not think this bodes well for the Castle name. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9665 Registered: Feb-05 | Here's the question I have. Is the quality from Wharfedale poor, how about Castle or Jamo? It appears that quality is still good but the distribution is poor. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2205 Registered: Nov-05 | I don't know about the quality of Wharfedale speakers, but I can speak of the very high quality of the Quads which are also made by IAG, regardless of what anyone thinks of their sound. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 781 Registered: Jun-08 | I've heard the Castle Conway's recently on Ayre and it was lifeless and boring. They have a ton of bass for those little fella's but no zing and no zap. Not enough detail in the high frequencies - way too warm for me. I'd describe them as old man speakers...not that there's anything wrong with being an old man. The fit and finish look very good to excellent though. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3303 Registered: May-05 | As far as I know and from every Castle speaker I've seen, their fit and finish has always been impeccable. They OEMed speaker cabinets (not drivers) for Naim and some others of equal regard whose names currently slip my mind. Possibly Rega. To my ears, they've always sounded as you describe them. Not the ones they made for others, but their own speakers. A bit too softspoken for me. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3304 Registered: May-05 | Another low cost gem - Rega RS1. I briefly heard it, but I heard the R1 more and the R1 was a great speaker for the money. The RS1 is better in every way. Not the most neutral, uncolored, or controlled speaker on the market, but it gets the music right. It grooves and boogies like Rega is known for. Very easy to drive and a bit forgiving of recording quality and speaker placement. A very fun speaker IMO for a good bit under $1k. I think its about $600 or so? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9666 Registered: Feb-05 | The IAG folks appear to be doin' a good job with the manufacturing end or at least the design end, just appears they have a problem selling the products. BTW George I've heard that of the Ayre gear and in fact the fella who lives in my neighborhood who owns an Ayre system with Italian speakers likes just that kind of sound...warm and fuzzy... I like the sound of the Castle speakers...not sure I'd want ot own them though. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2067 Registered: Jun-05 | Its been 10 years since i heard Castle,and the Shop called Audible Elegance in Cincinnati,Ohio that carried them carried,B&W,Aerial,Linn,Thiel,Magnapan,Martin Logan,Acoustic Energy,and Merlin,so they were way overshadowed but i must admit their build was stunning! |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 247 Registered: Aug-04 | I think IAG has done a good job in terms of quality with Wharfedale; save for their cheap and crapppy grills. The Opus Series is awesome quality. The Evo Series, while being a step down from the Opus, has always been a good bang for the buck in terms of sound and build quality. The Diamonds also present good quality at their price points and some of the Diamond models sound great. The Quad L Series is a has a high quality build standard. They sound good. The 22L simply weren't for me in terms of long term living with them. But that doesn't mean they aren't good. They are. It was just a personal preference in sound, on my part. Everything I have heard and owned in the Jamo C80 and C60 Series is an outstanding value in terms of build quality and sound. With the C80 Series, of course being the highest quality. No real wood veneer finishes as the only caveat. And for me, that hardly matters. They still look real nice. Nothing spectacular. But nice. I don't know what these new IAG manufactored Castle Acoustics models sound like. Although I seem to remember reading something about 8 to 10 months ago that stated they did not sound all that good. I have and still do own several classic Castle Acoustics speakers that were designed and built by the original Castle Acoustics. The Richmond bookshelves, the Warwick 3 and the Conway 3. And those speakers sound very nice. Yeah, those were to the polite side of things and I could see some people disliking them and finding them boring. But I did/do like them. I simply like the Jamo speakers better. Also remember that some of the pre-IAG Castle Acoustics models (such as some of the Howard and Sterling models) were often described as a bit bright. Not all of their speakers had the same sound. Tha Castles were almost what I love in sound preferences. The Jamo's are not an "almost". They slipped right into exactly what I like. