Is the $250 price difference between an AVR 3803 and AVR 2803 worth the expense. I plan to use it with a set of ENERGY Take 5.2 w/10in sub. Or should I consider other brands before I make a final decision
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No--it absolutely isn't worth it for the Take 5.2s. If you are going to get a Denon, the 2803 is a better match than the 3803. But I have a Denon and I don't think it is a good match for the Takes as its sound is rather dry.
If it were me, I would sooner get the NAD 742 from Saturday Audio ( for $449. The NAD has far fewer features (nothing you would miss, though), but it is a much warmer and smoother amp which I think you need with the Takes, which can be a bit rough around the edges. Another good option is the Outlaw 1050, available from Outlaw Audio ( for $499. Also has a smoother sound better suited to the Takes.
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The guy at the store spent all afternoon trying to change my mind about the Energy Takes and he's telling me that KEF KHT 2005 is the way to go. They (4 sats, center and 8in sub) are about $1200. I'm not very familiar with this brand, what do yo think? and thanks for your input.
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By the way , he also suggested a set of Polks RM6600, or should I stick with the Energy. A friend of mine has a set and I just love how they sound. (If you're wondering, I'm working with a budget of $1500 -give and take- for speakers, receiver, and DVD player. Thanks again.