With boston vrm 80's, pioneer elite or denon. Both of which would be the flag ship receivers. Because I know that bostons are on the bright side, but would like to have the denon 5803. I also have the complete vrm surround speaker system. Including sub. 49tx or denon 5803? and please just dont say denon, explain why. Be easy on pioneer elite because I have the 36tx now and have enjoyd it.
Clint Farrell
Posted on
One more thing, I have also considerd the B&K 507, would that be a good match with my vrm's?
Posted on
If you like your Elite 36tx why change? Of course that's what you would expect someone named Elitefan to say. Touch choices at that price point. Glad it's your money not mine good luck!
clint farrell
Posted on
Thank you for the responce elitefan. But I also want to know if the other two are also good match's before I spend time shopping around when they are not even a good match for my vrm's. But you do have a very good piont!
clint farrell
Posted on
My 36tx is acting up. Playing dvd movies on THX EX or ES or standard 7.1 the subs start to make noises in silent parts of movies. Plus my front speaker is now doing the same thing. I think it might be the procesore.
Posted on
Clint, What I meant was if you are happy with the sound of your 36tx then you will be happy with either the Elite 49 or the new 55. I'm not familiar enough with your speakers to give an opinion about compatability with other brands of receivers.If your speakers are on the bright side then an Elite or Marantz or Harmon would be good choice.
clint farrell
Posted on
Thank you elitefan. I am new to this site. This is great to have fanatics like myself to talk to. I love the look of the elite receivers.
I think your speakers are terrible and the Pioneer Elite should be used as a door stop and by the way that 2" TV of yours has a picture like a dirty window. Love Dad ps I post as Johnb
Posted on
Both the Denon 5803 and Pioneer Elite 49Txi are excellent. Ampwise the edge would probably go to the Denon. But I doubt you could hear the difference if you set them both at identical volumes through your speakers. What is VERY nice about the Pioneer Elite is the ilink and the remote. The ilink when used with a Pioneer Elite 47xi DVD player hooks up through fire wire and makes everything so smooth in hookup and in playing SACD, DVD Audio, and DVD Video.
I am confident fire wire or a similar digital connection is the future of all sophisticated equipment and may well work its way down to the less expensive models eventually.
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The new Elite 55txi also has a firewire output so if that is important to you that gives you another choice. Both the 49txi and 5803 weight 63 or 64 pounds so both have massive power supplies and very impressive multichannel power ratings. The 49txi is 144 watts with 6 channels driven at 1 percent distortion[according to Sound&Vision]. I saw a on-line dealer from California who had the 55txi for $1095. Don't remember who but that's the first time I've seen that new model for sale. Another choice would be the Elite 47tx and I've seen that for under $1700 at a few sights. Good luck and let us know what you decide.
Posted on
Here's a suggestion ! Why don't you buy both of them and test them out in your home. Once you do this you will know for sure which you like and take the other back. On another topic, are you set on these two?? I have the complete Boston VRM package with the VRM-90's as mains with the Pv-1000 sub. After searching long and hard (six months) I chose the yamaha Rx-v3300. It sounds incredible. I bought my final three (Denon, Marantz, and Yamaha) choices and went with what sounded best in the environment that matters most. My sound room with my VRM's. Despite this advice I think you are putting to much into trying to "match" the amp with the speakers. By a great amp and enjoy! Oh....another thing....1%THD does not sound like quality to me.