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2068 Registered: Jun-05 | Sold the Maggies, Evo2 8's,Diamond 9.1,9.0,Swan M1,and T700F and the big F5's will be sold next week,sorry about the pictures guys,my daugther erased all the pics off of the camera i should have put them on when i had the chance,I reallt appologize for that,and it will never happen again.But on the bright side,I'l have some new 1's for ya,of the av123 ELT 525T for $449,av123 is alive and well,the 525T is awsome I love 2 way 2 woofed towers,build quality is awsome,beautiful rosewood,im savin the rest of the money until i figure out which Chinese monoblock setup i wanna get,and im getting the Sking Ninja full blown custom crossover and No Rez kit for the 525T,i think im set on speakers for my self for a while.Well i got 4 hours of break in time on these sexy babies,so back to the listening chair! |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 795 Registered: Jun-08 | What's going on Tawaun...I thought those F5's were the bees knees!!!! Those were some serious, serious speaks and a real cash outlay... What was the change of heart on those mamoths????? |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 796 Registered: Jun-08 | The AV123 ELT 525T are really handsome and from the pics have a beautiful finish...your price looks to be a steal for them. I just don't know how you're letting those Swan's go. Have you got a buyer? |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2070 Registered: Jun-05 | Well guys the Swans F5's are gone it took all day yesterday to transport them and set them up at the Buyers house,whooo.......exhausting!Since i bought the ELT 525T,being as close as i am to av123,i switched them out just to play with a few models,so now the X-Omni sits in my room in a Moho Natural Diamond finish,they really bring back memories of the Ohms,a bargain at $399 a pair depending on the finish. Well George to answer your question,I still love the F5's they are a true reference speaker,but my dedicated listning room can not support them.As fun as the ELT 525T and the X-omni are,and they are both a step above the Evo2 8's,Swan T700F,and Swan M1,are not quite what im used to hearing after owning the Swan F2.2 & F5, and are nearly on par with the Strata Mini which i owned.So the X-omni is going back monday for the X-static which i gave a lengthy audition at av123 for about 2 hours before i sold the F5's.They are stupid great for the money,and i very much feel for $999 they give the F5's hell,and with the open baffle gives them that space magic without the Maggie and Quad drawbacks,think Dalaquest DQ10 but bigger badder more refined,which is my favorite vintage speaker. Also im shaking up my amplification,im getting a pair of av123 X-mono's that are class D about 150 watts a channel,selling all the stuff that i had has me in a good position to get more gear,but i feel this setup is worthy of their pricetags atleast 5 times over.So this leaves me in a good position for now and a few future purchases and some money in the bank,I heard the X-static and X-mono's using a HK receiver as a pre,and it was awsome same size room as mine and not as furnashed and not as solid as walls as my room,and you know i can do better than the HK receiver as a pre.So for now i will be running the X-static and X-mono thru the new Trends preamp the SE version for $279 this is a killer little piece,and in my room this setup will sound better than my setup with the F5's in my room.Check out the X-static review in the January 2009 issue of the Absolute Sound,Wayne Garcia gave them a top value award on the spot without waiting for their usual golden awards issues,he called them 1 of the biggest bargains he's ever come across,and he's usually very critical with what he likes he's 1 of the better reviwers to me and in the last few years only Tyler Acustics,Aperion,SVS,and Av123 has been the only ID speaker companies to get in the big mags,pretty impressive considering the rediculous "who's who politics.Im quite excited to say the least,and X-static is gonna make me not miss the F5,their price hurt my feelings and what i got for them is frustrating,Chinese speakers have terrible re sale value which is BS to,but for what i got and what im getting makes me not feel as bad about the money because of the performance,especially for a better setup for my room,hey i even got give my daughter a great birthday today and i still got plenty of money in the bank you cant beat that! |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2641 Registered: Oct-04 | Tawuan, It seems like a million-years ago that AV123 announced the X-LS Super Wave Guide, I gave up following the soap-opera over there months ago; do you know what the story is with the SWG? Is it a dead? Chris |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12578 Registered: Dec-04 | Soap opera is being kind. Glad your daughter is doing well, TW. Brand recognition and alliance have always been the goal in North America. Manufacturers who sell in America have always wanted the same thing that militaries have always wished for, which is predictability. That doesn't happen in real life, but being flexible to meet demand is useful. For lots of reasons, widely known to be Chinese products might have a hard time, while brand name imports fill the shelves. Great stuff from high quality audio guys will be niche for a short time, until the first Chinese built cars show up in North America, which will be late this year. The audio guys in China, the ones making really good stuff, are very soon going to be faced with vast expansion done correctly, or stand pat. Or sell to Sony. