I just wanted to post to the board after much frustration a situation I recently encountered trying to connect a 12V Trigger from my Arcam AVR-200 HT Receiver to my Rotel RCD-1072. I was attempting to use the typical Radio Shack 1/8" mono to mono patch chord.
I notice that my rotel appeared to recognize the mono patch cable immediately (it went into standby as soon at it was connected in the back), but the Arcam 12V Trigger out just didn't seem to work. I then tested the current coming from the Arcam which as not stable or correct.
After much research and reading, it turns out that Arcam accepts only 1/8" Stereo to Stereo patch cables, luckily the Rotel appears to accept either.
Once I changed out the mono patch cable with the stereo cable, everything worked perfectly. I just don't understand why these companies don't better publish information on how 12V Trigger cables work, it seems a lot of high end gear requires it, and there are tons of questions about the standard on the internet, but few answers.
So, my best advice is always try and use a stereo patch cable first, the 3 foot one from Radio Shack for $6 bucks worked like a charm, the mono patch cable is going back...
I hope this helps someone out there that's also fought with 12V Triggers - Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable could post more about the standard. Does it require a constant 12V DC, or just an initial charge? Just curious...