Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 658 Registered: Dec-07 | I recently purchased a set of Chord Chameleon Silver Plus interconnects to run between my CD player and amp. Initially, I noticed improved detail but they were bright. Apparently, this light demo pair were not burned in, because they are sounding much better now after a week or so. Now it's on to the speaker cables and I'm thinking of staying with Chord (probably Odyssey 4 or Rumour 4, wired 2x4) but it's difficult to find many here in the US that carry them. There is one distributor listed on Chord's site, but the distributor's web site is pathetic and has no information about where to buy them. So far, Ebay seems to be the only place I can find stores with any selection. A place called Analogue Seduction (Peterborough, UK) is an authorized retailer and has a good selection and good feedback. Used is an option, but then I have to wait to find the right length, terminations, etc, and that could be months. Any other insights or thoughts on how to procure these? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9442 Registered: Feb-05 | The Sound Organization in Dallas is the distributor. I find that their speaker cable is the best part of their line. I had Rumour 4 and it's fabulous....the Odyssey 4 is better yet. Hawthorne Stereo in Seattle and Stereotypes in Portland both carry Chord. |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 660 Registered: Dec-07 | Thanks Art. |
Silver Member Username: LamcamOrange County, CA USA Post Number: 162 Registered: Nov-07 | Neil, I just wonder why don't you use American made cables? Much easier to find and very good quality... |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 665 Registered: Dec-07 | Loc, I hear you. I'll probably upgrade the interconnects from the CD before long. Possibly Acoustic Zen Silver Matrix II or something comparable. Ultimately, I'll need three sets anyway. I got a very good deal on these ICs, so figured I'd give them a try. Just starting down the long and winding cabling road--LOL. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 3635 Registered: Sep-04 | Neil, you should find that Odyssey 4 and EPIC Twin are about the same price. Although EPIC Twin is single-wired it's arguably a better cable. EPIC Twin and Super Twin are Odyssey2 and Odyssey4 respectively, but each has a metal braided sheath over the top which reduces noise significantly. I don't exactly know how it works since it's just an unearthed shield, but it does work... |
Silver Member Username: LamcamOrange County, CA USA Post Number: 163 Registered: Nov-07 | Good luck on the winding road Neil. LOL... |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 673 Registered: Dec-07 | Frank, thank you. The Rumour 4 and Odyssey 4 are recommended by Chord for the interconnect I have. Of course, if I upgrade the interconnect, that opens the speaker cable choice back up. I was thinking a bi-wired cable because I believe it can go either way if the bi-wiring turns out to offer no advantage. |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 674 Registered: Dec-07 | Loc, thanks - I'll need it. |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 680 Registered: Dec-07 | The ICs are the best $150 I've ever spent. If the speaker cables offer anywhere near the improvement, it will be another huge step. The improvements from the ICs have shown me a little of what is possible with HQ cables. Of course, that's a blessing and a curse--LOL. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 3640 Registered: Sep-04 | Oh Ya! That said, my experience with cables is that they depend greatly on the partnering equipment. For example with Naim equipment, the best Chord interconnects for me are the cheapest. Sure, the more expensive cables do many things better than the cheaper ones but the entry level ones (being pure copper) just seem to be a better balace very often. So it rather depends on the equipment too...(hint). |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3264 Registered: May-05 | It also depends on the ears. A better balance for one may be an over or under emphasis on a frequency range for another. |
Silver Member Username: LamcamOrange County, CA USA Post Number: 164 Registered: Nov-07 | I am glad for you don't have to stay on the long and winding road of cables (and expensive).![]() |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 689 Registered: Dec-07 | Thanks Loc. I still may go up the ladder on the ICs a bit. Haven't told the wife yet (she thought I was insane buying the ones for $150 ("when I had a box full of cables") -- still some work in progress there -- LOL). But tonight she blows me away and tells me to just buy the Steve Blinn stands for $1,500 and stop agonizing over it. And don't just buy them for what I have now, buy enough to accommodate what I intend to buy. How fast can you say "stimulus package"? I keep trying to get her to watch that Greek audiophile video that Art sent the link to because I think it would cast me (and "normal" audiophiles) in a good light -- she says "I don't need to see it." I guess that means she already knows I'm insane and doesn't need an additional 20-minute investment to prove it (Mike, some help here please -- she wants to meet you, BTW; I think she and Marsh would get along -- LOL). It's true what they say, we don't understand women. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1874 Registered: May-06 | That's a tough one Neil. Marsh won't go near any type of electronics or audio store with me, same with Half Price Books. One time she did go into Guitar Center with me and had me leave with a Gibson B.B. King Lucille so I could play blues, so I too had one of those "moments" you just experienced Neil. She probably wants to meet me so she can gain an affirmation or appreciation that as insane as you are she could be doing so so much worse. LOL I bet her and Marsh would get along very well. If I am ever back up your way I will let you know. P.S. Those Blinn stands look sweet, I would go for the one with all the MAC gear on it... |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12143 Registered: Dec-04 | Let me know when the meet happens, I will fly down with a paid escort who will agree with anything I say... A good and helpful influence. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1875 Registered: May-06 | Might be better should she agree with anything Neil said? |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12147 Registered: Dec-04 | Who is paying the ferking tab here?!? |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1876 Registered: May-06 | not me ........ LOL |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 694 Registered: Dec-07 | ..A Lucille? Wow. You should see the looks I get when I say I'm going to Guitar Center....and the look of relief when I tell her I'm going for strings. That Blinn stand is probably just warming me up to remodel the bathroom or something--LOL. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12152 Registered: Dec-04 | Say...I might be buying a guitar, mailny for looks, but I want something nice which might hold some value. I have passed around the Gibson newsletter to a few guys, they have a vast collection of retro models this year, and I am drooling. What model might hold good value? I might try to play it, or not. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2165 Registered: Nov-05 | I have a nice red Les Paul Gibson GT Nuck - one of only 400 made - it's yours for $2800 AU + freight. Cheap at twice the price LOL! But then the Gretsch Nashville would look great in your room too. Only $2400 + F. Naw, I'll probably keep the Gretsch it's a real piece of art and sounds fabulous. Think Setzer. Actually, it's too tough a decision - I'll keep 'em for now! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12161 Registered: Dec-04 | Geez, M.R., I feel found, lost and left in one post, LOL! |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 13537 Registered: May-04 | . Nothing holds its value like a product that has already gone through its depreciation period. You should have said something, Nuck, you just missed the Dallas International Guitar Show. It was pretty good if you had cash to spend. I bought a couple of picks. I did play a R. Taylor that was the best Taylor instrument I've ever heard. It was a Cedar and Mahogany mix. Very warm and precise without the brightness of most Taylors, very nice neck. Buy a Collins. Then I'll really be jealous. . |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2167 Registered: Nov-05 | There's some nice instruments around. Nuck, I am selling a few guitars and most likely one of the two I mentioned also though I consider them an investment. I feel a bit selfish with more guitars than I need. However, if I wasn't sure you could do so much better for the bucks over there I'd be serious. Being found, lost and left ain't so bad - especially all at once :-) |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12164 Registered: Dec-04 | Like a one-hit wonder! |