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2071 Registered: Jun-05 | Chris i dont know,Mark and i just finnally met in person last week,and its been a long time coming.He's had some health issues lately,along with the problems with getting the LS6&LS9's out to people and the bad subwoofer amps in the subs,so he's had a lot on his plate,so some stuff may be on the back bunner right now,while he's taking care of his health problems and the customers for the LS6's&LS9's and subwoofer amps. But on the very bright side,he is getting everything together and they will be back to normal or even better than before.They have plenty of X stock and ELT stock,you can get a pair of X-sls encores for $269 a pair! thats a rediculous steal,I want a pair myself.I'll talk to him tommorrow Chris and see what he says,being the bargain shopper i know you are he has plenty for you right now,$229 for a pair of B-stock X-sls encores! |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2072 Registered: Jun-05 | Thanks Nuck,all this Chinese audio gear vs. the world reminds me of the Grammys,the people that should win,never do,its the american way favortism at the highest level,but when i look around the world at audio,the other big time players with clout,Canada and the UK are in on this rediculous fiasco to,but its all good,like they say in hoop,when a foul is called thats not really a foul and the guy misses both freethrows "The ball never lies" |
Silver Member Username: MordecaiTexas Post Number: 174 Registered: Jan-09 | Tawaun, are you saying the ELT 525's sound better than the EVO2 8's? That is quite a statement considering all the buz around the EVO's lately and the price of the 525's. For $175 I may pick up a pair and compare the two. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2650 Registered: Oct-04 | Tawaun, I'm having a hard time keeping track, what is your current inventory? Do you stil have the Bada gear? |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2077 Registered: Jun-05 | Chris Mark is still gonna release the SWG,yes i still have the Bada gear,the 3.8 Purer SE,is being used as a preamp to run the X-mono's. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2078 Registered: Jun-05 | Mordecai yes thats what im saying,they are just a bit smoother with a slight edge in detail,but even bigger,the 525T's in cherry are on sale for $299,the 525B's were slightly more smooth than the Evo2 8's,but the 525T's are a good ways better than Evo2 8,Evo2 10,Swan T700F,Swan M1,and Swan D2.1SE,and they matched my F5's in several respects they have the power response region nailed down as good as any speaker I've ever heard,and after getting the X-statics setup and a bit of listening,the 525T's are nearly as detailed as them although they dont match their dynamics,bass,and scale.Now dont get the wrong idea,the 525T have bass very nimble bass,with good impact and scale,they have a very beiguling smoothness with tons of detail with real depth to the soundstage the edges of the stage are very defined which is 1 of the things the Swan M1 and 2.1SE done better than the Evo2 8's,the ELT 525T takes that a step further closer to the F5 and the X-static.All thes attributes are very unusual for this price or this conventinal,I've heard speakers 2 to 3 times their retail price that dont deliver what they are capable of.I love the Evo2's but the ELTM's are a step up,the T's several up,as a matter of fact the 525T is best 2 way I've ever heard for under $1k standmount or tower, outside of the X-static,I'd say the 525T is the best speaker I've heard for for $1k and below and now at $299 its a no brainer people run and get them,this is the best deal in audio right now,so start running! |
Platinum Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 11597 Registered: Jun-04 | I just bought a pair of ELT525T's to put up against my evo 10's The looser will be sold. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9840 Registered: Feb-05 | Congrats Evo's ain't goin' anywhere.... |
Silver Member Username: MordecaiTexas Post Number: 179 Registered: Jan-09 | I think this may be to much temptation for me to resist. I called AV123 to make sure they actually had stock on the 525T's and they do. Shipping is $50 so the total is $349 shipped. These are A stock speakers (I thought they were B stock) and the 30 day in home trial is also in effect. So, even if I don't like them I can ship them back. I can use my stands for the main system (was going to buy a pair anyway). I think I agree with Sean. Give it a go and send the looser packing. My only hesitation is that my Evo's are not fully broken in and I would be removing them to listen to the 525's. Now, I trusted Tawaun on the Evo's so I guess I can trust him on the 525's. I figure I may loose a little if I choose the 525's and sell the Evo's but it may be worth it if they are truly the better speaker. The guy at AV123 told me they had 200 pairs so I may think about for a couple of days before I pull the trigger. I'm guessing my NAd 325 won't have any problems pusing the 525's since they are 8ohm speakers. I did notice that the 525's are not biwireable. What is the best brand for jumpers that are not super high priced? Tawaun, are the 525m's enough of a step above the Evos 8's to make a move on them? I know the price is ridiculous so it's a no brainer price wise. I just want to be sure I want towers. The monitors give me a litlle more flexibilty with location. The other concern I have with the towers are stabilility. I have young grandkids that come into my office. Can they tip the towers over? I see they have a wide footing base but just want to be sure. |
Silver Member Username: MordecaiTexas Post Number: 180 Registered: Jan-09 | I just thought of something, I could replace the Acculines in my HT with the 525's. This way I could keep the Evo's. Not sure how much the Acculine A2's would bring though. They sure are a great HT speaker. I will have to think about this for a while. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12602 Registered: Dec-04 | Mord, use the same speaker wire that you use. If the runs are terminated, see if they are soldered or screwed on and replicate. Bare wire is really handy here. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2657 Registered: Oct-04 | Mordecai, you're getting me dizzy. |
Silver Member Username: MordecaiTexas Post Number: 181 Registered: Jan-09 | I know Chris. I'm eventually going to get off this merri-go-round. I am still debating the 525's. I would really like to speak to Tawaun on the phone. Tawaun, would you mind talking to me on the phone? You can send your number to my email Thanks Nuck. I have bare wires (4 leads). I made my last jumpers but thought I'd investigate other options. I think I will use your suggestion. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2081 Registered: Jun-05 | Trust me Mordecai they have plenty of stock,I've been to av123 3 times in the last 2 weeks,they have plenty of b-stock,but way more A-stock,I've actually never seen so many speakers in 1 store,I'll email the number.And glad you love the Evo2 10's Art but 1 once he gets the ELT 525T's the Evo2 8's will be on audiogon,and if you made the move your 10's would be as well.Trust me on this the Evo2 8's were great in their pricerange but never did anything as good as the F5's which retail for $11k,but throw a huge stage,the 525's did several things as good. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2660 Registered: Oct-04 | After the Wharfedales gets here, and if everything is good, I'm done for a while. The next step is get a better listening space, and then I'm gonna audition myself some Gallos & NAD Master Series gear. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2082 Registered: Jun-05 | Mordecai,the 525M is better than the evo2 8's but with the price for the 525T as good as the 525M is the 525T is better at everything its great at by a good ways to,the tower could be your last speaker for a while their that good. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2661 Registered: Oct-04 | Click on this link, not the email link. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9844 Registered: Feb-05 | Good link Chris. I've heard the Apereion which tells me some of what I need to know. Sounds like the 525's have a character that some will prefer to the Evo's but that does not make them any better, just different. |
Silver Member Username: HawkbillyNova Scotia Canada Post Number: 577 Registered: Jul-07 | "I'd say the 525T is the best speaker I've heard for for $1k and below and now at $299 its a no brainer people run and get them,this is the best deal in audio right now,so start running!" Or, stop and listen to the music. I can't keep up with you tire me flat out. With all of this running, what are we chasing exactly ? I feel like I'm watching the Shopping Channel. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9845 Registered: Feb-05 | Like I said I think we need other threads for each of the new purchases. I'm going to follow Chris and stop and listen to the music....which happens to sound fab on the Evo's! |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2662 Registered: Oct-04 | Chris H does indeed make a very good point, live with these speakers for a while, learn what you like & don't like about them. I've lived with the Beta 20 for a few years now and I'm ready to experiment. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2663 Registered: Oct-04 | Art, this is the link I meant to post |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9847 Registered: Feb-05 | That's the link that came up for me when I looked at the other one...hmmm. Same applies as it's exactly what I looked at before. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2664 Registered: Oct-04 | OK then, I originally posted the wrong link. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2084 Registered: Jun-05 | I owned the the Aperion 4T for the 30 day trial and i heard the 5T&6T,and they were very good,but they did not sound like the 525T's they were not as convincing as the 525T in the power response region,very nice but not as good and a totally different sound,very nice airy highs and huge soundstage good bass the 6T has monster bass good detail to and stunning build quality and the best customer service I've ever experianced,but compared with the 525T's preice no competition. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2085 Registered: Jun-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyBrooklyn, NY United States Post Number: 2667 Registered: Oct-04 | Wow! |
Silver Member Username: MordecaiTexas Post Number: 183 Registered: Jan-09 | Are the black speakers in the last picture Ushers? |
Platinum Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 11611 Registered: Jun-04 | Very nice. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2087 Registered: Jun-05 | Thanks guys,Mordecai,the pianoblack speakers are the Swan D2.1SE. |
Silver Member Username: KbearCanada Post Number: 123 Registered: Dec-06 | Whoa (wipes drool) |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2088 Registered: Jun-05 | Thanks Dan,I must admit the X-statics are amazing and beyond that,i cant even pick out what i love best about them,in the Feb. issue of TAS Steven Stone Choose them as his biggest bargain at the Rocky Mountain Fest this is his direct words "Dodd Audio coupled this minusculely priced floorstanding transducer to its 3600/pair 100 watt KT66 monoblocks and $2699 battery powered preamp.The result was as revealing and as musically satisfying as many systems at 10x their price tag.What impressed me the most about the Dodd system was that medicore recordings sounded medicore while well recorded material sounded extroardinary.And isnt that the goal of any high ressolution sound system? Well i cant reallly add to much to that, or word it any better than he did, not to mention the Top Value award by TAS in the Jan. issue review by Wayne Garcia and he is 1 of the hardest reviewers to please,I;ve seen him shoot down $50k speakers 2 different guys from the same publiation at different times you rarely see that with a affordable product.Well I officially dont miss the F5's anymore nor am i salking at the lost money on them,they are great,but not in a real world room,your space wins everytime,the X-static is the best speaker I've ever owned.I have to give special shot out to the X-mono's and all the vets on here knew my previous postions on Class-D amps.Well as everyone has been reading lately their lack of warmth and depth humanity is a thing of the past,they have finnally arrived.I love the amp section in the 3.8SE but using the very good preamp with X-mono's really bring the music to life,and the bass foundation is awsome ,the Class A section in the Purer 3.8SE could only wish for this kind of agility,speed,athority,and extension and low level detail,they are indeed very very impressive their detail is pretty phenominal as is their midrange body and warmth and timing, sweet super extended topend,now im on the hunt for a very good tube preamp,the Trend PA-10 SE might be my choice for now,but i see a Vincent, Xindak,Jungson or a or maybe the Dodd battery preamp down the road. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2089 Registered: Jun-05 | I know my home theater will be ancored around either the ELT's,X-SLS Encore,X-CS Encore,or the X-Omni,im torn between all of them for different reasons,but boy the ELT's musicallity is tough not have,but so is the X-omni's huge soundstage and the SLS's overall swiss knife briliance and the CS's sealed bass,MTM design,efficiencey,and Sonic by-pass caps jeesssshhh......decisions,decisions! |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2095 Registered: Jun-05 | I would have to add the DCM TFE200 and Era D4 & D5 to this list to and the new new Focus Audio FC series budget monitor this looks like a very serious line at their prices and their top of the line 2 woofed 2 way FC9 towers for $1800 were a very big hit at the CES show a few months ago,and their FC7 for $1400 just got a glowing review from Soundstage,plus Focus Audio is 1 of the best speaker companies that knowone knows about. I know the crap that Andre on here and many other forums was spreading about the DCM TFE200 he may have went over the top on them but they are a very very good speaker and they have true thundering bass down to the upper 20's,but its well intergrated with the rest of system,a excellent speaker and 1 of the best at the $1k mark and they can even mix it up with the $2-2.5K range because of their scale and bass. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 2096 Registered: Jun-05 | ....also the GR Reseach kits these will be very awsome once they are completed,and they compete waaaayyyyy....up the price ladder and they have lots of upgrades like Sonic By-pass caps,and No Rez just to name a few, dollar for the Dollar they are without a doubt the best thing going,if you wanna get out your screwdriver and soldier gun. |